It is known that proverbs are complex structures having several different functions. On the one hand, the proverb are phraseological units, on the other hand - brief and imaginative folklore units, the third - specific means of the world's understanding.

     So the proverbs are poetic, widely used in speech, steady, brief, multi-valued expressions decorated in syntax, summarizing the socio-historical experience of the people.

     As for sayings they differ from proverbs, they are poetry, widely used in speech, steady, brief, often imaginative, sometimes multi-valued, as a rule they are parts of the sentences. They don't represent the socio-historical experience.

If in the last century the main purpose of the sayings and proverbs' study was knowledge of "the spirit of the people", today many people are interested in a purely linguistic features of these units, their use in the art of speech, problems of translation into other languages.

Sources of proverbs and sayings of the most diverse, but above all, we must highlight the direct observation of people's life. At the same time folklore and literature are the sources of proverbs themselves.

The sourses of proverbs and sayings are significant. In English the most famous literary sources are the works of Shakespeare. For example «The biter is sometimes bit» - вор у вора дубинку украл (the Russian equivalent).

In the Russian language the works, fables, fairy tales of Pushkin, Griboyedov and others' became the basis for proverbs. For example: «А Васька слушает да ест», «Любви все возрасты покорны», «Счастливые часов не наблюдают». However a common source for both languages ​​is the Bible. For example: «Don`t cast pearls before swine» («Не мечите бисер перед свиньями»).

Some sayings owes its birth to the very same proverbs, other kinds of folklore, and conversely, some proverbs grew out of sayings. For example, the idiom «To be out of the wood» ( "Выйти. Пройтись") used in the proverb «Do not halloo till you are out of the wood» («Не говори «Гоп!», пока не перескочишь"). They use the saying «голод не тётка», but earlier it looked like «Голод не тётка – пирожка не подсунет». 

Some proverbs have been borrowed from other languages. For example, «The game is no worth the candle» - "Игра не стоит свеч". Russian and English proverbs are absolute calques of the French proverb.

It should be noted that there are phrases and expressions that can not be taken literally, even if you know the meaning of each word and grammatical structure is clear in every language. The meaning of this phrase is unclear and strange. Attempts of literal translation of proverbs and sayings may lead to an unexpected, often absurd results. For example, the English idiom «fat chance» in Russian literally means " жирный шанс ", which means a good chance, but in fact the meaning of the idiom is "no chance." One more example: «That's all I need», which is translated - " это всё , что мне нужно " actually stands for - " этого ещё не хватало" From these examples we can see that the literal translation of phraseological unit has opposite meaning.

The communicative experience of peoples speaking and writing in different languages, suggests that a good translator must not only understand the meaning of the text, but also possess phraseological richness of the language.

     For example: "The pot calls the kettle black". The literal translation of this proverb is: " Горшок обзывает этот чайник чёрным ". To understand this English proverb you need to look for a Russian equivalent: «Чья бы корова мычала , а твоя помолчала». This is more understandable and closer to the Russian people. But if you translate it back into English, you will get the following:"Anyone's cow may moo, but yours should keep quiet".      As we can notice, the initial version is far from the original. Such cases are difficulties for the interpreters.

It is possible to formulate the basic rules for phraseological units' translating:

     1. The search of identical phraseological unit;

     2 can be translated by a similar phraseology unit;

     3. using of a calquing, although this method is not always effective;

     4. double or parallel translation required for the explanation;

     5. If the target language is not of phraseology, so you need to look for partial-word equivalents of phraseology.

     It can be noticed that proverbs can be divided into the following categories:

-English proverbs and sayings that are fully translated into the Russian language in the same way, when English version corresponds to Russian;

«To read between the lines» — Читать между строк.

«Appetite comes with eating» — Аппетит приходит во время еды ;

-English proverbs and sayings, some of which are translated partially different into Russian;

"To kill two birds with one stone" - Убить двух зайцев одним выстрелом ;

-English proverbs, which translated into the Russian language in completely different way, when English version does not correspond to Russian.

"When two Sundays come together".- Когда два вoскрeсeнья будут вмeстe (дoсловный пeрeвoд). П o сл e дождичка в ч e тв e рг (русский aнaлoг).

It is known that proverbs and sayings reflect the rich historical experience of the people, ideas, lifestyle and culture. Correct and appropriate use of proverbs gives a unique identity and special expressiveness to speech.



2. Hornby A.S. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary. NY., 2000.

3.Жалгасов Н.В., Усенова В. Некоторые особенности перевода пословиц и поговорок с английского на русский язык [Электронный ресурс]

4.Жуков В.П. Словарь русских пословиц и поговорок // Библиотека словарей русского языка, 2000.

5. Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка. — М.,1986

6.Комиссаров В.Н. Перевод и интерпретация. // Тетради переводчика. Вып. №19. − М.: Высшая школа, 1982.

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