Exercise 9. Translate the sentences paying attention to Infinitive.

1. Large beams run along the edges of such shells to stiffen them.

2. It is possible to build shells with much less material.

3. Concrete was placed on the cables to create the roof deck.

4. The solution was to carry the entire building on cables suspended from the tops of two towers.

5. There is a truss to keep the towers apart.

6. Walls are made of various materials to serve several functions.

7. An engineer has a lot of work to be done.

8. The walls are designed to support the outer cladding.

9. The lining panels can be removed to give access to the services.

10. Covered halls were built to accommodate small groups of people.

11. These feet-shaped piers are packed with reinforcing rods to take up the tensile stresses.

12. The earth became dense enough to prevent movement.

13. It is important for an engineer to know about different types of the ground.

14. In the 19-th century suspension bridges began to be built of iron chains.


Exercise 10. Read and translate text B with a dictionary. Write five special questions to the text.



We have mentioned about some methods of constructing walls for buildings. All walls are made of different materials. For example, walls are made of brick. The brick walls are laid up with a space between separate vertical parallel walls and connected with occasional cross bricks or metal ties. This method provides «cavity walls».

In areas of possible earthquake damage the «cavity» in brick work and the open cells in concrete units is reinforced with standard reinforcing rods and fully grouted with a soupy mixture of concrete. Normal spacing for vertical reinforcement is 4 at 24" with 4 at 48" horizontal fully, encased in grout up to 10" high. Reinforcement requirements should be shown on the drawings for other situations.

But it is a special part of building called masonry. Masonry is installed with cement mortar at bed and end joints, usually 3/8" or 1/2" thick. The masonry includes a stone or brick work and concrete units. The concrete units are laid in a similar manner, but obviously there is no open space between inner and outer shells. Each unit has an open core. The concrete units are used primarily as foundations, exterior or fire-separation walls. The brick and concrete units are manufactured in standard sizes.


Exercise 11. Read and translate text С without a dictionary.


The most important political contribution of Greek civilization was the invention of democracy in Athens. As with other Greek words, we have no proper equivalent to polis except to render it as "city-state," which says both too much and not enough. The polis was a community of families related by common ancestors a person did not move into or join a city — one was born a member. Those who traveled and lived in cities other than those where they were born were considered resident aliens.

The polis encompassed the farms around it for Greeks preferred to live in the city in close quarters and walk out to their farms, rather than live in isolated farm villas. The polis encompassed the whole communal life of the people, political, cultural, moral, and economic.

To say a polis was a city suggests a size that is too large, for Greeks felt a person ought to be able to cross the entire of the polis on foot in two days. In the Republic Plato described the ideal polis as having 5,000 citizens, and Aristotle wrote in Politics that a person should be able to recognize all the citizens of his polis. Most poleis were roughly this size, although Athens, Syracuse, and Akragas had populations over 20,000. In 430 B.C. the total pop­ulation of the region of Attica including Athens, was roughly 330,000 of which about 15,000 were resident aliens and about 115,000 were slaves in domestic service. Of the remaining 200,000, about 35,000 were male citizens over eighteen and the remainders were women and children.

contribution – вклад

polis – полис

ancestor – предок

resident – житель

alien – чужак

isolate – изолировать

roughly – примерно

row – ряд

erect – возводить

community – населенный пункт, сообщество

Exercise 12. Translate the words :

кирпичная кладка, комната, единица, гончарное изделие, металлическая конструкция, покатая крыша, внутренний, частный дом, облицовывать, производство.

Exercise 13. Note in the texts of this unit:

a. Modal verbs

b. ing-forms

c. ed-forms


Exercise 1. Translate the following:

15 in.; 342 ft.; 15sq. ft.; 25 p.s.i.; 4 p.s.f.; 5 yd.; 100 m.p.h.; 120 r.p.m.; 28 lb.


Exercise 2. Words to be remembered:

temple – храм

ramp up – наращивать

tilt – наклонять

stone pier – каменная опора

radiating – радиальный

curved wall – изогнутая стена

fluted – рифленый

semicircular – полукруглый

sacred – священный

dedicate – посвящать, открывать

barrel vault – полуцилиндрический свод

tier – ряд, ярус


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