A. Absence of antitoxic immunity to the tuberculosis

B. Presence of antibodies for tubercle bacillus

C. Presence of cell immunity to the tuberculosis

D. Absence of cell immunity to the tuberculosis

E. Absence of antibodies for tubercle bacillus

Blood analysis of a patient showed signs of HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus). Which cells does HIV-virus primarily

A. Specialized nervous cells (neurons)

B. Mast cells

C. Cells that contain receptor IgM (B-lymphocytes)

D. Proliferating cells (stem hematoplastic cells)

E. Cells that contain receptor T4 (T-helpers)

 32 During the fetal period of the development in the vascular system of the fetus a large arterial (Botallo's) duct is functioning which converts into $lig.arteriosum$ after birth. What anatomical formations does this duct connect?

A. Aorta and superior vena cava

B. Pulmonary trunk and aorta

C. Right and left auricle

D. Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava

E. Aorta and inferior vena cava

From the nasopharynx of a 5-year-old child a microorganism was excreted which is identical to Corynebacterium diphtheriae dose according to morphological and biochemical signs. Microorganism does not produce exotoxin. As a result of what process can this microorganism become toxigenic?

A. Chromosome mutation

B. Cultivation in the telluric environment

C. Passing through the organism of the sensative animals

D. Growing with antitoxic serum

E. Phage conversion

Red colonies spread in the large quantity in the Endo culture medium were revealed on bacteriological stool examination of a 4-month-old baby with the symptoms of acute bowel infection. What microorganism can it be?

A. Escherichia

B. Streptococcus

C. Salmonella

D. Staphylococcus

E. Shigell

A 40-year-old woman has had a feeling of abdominal discomfort for the past 8 months. On pelvic examination, there is the right adnexal mass. Abdominal CT scan demonstrates a 7 cm cystic mass involving the right ovary with small areas of calcification. The uterus is normal in size. The right fallopian tube and ovary have been removed surgically. Grossly, the mass on sectioning is filled with abundant hair and sebum. Microscopically, the mass has glandular spaces lined by columnar epithelium, squamous epithelium with hair follicles, cartilage, and dense connective tissue. What type of tumour is it?

A. Melanoma

B. Squamous cell carcinoma of ovary

C. Metastase of cervical carcinoma

D. Teratoma

E. Sarcoma of ovary

A microscopic examination of the enlarged neck gland of a 14-year-old girl revealed destruction of the tissue structure of the node, absence of the lymph follicles, sclerotic and necrosis parts. Cell constitution of the node is polymorphous, lymphocites, eosinophiles, atypical cells of the large size with multiple-lobule nuclei (Beresovsky-Shternberg cells) and onenucleus large size cells are observed. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Acute lympholeucosis

B. Fungous mycosis

C. Chronic lympholeucosis

D. Berkitt's lymphoma

E. Lymphogranulomatous

To anaesthetize the manipulation related to burn surface treatment, a patient was intravenously injected a medication for short-acting narcosis. 1 minute later the patient being under anaesthesia had increased blood pressure, tachycardia, increased tone of sceletal muscles; reflexes remained. After awakening the patient had desorientation and visual hallucinations. What medication was the patient injected?

A. Sombrevin

B. Ketamine

C. Diethyl ether

D. Thiopental sodium

E. Nitrous oxide

There is only one hormone among the neurohormones which refers to the derivatives of amino acids according to classification. Point it out:

A. Melatonin

B. Vasopressin

C. Oxytocin

D. Thyroliberin

E. Somatotropin

When a patient with traumatic impairment of the brain was examined, it was discovered that he had stopped to distinguish displacement of an object on the skin. What part of the brain was damaged?

A. Parietal zone of the cortex

B. Posterior central gurus

C. Occipital zone of the cortex

D. Frontal central gurus

E. Frontal zone

 40 A 32-year-old patient has been diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of Bartholin's glands). In what part of the female urogenital system are the Bartholin's glands located?

A. The labia minor

B. The labia major

C. The uterus

D. The clitoris

E. The vagina

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 408; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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