D. Blast cells in peripheral blood

E. Thrombocytopenia


A patient with thrombophlebitis is administered the complex therapy, which influences different stages of clotforming. Which of the given substances contributes to the restoration of the vascular permeability?

A. Fibrinolysin

B. Heparin

C. Acetylsalicylic acid

D. Dipiridamol

E. Neodykumarin


Karyotyping of healthy man cells is carried out. In the karyotype there was found out a fine acrocentric odd chromosome. What chromosome is it?

A. Group C chromosome

B. Group B chromosome

C. Y-chromosome

D. Group A chromosome

E. Х -chromosome


180. A patient with liver disease revealed the decreasing of prothrombin level in the blood. It can, first of all, result in the impairment of:

A. The first phase of the coagulatory hemostasis

B. The second phase of the coagulatory hemostasis

C. Vascular-thrombocytic hemostasis

D. Anticoagulative properties of the blood

E. Fibrinolysis


Patient with pneumonia has intolerance to antibiotics. Which of the combined sulfanilamide medicines should be prescribed to the patient?

A. Biseptol

B. Streptocid

C. Aethazol

D. Natrium sulfacyl

E. Sulfadimethoxine


 182. On the 8th day since the patient was inoculated with antitetanic serum because of dirty wound of his foot he has developed rising temperature up to 38^0 С , pains in the joints, rash and itch. The blood tests revealed leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. Allergic reaction of what type has developed in this case?

A. Anaphylactic

B. Cytotoxic

C. Delayed type of hypersensitivity

D. Stimulating

E. Immunocomplex


A 2-year-old boy has some enlargement of his liver and spleen and cataract. Sugar concentration in blood is elevated but glucose tolerance test is normal. The congenital metabolic disorder of what substance is the cause of this condition?

A. Galactose

B. Sucrose

C. Fructose

D. Glucose

E. Maltose


A 50-year-old patient complains of thirst, drinking of a lot of water, marked polyuria. Blood glucose is 4,8mmol/L, urine glucose and acetone bodies are absent, urine is colorless, specific gravity is 1,002-1,004. What is the cause of polyuria?

A. Hypothyroidism

B. Thyrotoxicosis

C. Aldosteronism

D. Vasopressin insufficiency

E. Insulin insufficiency


After brain injuiry a patient has lost his vision. What zone of the brain cortex is damaged in this case?

A. Temporal and parietal

B. Temporal

C. Occipital

D. Frontal

E. Parietal


 186. A patient with urolithiasis after the examination was administered allopurinol - competitive inhibitor of xanthine oxidase. It was influenced by chemical analysis of the calculuses, which consisted mainly of:

A. Calcium sulphate

B. Calcium oxolate monohydrate

C. Calcium oxolate dihydrate

D. Calcium phosphate

E. Sodium urate


Prozerin, given systematically to the rat, increases skeletal muscles tone. Halothane (phthorothan) causes the relaxation of the skeletal muscles and weakens the effect of prozerin. Determine the nature of interactivity of prozerin and halothane.

A. Direct functional antagonism

B. Indirect functional antagonism

C. Competitive antagonism

D. Independent antagonism

E. Incompetitive antagonism


 188. Processes of repolarisation are disturbed in ventricular myocardium in examined person. It will cause amplitude abnormalities of configuration and duration of the wave:

A. P

B. R

C. Q

D. S

E. Т


A 40-year-old man ran 10 km per 60 minutes. What changes of energy exchange will take place in his muscular tissue?

A. Increase of fatty acids oxidation rate

B. Glyconeogenesis intensification

C. Proteolysis intensification

D. Glycolysis intensification

E. Glycogenolysis intensification



During the merry-go-round riding a 25- year-old woman began having nausia, vomiting and intensive sweat. Activation of which receptors caused the reflex development of these symptoms?

A. Optic receptors

B. Otolith vestibular receptors

C. Proprioreceptors of skeletal muscles

D. Receptors of Corti's organ

E. Vestibular receptors of semicircular duct


191.            The electronic microphoto of kidney fragment has demonstrated the afferent glomerular arteriole, which under its endothelium has giant cells, containing secretory granules. Name the type of these cells:

A. Smoothmuscular

B. Interstitial

C. Juxtaglomerular

D. Mesangial

E. Juxtavascular


During the bacteriological tests of the purulent secreta from urethra there were found bacteria, which according to Gramm were negatively staining, looked like coffee beans. These bacteria were splitting glucose and maltose to acid, they were located inside the leucocytes. The aetiological agent of what disease are these microorganisms?

A. Syphilis

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 454; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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