A. Granulomas with Langhan’s cells

B. Granulomas with Mikulicz’s cells

C. Granulomas with Virchow’s cells

D. Granulomas with foreign body cells

E. Interstitial inflammation

A 46 year-old patient has complained of headache, fatigue, thirst, pains in the spine and joints for the last 2 years. Clinically observed disproportional enlargement of hands, feet, nose, superciliary arches. He notes that he needed to buy bigger shoes three times. What is the main reason of such disproportional enlargement of different parts of the body?

A. Increased sensitivity of the tissues to growth hormone

B. Joints dystrophy development

C. Joints chronic inflammation development

D. Increased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin

E. Cartilaginous tissue proliferation under growth hormone influence

Autopsy of the 58-year-old man hads revealed that mitral valve is deformed, thickened, does not totally close. Microscopically: centers of collagen fibers are eosinophilic, have positive fibrin reaction. The most probable diagnosis is:

A. Fibrinoid inflammation

B. Amyloidosis

C. Mucoid swelling

D. Fibrinoid swelling

E. Hyalinosis

Ovarian tumour was diagnozed in a woman. Surgery should be perfomed. What ligament should be extracted by the surgeon to disconnect the ovary and the uterus?

A. Broad ligament of uterus

B. Suspensory ligament of ovary

C. Lateral umbilical ligament

D. Round ligament of uterus

E. The ovarial ligament

The reason of occurrence of some diseases of an oral cavity is connected with structural peculiarities of its mucous membrane. What morphological attributes characterize these features?

A. Transitional epithelium, no muscularis mucosa

B. Well developed muscularis, no submucosa

C. Transitional epithelium, no submucosa

D. No muscularis mucosa, stratified squamous epithelium

E. Simple columnar ciliated epithelium

There is an inhibited coagulation in the patients with bile ducts obstruction, bleeding due to the low level of absorbtion of a vitamin. What vitamin is in deficiency?

A. К

B. Е

C. D

D. А

E. Carotene

 12 The calcium canals of cardiomyocytes have been blocked on an isolated rabbit's heart. What changes in the heart's activity can happen as a result?

A. Decreased force of the contraction

B. Decreased heart beat rate

C. Decreased rate and force of heart beat

D. Heart stops in diastole

E. Heart stops in systole

During the breakout of acute respiratory infection in order to diagnose influenza the express-diagnosis, based on revealing of specific viral antigen in the examined material (nasopharyngial lavage), is carried out. Which reaction is used for this?

A. Complement binding

B. Precipitation

C. Opsonization

D. Immunofluorescence

E. Agglutination

A 50 year-old patien was injured on the occipital region of the head. The closed skull’s trauma was diagnosed. She was taken to the hospital. The medical examination: deregulation of walking and balance, trembling of arms. What part of brain was injured?

A. The inter-brain

B. The spinal cord

C. The medulla oblongata

D. The mind-brain

E. The cerebellum

An old woman was hospitalized with acute pain, edema in the right hip joint; the movements in the joint are limited. Which bone or part of it was broken?

A. The body of the thigh bone

B. Ischial bone

C. Pubic bone

D. Condyle of the thigh

E. The neck of the thigh

A 63-year-old woman developed symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Their increase of which blood values indicators could be the most significant in proving the diagnosis?

A. R-glycosidase

B. Acid phosphatase

C. Lipoproteids

D. General cholesterol

E. Additive glycosaminoglycans

A 50 year-old patient had hemorrhage of the brain and was taken to the hospital. The place of hemorrhage was revealed on the lateral hemispheres surfaces during the medical examination. What artety was injured?

A. The middle cerebral artery

B. The posterior cerebral artery

C. The anterior cerebral artery

D. The posterior communicating artery

E. The anterior communicating artery

A patient has elbow joint trauma with avulsion of medial epicondyle of humerus. What nerve can be damaged in this trauma?

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 450; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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