Where should the cathetor for evacuation of the lymph from the thoracic lymph duct be


A To the left venous corner

B To the right venous corner

C To the superior vena cava

D To the inferior vena cava

E To the left inguinal vein


A patient has difficulties with hand movement. Examination revealed inflammation of common

Synovial sheath of flexor muscles. It is known from the patient's anamnesis that he got a stab

Wound of finger a week ago. Which finger was most probably damaged?

A Digitus minimus

B Pollex

C Digitus medius

D Index

E Digitus anularis


An injured man has bleeding from branches of carotid artery. For a temporary arrest of bleeding

It is necessary to press the carotid artery to the tubercle of a cervical vertebra. Which vertebra

Is it?







During cytoscopy mucous membrane of urinary bladder normally makes folds except for a

Single triangular area with smooth mucosa. This triangle is located in the following part of urinary


A Bladder floor

B Bladder cervix

C Bladder apex

D Bladder body

E Bladder isthmus


As a result of an accident a patient has intense painfullness and edema of the anterior crus

Surface; dorsal flexion of foot is hindered. Function of which crus muscle is most likely to be


A M.tibialis anterior

B M.flexor digitorum longus

C M.flexor hallucis longus

D M.peroneus longus

E M.peroneus brevis


A 40-year-old patient complains of intensive heartbeats, sweating, nausea, visual impairment,

Arm tremor, hypertension. From his anamnesis: 2 years ago he was diagnosed with

Pheochromocytoma. Hyperproduction of what hormones causes the given pathology?

A Catecholamines

B Aldosterone

C Glucocorticoids


E Thyroidal hormones


A patient who suffers from cancer of back of tongue has an intense bleeding as a result of

Affection of dorsal lingual artery by the tumour. What vessel should be ligated to stop bleeding?

A Lingual artery

B Dorsal lingual artery

C Deep lingual artery

D Facial artery

E Ascending pharyngeal artery


A 58-year-old patient with acute cardiac insufficiency has decreased volume of daily urine -

Oliguria. What is the mechanism of this phenomenon?

A Decreased glomerular filtration

B Decreased number of functioning glomerules

C Drop of oncotic blood pressure

D Rise of hydrostatic blood pressure in capillars

E Reduced permeamility of renal filter


An 18-year-old man was delivered to the hospital after a road accident. Examination at the

Traumatological department revealed multiple injuries of soft tissues of face in the region of the

Medial eye angle. The injuries caused massive haemorrhage. What arterial anastomosis might

Have been damaged in this region?

A a. carotis externa et a. carotis interna

B a. carotis externa et a. subclavia

C a. carotis interna et a. subclavia

D a. subclavia et a. ophthalmica

E a. carotis interna et a. ophthalmica


After a 2 y.o. child has had flu, there appeared complaints about ear ache. A doctor revealed

Hearing impairment and inflammation of the middle ear. How did the infection penetrate into the

Middle ear?

A Through the auditory tube

B Through foramen jugularis

C Through canalis caroticus

D Through atrium mastoideum

E Through canalis nasolacrimalis


A surgeon has to find the common hepatic duct during the operative intervention on account of

Concrements in the gall ducts. The common hepatic duct is located between the leaves of:

A Hepatoduodenal ligament

B Hepatogastric ligament

C Hepatorenal ligament

D Round ligament of liver

E Venous ligament


Cerebral trauma caused increase of ammonia formation. What aminoacid takes part in removal

Of ammonia from cerebral tissue?

A Glutamic

B Tyrosine

C Valine

D Tryptophan

E Lisine


A 40-year-old woman was admitted to the infectious diseases department with high body

Temperature. Objectively: marked meningeal symptoms. A spinal cord punction was made. What

Anatomic formation was puncturated?

A Spatium subarachnoideum

B Spatium subdurale

C Spatium epidurale

D Cavum trigeminale

E Cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 459; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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