Pneumonias. The child was diagnosed with nonclosure of ductus arteriosus. Haemodynamics

Disorder was caused by the intercommunication of the following vessels:  

A Aorta and pulmonary trunk

B Pulmonary trunk and pulmonary veins

C Superior cava and aorta

D Superior cava and pulmonary trunk

E Aorta and pulmonary veins


A 5-year-old child was admitted to the otorhinolaryngological department with diagnosis -

Suppurative inflammation of the middle ear. Disease started from the inflammation of the

Nasopharynx. Through the what canal of the temporal bone did the infection get into the

Tympanic cavity?

A Musculortubal canal

B Tympanic Canaliculus tympanicus

C Carotid canal

D Canaliculus chordal tympani

E Canaliculi caroticotympanici


Inflammation of the tympanic cavity (purulent otitis media) was complicated by inflammation of

Mammillary process sockets. What wall of tympanic cavity did the pus penetrate into the sockets


A Posterior

B Anterior

C Medial

D Lateral

E Superior


A 19-year-old female suffers from tachycardia in rest condition, weight loss, excessive

Sweating, exophtalmos and irritability. What hormone would you expect to find elevated in her


A Thyroxine

B Cortisol

C Mineralocorticoids


E Insulin


A 60-year-old patient was diagnosed with hypothalamic lateral nuclei stroke. What changes in

Patient’s behavior may be expected?

A The rejection of food

B Aggressive behaviour

C Depression

D Thirst

E Unsatisfied hunger


The process of heart transplantation determined the viability of myocardial cells. The

Determination of what myocardium parameter is the most important?

A Rest potential of cardiomyocytes

B Heart temperature

C Concentration of oxygen in heart vessels

D Concentration of calcium-ions in myofibrils

E Concentration of Ca-ions in heart vessels


It is necessary to take the cerebrospinal fluid from a patient with suspected inflammation of

Brain tunics. Diagnostic puncture was performed between the arches of the lumbar vertebras.

During the puncture the needle went through the following ligament:

A Yellow (flaval)

B Iliolumbar

C Anterior longitudinal

D Posterior longitudinal

E Intertransverse


Nowadays about 50 minor bases have been found in the t-RNA structure besides the main four

Nitrogenous bases. Choose the minor nitrogenous base:

A Dihydrouracil

B Uracil

C Cysteine

D Adenine

E Cytosine


Obturative jaundice developed in a 60-year-old patient because of malignant tumour of the big

Papillary of the duodenal. Lumen of what anatomical structure is squeezed with tumour?

A Hepatopancreatic ampulla

B Cystic duct

C Common hepatic duct

D Right hepatic duct

E Left hepatic duct


The patient with thymoma (thymus gland tumour) has cyanosis, extention of subcutaneous

Venous net and edema of the soft tissues of face, neck, upper part of the trunk and upper

Extremities. What venous trunk is pressed with tumour?

A Superior vena cava

B External jugular vein

C Clavicular vein

D Internal jugular vein

E Frontal jugular vein


A patient operated on complicated appendicitis has the following changes of blood count:

erythrocytes - 4,0*1012l, Н b - 120 g/l, color index - 0,9, leukocytes – 18*109l,

Basophils - 0, eosinophils - 0, myelocytes - 0, juvenile - 0, stab neutrophils - 20,

Segmentonuclear neutrophils - 53, lymphocytes - 21, monocytes - 5. How is such nuclear shift

Of leukocytic formula called?

A Degenerative left shift

B Right shift

C Regenerative left shift

D Hyperregenerative

E Regeneratively-degenerative


Patient complains of frequent and difficult urination. Imperfection of what formation can cause


A Prostate

B Testicles

C Bulb-uretic glands

D Testicle adnexa

E Sperm bubbles


Child inspired button. Where is it likely to be?

A In the right main bronchus

B In the left main bronchus

C In the trachea

D In the larynx

E In the gullet


Vegetative abnormalities in the sleep, heat regulation, all kinds of metabolism, diabetes insipidus

Are developing in the patient due to grouth of the tumour in the III ventricle of brain. Irritation of

The nucleus of what part of the brain can cause this symptoms?

A Hypothalamus

B Cerebral peduncles (cruces cerebri)

C Mesencephalic tegmentum

D Pons cerebelli

E Medulla


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 442; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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