Volume is 700 ml. What is the patient's dead space ventilation?

A 2,0 L/min

B 0,7 L/min

C 1,0 L/min

D 4,3 L/min

E -


During investigation of patient, it was found formation in the white substance of cerebral

Hemispheres with location in the knee and frontal part of posterior crus of internal capsule.

Fibres of what conductive tract of the brain will be disrupted?

A Tr. pyramidalis

B Tr. frontothalamicus

C Т r. thalamocorticalis

D Tr. frontopontinus

E Tr. parietooccipitopontinus


Only one factor can influence the charge of amino acid radicals in the active centre of enzyme.

Name this factor:

A pH medium

B Pressure

C Temperature

D The presence of a competitive inhibitor

E The surplus of a product


Succinate dehydrogenase catalyses the dehydrogenation of succinate. Malonic acid

HOOC-CH2-COOH is used to interrupt the action of this enzyme. Choose the inhibition


A Competitive

B Allosteric

C Non-competitive

D Limited proteolysis

E Dephosphorylation


The gluconeogenesis is activated in the liver after intensive physical trainings .What substance

is utilized in gluconeogenesis first of all in this case:

A Lactate

B Pyruvate

C Glucose

D Glutamate

E Alanine


A patient with a stab wound of the anterior stomach wall is in surgical care. What formation of

Abdominal cavity did the stomach contents get into?

A Antegastrial bursa

B Omental bursa

C Hepatic bursa

D Left mesenteric sinus

E Right mesenteric sinus


A patient had been taking glucocorticoids for a long time. When the preparation was withdrawn

He developed the symptoms of disease aggravation, decreased blood pressure and weakness.

What is the reason of this condition?

A Appearance of adrenal insufficiency

B Hyperproduction of ACTH

C Sensibilization

D Habituation

E Cumulation


A patient has tissue ischemia below the knee joint accompanied with intermittent claudication.

What artery occlusion should be suspected?

A Popliteal artery

B Peroneal artery

C Posterior tibial artery

D Anterior tibial artery

E Proximal part of femoral artery


A patient, who suffers from congenital erythropoietic porphyria, has skin photosensitivity. The

Accumulation of what compound in the skin can cause it?

A Uroporphyrinogen 1

B Protoporphyrin

C Uroporphyrinogen 2

D Coproporphyrinogen 3

E Heme


A patient has a malignisation of thoracic part of esophagus. What lymphatic nodes are regional

For this organ?

A Anulus lymphaticus cardiae

B Nodi lymphatici paratrachealis

C Nodi lymphatici prevertebralis

D Nodi lymphatici pericardiales laterales

E Nodi lymphatici mediastinales posteriores


After a trauma of soft tissues in the region of the posterior sorface of medial condyle of

Humerus a patient has got a skin prickle of medial forearm surface. Which of the listed nerves is

Located in the affected region?

A N.ulnaris

B N.musculocutaneu

C N.dorsalis scapularis

D N.subscapularis

E N.radialis


The patient has come to the hospital from the smelting workshop in the condition of

Hyperthermia. What is the direct cause of loss of consciousness at the heat stroke?

A Decreased brain blood supply

B Arterial pressure drop

C Increased water loss through sweating

D Decrease of heart output

E Dilatation of peripheral vessels


A patient's blood was analyzed and the decreased erythrocyte’s sedimentation rate (ESR) was

Discovered. What disease from the listed below is accompanied with decreased ESR?

A Polycytemia

B Hepatitis

C Splenomegaly

D Vitamin B deficiency

E Myocardial infarction


A 55-year-old patien was hospitalized in result of the trauma of the medial group of femoral

Muscles. What kind of movements is the patient unable to do?

A Adduction of femur

B Abduction of femur

C Flexion of femur

D Extension of femur

E Suppination of femur


A mother of a newborn complains of her baby's constant belching with undigested milk. Which

Developmental anomaly is it an evidence of?

A Esophageal atresia

B Labium leporium

C Faux lupinum

D Anal atresia

E Esophageal fistula


During the endoscopy the inflammation of a major papilla of the duodenum and the disturbances

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