Of bile secretion were found. In which part of duodenum were the problems found?

A Descendent part

B Ascendant part

C Bulb

D Upper horizontal part

E Lower horizontal part


A 18-year-old patient came to the out-patient department with the complaints of bleeding trauma

In the vestibule of his nose. On examination: the mechanical injure of the mucous layer of the

Vestibule without continuation into nasal cavity proper. What is the boundary between the

Vestibule and nasal cavity proper?

A Nasal limen

B Nasal roller

C Nasal septa

D Choanes

E Nostrils


A 32-year-old patient has been diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of Bartholin's glands ).

In what part of the female urogenital system are the Bartholin's glands located?

A The labia major

B The labia minor

C The clitoris

D The vagina

E The uterus


A 50 year-old patient had hemorrhage of the brain and was taken to the hospital. The place of

Hemorrhage was revealed on the lateral hemispheres surfaces during the medical examination.

What artety was injured ?

A The middle cerebral artery

B The anterior cerebral artery

C The posterior cerebral artery

D The anterior communicating artery

E The posterior communicating artery


A 30-year-old patient was hospitalized due to bleeding of the facial artery . What place on the

Face has to be pressed to stop bleeding?

A The mandible’s edge

B The mental process

C The mandible’s branch

D The nose’s back

E The molar bone


A 19 year-old patient was diagnosed with appendicitis and was hospitalized. The surgical

Operation on ablating appendix vermiformis is to be performed. What artery must be fixed to

Stop bleeding during the surgical operation?

A The ileocolic artery

B The colica dextra

C The colica media

D The colica sinistra

E The iliac


A 45-year-old man fell on the right knee and felt the acute pain in the joint. On examination:

Severe edema on the anterior surface of the knee joint. Crunching sounds are heard while

Moving the joint. Which bone is destroyed?

A Knee-cap

B Neck of the thigh bone

C Left epicondyle of the thigh

D Right epicondyle of the thigh

E Head of the thigh bone


During the operation on the hip joint of a 5-year-old child her ligament was damaged which

Caused bleeding.What ligament was damaged?

A The head of the thigh

B Perpendicular of the acetabule

C Iliofemoral

D Pubofemoral

E Ischiofemoral


A 6-year-old child fell on the cutting object and traumatized soft tissues between tibia and fibula .

What kind of bone connection was injured?

A Membrane

B Suture

C Ligament

D Fontanel

E Gomphosis


Usually the intravenous injection is done into median cubital vein because it is slightly movable

Due to fixation by the soft tissues. What does it fix in the cubital fossa?

A Aponeurosis of biceps muscle

B Tendon of the triceps muscle

C Brachial muscle

D Brachioradial muscle

E Anconeus muscle


A female patient with a tumour of pancreas has developed mechanic jaundice resulting from

Compression of a bile-excreting duct. Which duct is compressed?

A Ductus choledochus

B Ductus cysticus

C Ductus hepaticus communis

D Ductus hepaticus dexter

E Ductus hepaticus sinister


A 28 year old woman has been diagnosed with extrauterine pregnancy complicated by tha

Fallopian tube rupture. The blood is most likely to penetrate the following peritoneal space:

A Rectouterine

B Vesicouterine

C Right mesenteric sinus

D Left mesenteric sinus

E Intersigmoid sinus


Victim has elbow joint trauma with avulsion of medial epicondyle of humerus. What nerve can be

Damaged in this trauma?

A Ulnar

B Radial

C Musculocutaneous nerve

D Cardiac cutaneous nerve

E Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm


A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the right subcostal

Region, vomiting with blood. Objectively: enlarged liver, varicose veins in the stomach and

Esophagus. Disfunction of what vessel is likely to be?

A Vena porta

B Aorta abdominalis

C Vena hepatica

D Vena cava superior

E Vena cava inferior


Examination of a 2-year-old child revealed physical developmental lag, the child often has

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 455; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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