У р о к 105. Modular Test 1 О

Цель: проверить, как учащиеся усвоили языковой материал модуля 10.

Оборудование: копии контрольных заданий.


Ход урока

Организационный момент

Good afternoon, boys and girls! (Good afternoon, teacher.

- How are you?

- Is anyone away?

Работа по теме урока

Выполнение контрольной работы

(Учащиеся выполняют контрольную работу № 10 из сборника контрольных заданий Spotlight Test Book/et 7. Учитель также может предложить ученикам контрольные задания, приведенные ниже (2 варианта).)

Вариант 1

l. Fill in: headaches, exercise, stressful, ambulance, leg, hurtful. One word is extra.

l) 1 think arguing with parents is very ....

2) Have you ever broken а ... '?

314                                                               Module 1О. Healthy body, healthy mind


3) Lately, l've been suffering from terriЫe ....

4) Gossips сап Ье really ....

5) You look terriЬle! l'll call for an ....

2. Choose the correct answer.

l) Some old people talk to ....

а)themselves                    Ь) himself                        с) them

2) What is Liza doing? - S_he 's looking at ... in the miпor. а) her Ь) herself с) myself

3) Cathy has fallen ... with her friend because he lied to her. а) apart Ь) behind с) out

4) Му old Ьike hasn't fallen ... yet.

а) apart                            Ь) behind                         с) out

5) lfyou have а ... throat, you should have а hot cup oftea. a)ache         b)sore c)ill

6) Your report is very ...

а) inform                         Ь) informative                  с) information

3. Put the verbs into the correct tense.

1) You ... (fee[) cold uпless you wear а coat.

2) 1'11 arrive at 10 am ifthere ... (not Ье) heavy traffic.

3) Unless he ... (stop) smoking, he'll Ье seriously ill.

4) The teacher will Ье angry ifyou (not do) homework.

4. Put the sentences in the correct order to form а dialogue. А) Сап l go to school tomoпow?

В) What's the matter?

С) l've got а headache. 1 feel dizzy апd my throat's sore. О) l'm afraid not. You should stay at home.

Е) Hmm. You have а fever. That means you're coming down with the flue.

Вариант 2

1. Fill in: regular, ankle, ambulance, stress, health, earache. Опе word is extra.

l) This book gives advice оп how to соре with ....

2) l've twisted my .... lt really hurts!

3) lf you have an ... , you should take а painkiller.

4) You should get ... exercise.

5) Primary ... care is based оп caring for people rather than specific diseases.

2. Choose the correct answer.

l) We always do the cleaning ....

а)our                              Ь) ourselves                     с) ours

2) Why don't you do it ... ?

а) yours                           Ь) itself                            с) yourself

3) She hurt her ankle and fell ... the others.

а) apart                            Ь) behind                         с) out

4) Why do you always fall ... with your sister?

а) apart                             Ь) behind                         с) out

5) lfyou have ... eyes, you should wash them with cold water. a)ache b)sore c)ill

Урок 105. Modular Тest 1О                                                                                315


6) This girl is very ....

а)attractive                       Ь) attraction                      с) attract

3. Put the verЬs into the correct tense.

1) lfyou do your homework. 1 ... (take) you to the zoo.

2) You ... (not get) well unless you stop smoking.

3) lf she ... (do) Exercise regularly, she will lose some weight.

4) Unless he ... (help), l'll Ье unaЫe to do it.

4. Put the sentences in the correct order to form а dialogue. А) l've got а toothache. lt hurts when l eat.

В) What's the matter?

С) 1 see. You've chipped this tooth.

D) No, 1 think 1 сап repair it. Е) Аге you going to remove it?


Вариант 1

1. 1 - stressful; 2 - leg; 3 - headaches; 4 - hurtful; 5 - ambulance.

2. 1а,2Ь,Зс,4а,5Ь,6Ь.

3. 1 - will feel; 2 - is not; 3 - stops; 4 - don't do.

4. В, С, Е, А, D.

Вариант 2

1. l - stress; 2 - ankle; 3 - earache; 4 - regular; 5 - health.

2. lb,2c, ЗЬ,4с,5Ь,6а.

3. I - will take; 2 - will not get; 3 - does; 4 - helps.

4. В, А, С, Е, О.)

111. Подведение итогов урока

- Have you all finished? Leave your worksheets on my desk as you go out.

(Ученики сдают работы на проверку.)

- Today I'm not going to set you any homework.  Goodbye!



От автора...................................................................................................................... 3

Тематическое планирование учебного материала.................................................... 4

Module l. Lifestyles

У р о к 1. А city mouse or а country mouse?............................................................. 9

У р о к 2. А city mouse or а country mouse?........................................................... 13

У р о к 3. Better safe than sony................................................................................ 17

Урок 4. Better safe than sony......................................................................... 20

У р о к 5. Hanging out.............................................................................................. 23

Урок 6. Culture Corner: Landmarks of the British Isles............................................ 26

Урок 7. English in Use: Buying ап underground ticket............................................ 30

У р о к 8. Extensive Reading: Mexico City............................................................. 33

У р о к 9. Progress Check 1..................................................................................... 36

Урок I О. Modular Test 1......................................................................................... 38

Урок 11. Peter Рап............................................................................................. 40

Module 2. Tale time

Урок  12. Bookworms.............................................................................................. 46

Урок  13. Bookworms.............................................................................................. 50

Урок 14. А classic read............................................................................................ 53

Урок 15. А classic read.......................................................................................... 56

У р о к  16. Vanished!............................................................................................... 59

У р о к 17. Culture Corner: The Gift of Storytelling................................................. 62

Урок 18. English in Use: Narrating past events....................................................... 65

Урок 19. Extensive Reading: The Canterville Ghost................................................ 68

У р о к 20. Progress Check 2................................................................................... 71

Урок  21. ModularTest2............................................................................................ 73

Module 3. Profiles

У р о к 22. Lead the way!........................................................................................ 77

У р о к 23. Lead the way!......................................................................................... 80

Урок 24. Who's who?............................................................................................. 83

Урок 25. Who's who?............................................................................................ 86

Урок 26. Against all odds......................................................................................... 88

У р о к 27. Culture Corner: The Yeoman Warders.................................................... 92

Урок 28. English in Use: Talking about hobbies/jobs............................................... 94

Урок 29. Extensive Reading: Children in Victorian times......................................... 97

Содержание                                  317

Урок 30. Progress Check 3.................................................................................. 99

Урок 31. ModularTest 3................................................................................... 102

Урок 32. Peter Рап............................................................................................. 104

Module 4. In the news

Урок 33. News stories....................................................................................... 109

У р о к 34. News stories..................................................................................... 112

Урок 35. Did you hear about ... ?.................................................................... 115

Урок 36. Did you hear about ... ?.................................................................... 118

Урок 37. Take action!....................................................................................... 120

Урок 38. Culture Corner: Teenage Magazines............................................. 123

Урок 39. English in Use: Deciding what to watch........................................ 126

Урок 40. Extensive Reading: Turn оп & Tune in......................................... 129

У р о к 41. Progress Check 4........................................................................... 131

Урок  42. ModularTest4.................................................................................... 133

Module 5. What the future holds

Урок  43. Predictions.......................................................................................... 138

Урок  44. Predictions......................................................................................... 141

У р о к 45. Gadget madness............................................................................ 144

Урок 46. Gadget madness............................................................................... 146

Урок  47. What'syouropinion?......................................................................... 149

Урок 48. Culture Corner: High-tech Teens!.................................................. 152

Урок 49. English in Use: Giving instructions................................................ 155

Урок 50. Extensive Reading: Simulating Reality........................................ 158

Урок 51. Progress Check 5............................................................................... 160

Урок  52. ModularTest5.................................................................................... 163

Урок 53. Peter Рап............................................................................................ 165

Module 6. Having fun

У р о к 54. The fun starts here!......................................................................... 170

Урок 55. The fun starts here!........................................................................... 173

Урок 56. Teen camps........................................................................................ 177

Урок  57. Teencamps......................................................................................... 179

Урок 58. А whale of а time!............................................................................ 181

У р о к 59. Culture Corner: Theme Parks....................................................... 185

Урок 60. English in Use: Reserving а place at а summer camp............... 188

У р о к 6]. Extensive Reading: Safe Splashing........................................... 190

Урок 62. Progress Check 6............................................................................... 192

Урок  63. ModularTest6.................................................................................... 194

Module 7. ln the spotlight

Урок 64. Walk offame..................................................................................... 199

Урок 65. Walk of fame.................................................................................... 202

У р о к 66. DVD frenzy!................................................................................... 204

Урок 67. DVD frenzy!...................................................................................... 207

Урок 68. In the charts!..................................................................................... 210

Урок 69. Culture Corner: The National Sport of England.......................... 213

У р о к 70. English in Use: Buying tickets at the cinema............................. 215

У р о к 7l. Extensive Reading: Does this sound familiar?......................... 219

318                                                                                                        Содержание

У р о к 72. Progress Check 7............................................................................. 221

Урок 73. Modular Test 7................................................................................... 223

Урок 74. Peter Рап............................................................................................. 226

Module 8. Green issues

Урок 75. Save the Earth..................................................................................... 231

Урок 76. Save the Earth..................................................................................... 234

Урок  77. Eco-helpers.......................................................................................... 237

Урок  78. Eco-helpers.......................................................................................... 240

Урок 79. Born free.............................................................................................. 242

Урок 80. Culture Corner: Scotland's National Nature Reserves................... 246

У р о к 81. English in Use: Donating money for а cause............................... 249

У р о к 82. Extensive Reading: The Food Chain........................................ 252

Урок 83. Progress Check 8................................................................................. 254

Урок 84. Modular Test 8................................................................................... 257

Module 9. Shopping time

Урок 85. You аге what you eat!...................................................................... 261

У р о к 86. You are what you eat!.................................................................... 265

Урок 87. Сап I hclp you?................................................................................ 267

Урок 88. Сап I help you?................................................................................ 269

Урок 89. Gifts for everyone!.............................................................................. 272

Урок 90. Culture Corner: ldioms and sayings about food............................. 274

Урок 91. English in Use: Expressing thanks and admiration......................... 277

У р о к 92. Extensive Reading: Choices........................................................... 280

Урок 93. Progress Check 9................................................................................. 282

Урок 94. Modular Test 9.................................................................................... 284

Урок 95. Peter Рап............................................................................................. 287

Module 10. Healthy body, healthy mind

У р о к 96. Stress free.......................................................................................... 291

Урок 97. Stress free............................................................................................. 294

Урок 98. Accident-prone.............................................................................. 297

Урок 99. Accident-prone.............................................................................. 299

Урок l 00. Doctor, doctor!................................................................................. 301

Урок 1 О 1. Culture Comer: RFDSA............................................................... 303

Урок 102. English in Use: At the school nurse................................................. 306

Урок l03. Extensive Reading: "Roblnson Crusoe" Ьу Daniel Defoe ... 308 Урок 104. Progress Check 10 311

Урок 105. ModularTest 10............................................................................... 313

Учебно-методическое издание




Наrовицына Ольга Вениаминовна


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