D) They still view Ukraine as an island on the map of Europe coping with problems inherited from the Soviet Union, which are therefore incomprehensible for a common European.

Екзаменаційний тест з дисципліни «Теорія перекладу»

(V курс, спеціальність «Переклад»)

1. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: Адже, по-перше, рішення про закриття Чорнобильської АЕС приймалися і реалізуються під гарантії такої допомоги…По-друге, для людства з кожним днем загострюється потреба в об'єднанні.

a) Firstly, the decision on Chornobyl NPP station has been adopted and implemented under the guarantees of such assistance…Secondly, there is a need for mankind that is aggravated with each passing day for unification.

b) First, they said, there already was a line of applicants…Second, countries of Eastern Europe lacked relevant infrastructure.

c) First of all Ukrainian people and authorities have already gained a full experience in state development…

d) In conclusion, therefore, I would like to thank you, my colleagues, for your contribution to the development of our cooperation.

2. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: Саме тому на завершення хочу подякувати Вам, колеги, за внесок у розвиток нашої співпраці.

a) Firstly, the decision on Chornobyl NPP station has been adopted and implemented under the guarantees of such assistance…Secondly, there is a need for mankind that is aggravated with each passing day for unification.

b) First, they said, there already was a line of applicants…Second, countries of Eastern Europe lacked relevant infrastructure.

c) First of all Ukrainian people and authorities have already gained a full experience in state development…

d) In conclusion, therefore, I would like to thank you, my colleagues, for your contribution to the development of our cooperation.

3. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: По-перше, український народ і органи влади вже мають певний досвід державотворення….

a) Firstly, the decision on Chornobyl NPP station has been adopted and implemented under the guarantees of such assistance…Secondly, there is a need for mankind that is aggravated with each passing day for unification.

b) First, they said, there already was a line of applicants…Second, countries of Eastern Europe lacked relevant infrastructure.

c) First of all Ukrainian people and authorities have already gained a full experience in state development…

d) In conclusion, therefore, I would like to thank you, my colleagues, for your contribution to the development of our cooperation.

4. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: По-перше, за їх словами, вже є черга претендентів… По-друге, у країн Сходу Європи бракує відповідної інфраструктури.

a) Firstly, the decision on Chornobyl NPP station has been adopted and implemented under the guarantees of such assistance…Secondly, there is a need for mankind that is aggravated with each passing day for unification.

b) First, they said, there already was a line of applicants…Second, countries of Eastern Europe lacked relevant infrastructure.

c) First of all Ukrainian people and authorities have already gained a full experience in state development…

d) In conclusion, therefore, I would like to thank you, my colleagues, for your contribution to the development of our cooperation.

5. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: Разом з тим останнiм часом у мiжнародному середовищi вiдбулися значнi змiни.

a) However, significant changes have taken place in the international environment recently.

b) These days, however, the impression of dynamics and calmness is rather misleading. Even such a routine as air travel is perceived by many today as an adventure and quite a real risk.

c) The United Nations is more than a mere tool, however.

d) In spite of economic hardships we are doing our best to create adequate conditions for revival and development of national minorities including the Jewish one.

6. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: Проте Організація Об’єднаних Націй є щось більше, ніж простий інструмент.

a) However, significant changes have taken place in the international environment recently.

b) These days, however, the impression of dynamics and calmness is rather misleading. Even such a routine as air travel is perceived by many today as an adventure and quite a real risk.

c) The United Nations is more than a mere tool, however.

d) In spite of economic hardships we are doing our best to create adequate conditions for revival and development of national minorities including the Jewish one.

7. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: Незважаючи на економічну скруту, ми робимо все, щоб створити належні умови для відродження і подальшого розвитку національних меншин, зокрема, єврейської.

a) However, significant changes have taken place in the international environment recently.

b) These days, however, the impression of dynamics and calmness is rather misleading. Even such a routine as air travel is perceived by many today as an adventure and quite a real risk.

c) The United Nations is more than a mere tool, however.

d) In spite of economic hardships we are doing our best to create adequate conditions for revival and development of national minorities including the Jewish one.

8. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: On the one hand, it is a modern European megalopolis…On the other hand, it is a quiet, comfortable city.

a) З одного боку – це сучасний європейський мегаполiс…З iншого - це затишне, комфортне мiсто.

b) На тлі інших регіонів світу, в цій частині континенту поточний рік принесе середній економічний приріст у розмірі 4,3%.

c) Власне, хочемо мати політичну, економічну, культурну вигоду від своєї присутності у житті світової спільноти.

d) Більшість країн світу страждають від корупції. І коли ми досягли незалежності, корупція процвітала як всередині країни, так і впливала на її відносини з іншими країнами.

9. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: In contrast to other regions of the world, this year economic growth in this part of continent will come to an average of 4,3%.

a) З одного боку – це сучасний європейський мегаполiс…З iншого - це затишне, комфортне мiсто.

b) На тлі інших регіонів світу, в цій частині континенту поточний рік принесе середній економічний приріст у розмірі 4,3%.

c) Власне, хочемо мати політичну, економічну, культурну вигоду від своєї присутності у житті світової спільноти.

d) Більшість країн світу страждають від корупції. І коли ми досягли незалежності, корупція процвітала як всередині країни, так і впливала на її відносини з іншими країнами.

10. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: After all, we strive to achieve political, economic and cultural benefits from our presence in the life of the world community.

a) З одного боку – це сучасний європейський мегаполiс…З iншого - це затишне, комфортне мiсто.

b) На тлі інших регіонів світу, в цій частині континенту поточний рік принесе середній економічний приріст у розмірі 4,3%.

c) Власне, хочемо мати політичну, економічну, культурну вигоду від своєї присутності у житті світової спільноти.

d) Більшість країн світу страждають від корупції. І коли ми досягли незалежності, корупція процвітала як всередині країни, так і впливала на її відносини з іншими країнами.


11. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: The majority of countries of the world suffer from it. And when we achieved independence, corruption prospered at home, influenced its relations with other countries.

a) З одного боку – це сучасний європейський мегаполiс…З iншого - це затишне, комфортне мiсто.

b) На тлі інших регіонів світу, в цій частині континенту поточний рік принесе середній економічний приріст у розмірі 4,3%.

c) Власне, хочемо мати політичну, економічну, культурну вигоду від своєї присутності у житті світової спільноти.

d) Більшість країн світу страждають від корупції. І коли ми досягли незалежності, корупція процвітала як всередині країни, так і впливала на її відносини з іншими країнами.

12. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: Це дає змогу проводити їх зараз радше, рішучіше, осмислено і з вищим ефектом. А також, що не менш важливо, уникати помилок та прорахунків, які досить дорого обійшлися нам на початковому етапі.

a) It provides us with the opportunity to conduct them faster, decisively, in a well thought manner with greater efficiency. And what is not less important we avoid mistakes that cost us a lot at the beginning.

b) At the edge of the centuries and millenniums there is a new era awaiting us, a new one in the post-chornobyl sense as well. Yet, it raises more questions than gives answers to them.

c) Let us repeat - after the pattern of great minds - that wisdom is a daughter of experience. Andthe experience testifies that the content and consequences of technogenic disasters rise above scientific and political and other differences.

d) They still view Ukraine as an island on the map of Europe coping with problems inherited from the Soviet Union, which are therefore incomprehensible for a common European.

13. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: За рубежем віків та тисячоліть нас чекає доба, нова в постчорнобильському сенсі. А вона поки що ставить більше запитань, ніж дає відповідей на них.

a) It provides us with the opportunity to conduct them faster, decisively, in a well thought manner with greater efficiency. And what is not less important we avoid mistakes that cost us a lot at the beginning.

b) At the edge of the centuries and millenniums there is a new era awaiting us, a new one in the post-chornobyl sense as well. Yet, it raises more questions than gives answers to them.

c) Let us repeat - after the pattern of great minds - that wisdom is a daughter of experience. Andthe experience testifies that the content and consequences of technogenic disasters rise above scientific and political and other differences.

d) They still view Ukraine as an island on the map of Europe coping with problems inherited from the Soviet Union, which are therefore incomprehensible for a common European.

14. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: Повторімо ж услід за великими умами, що мудрість - це дочка досвіду. А досвід вчить, що сутність і наслідки техногенних катастроф піднімаються над суспільно-політичними та іншими відмінностями.

a) It provides us with the opportunity to conduct them faster, decisively, in a well thought manner with greater efficiency. And what is not less important we avoid mistakes that cost us a lot at the beginning.

b) At the edge of the centuries and millenniums there is a new era awaiting us, a new one in the post-chornobyl sense as well. Yet, it raises more questions than gives answers to them.

c) Let us repeat - after the pattern of great minds - that wisdom is a daughter of experience. Andthe experience testifies that the content and consequences of technogenic disasters rise above scientific and political and other differences.

d) They still view Ukraine as an island on the map of Europe coping with problems inherited from the Soviet Union, which are therefore incomprehensible for a common European.

15. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: Україна ними досі сприймається як острів на карті Європи, який живе виключно своїми проблемами, здебільшого успадкованими від Радянського Союзу. А тому мало зрозумілими для пересічного європейця.

a) It provides us with the opportunity to conduct them faster, decisively, in a well thought manner with greater efficiency. And what is not less important we avoid mistakes that cost us a lot at the beginning.

b) At the edge of the centuries and millenniums there is a new era awaiting us, a new one in the post-chornobyl sense as well. Yet, it raises more questions than gives answers to them.

c) Let us repeat - after the pattern of great minds - that wisdom is a daughter of experience. Andthe experience testifies that the content and consequences of technogenic disasters rise above scientific and political and other differences.

d) They still view Ukraine as an island on the map of Europe coping with problems inherited from the Soviet Union, which are therefore incomprehensible for a common European.

16. Match the phrase with the corresponding translated equivalents: Враження динамiчностi i спокою, однак, цими днями є досить оманливим. Навiть така повсякденна рiч, як подорож лiтаком, сприймається сьогоднi багатьма як пригода та цiлком реальний ризик.

a) However, significant changes have taken place in the international environment recently.

b) These days, however, the impression of dynamics and calmness is rather misleading. Even such a routine as air travel is perceived by many today as an adventure and quite a real risk.

c) The United Nations is more than a mere tool, however.

d) In spite of economic hardships we are doing our best to create adequate conditions for revival and development of national minorities including the Jewish one.

17. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: Головний його (року) підсумок у тому, що почала виходити на траєкторію піднесення економіка, і стали давати конкретні результати перетворення у різних сферах суспільного життя. Але це був для України і рік серйозних випробувань.

a) The main outcome of the year is the trend towards economic growth and tangible results of the reforms in different areas of social life. But for Ukraine it was also a year of serious tests.

b) I do not want hereby to say that we have resolved today all the problems: of course, we have them, and quite a few of them. But alongside there are positive trends in our development.

c) I want our talk to be the most sincere and frank possible. So, let me share my thoughts and ideas with you.

d) It`s been done at the level of the heads of states, inter alia over the phone, during my visits to Slovenia and Moscow to the CIS Summit, as well as by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

18. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: Я не хочу цим сказати, що сьогоднi ми вирiшили всi проблеми: вони, звичайно ж, є. I їх немало. Але є й позитивнi тенденцiї нашого розвитку.

a) The main outcome of the year is the trend towards economic growth and tangible results of the reforms in different areas of social life. But for Ukraine it was also a year of serious tests.

b) I do not want hereby to say that we have resolved today all the problems: of course, we have them, and quite a few of them. But alongside there are positive trends in our development.

c) I want our talk to be the most sincere and frank possible. So, let me share my thoughts and ideas with you.

d) It`s been done at the level of the heads of states, inter alia over the phone, during my visits to Slovenia and Moscow to the CIS Summit, as well as by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

19. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: Хочу, щоб наша розмова була якомога щирішою й відвертішою. То ж дозвольте поділитися своїми думками й ідеями.

a) The main outcome of the year is the trend towards economic growth and tangible results of the reforms in different areas of social life. But for Ukraine it was also a year of serious tests.

b) I do not want hereby to say that we have resolved today all the problems: of course, we have them, and quite a few of them. But alongside there are positive trends in our development.

c) I want our talk to be the most sincere and frank possible. So, let me share my thoughts and ideas with you.

d) It`s been done at the level of the heads of states, inter alia over the phone, during my visits to Slovenia and Moscow to the CIS Summit, as well as by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

20. Choose the corresponding English equivalent for the following Ukrainian sentence: Це здійснюється як на рівні глав держав, зокрема, в телефонному режимі, в ході моїх нещодавніх поїздок до Словенії і Москви, на саміті СНД, так і зовнішньополітичним відомством.

a) The main outcome of the year is the trend towards economic growth and tangible results of the reforms in different areas of social life. But for Ukraine it was also a year of serious tests.

b) I do not want hereby to say that we have resolved today all the problems: of course, we have them, and quite a few of them. But alongside there are positive trends in our development.

c) I want our talk to be the most sincere and frank possible. So, let me share my thoughts and ideas with you.

d) It`s been done at the level of the heads of states, inter alia over the phone, during my visits to Slovenia and Moscow to the CIS Summit, as well as by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

21. Identify the method of conveying the meaning of negative construction observed on the following example: Bournemouth is nothing, if not conservative. − Борнемут на рідкість консервативний народ.

A) by positive construction

b) by negative construction

c) by a comparative construction

d) by means of semantic analogues

22. Identify the way of conveying the meaning of the following genuine internationalisms: angina – ангіна, symposium – симпозіум, microscope – мікроскоп, stadium – стадіон, drama – драма, duet – дует, solo – соло, tango – танго, embargo – ембарго, club – клуб, chef – шеф, festival – фестиваль, cobra – кобра, kiwi – киви

A) literal translating

b) translating via transcribing/conveying the sounding structure

c) translating by practical transcribing

d) descriptive translating

23. Identify the way of conveying the meaning of the following genuine internationalisms: boom – бум, box – бокс, jeans – джинси, knock-out – нокаут, boulevard – бульвар, bouquet – букет, bourgeoisie – буржуазія, bureau – бюро, drape – драп, prize – приз

a) literal translating

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 166; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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