C) by a finite form of the verb in the perfective aspect

d) an adjective

115. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as a simple nominal predicate of the original sentence: “A gentleman to strike a lady!” – «Щоб чоловікові вдарити/бити жінку!»

A) by an infinitive

b) by an infinitival phrase

c) by an imperative sentence with the verbal predicate in the form of the 1st person, plural

d) by a compound verbal modal predicate

116. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as a simple nominal predicate of the original sentence: His son – descend to this! (F. Norris). – Його синові … так опуститись!

a) by an infinitive

B) by an infinitival phrase

c) by an imperative sentence with the verbal predicate in the form of the 1st person, plural

d) by a compound verbal modal predicate

117. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as a simple nominal predicate of the original sentence: To get back to the matter. – Але повернемося (повернімося) до нашої теми.

a) by an infinitive

b) by an infinitival phrase

c) by an imperative sentence with the verbal predicate in the form of the 1st person, plural

d) by a compound verbal modal predicate

118. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as a simple nominal predicate of the original sentence: To take a very simple analogy. – Можна навести ось таку просту аналогію.

a) by an infinitive

b) by an infinitival phrase

c) by an imperative sentence with the verbal predicate in the form of the 1st person, plural

D) by a compound verbal modal predicate

119. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an object of the original sentence: They want to submita new proposal. – Вони хочуть внести нову пропозицію.

A) by an infinitive

b) by a subordinate clause

c) by a noun

d) by an adjective

120. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an object of the original sentence: They claim tо be working for peace. – Вони стверджують, що працюють заради миру.

a) by an infinitive

B) by a subordinate clause

c) by a noun

d) by an adjective

121. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an attribute of the original sentence: We made a list of the things to be taken. – Ми склали список речей, щоб узяти з собою/які візьмемо з собою/що треба було взяти з собою.

A) by an attributive subordinate clause with a modal verbal predicate

b) by a verbal predicate referring to the future

c) by a finite verbal form

d) by an adjective

122. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an attribute of the original sentence: This question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in London. – Це питання буде обговорюватись на конференції, що незабаром відкриється в Лондоні.

a) by an attributive subordinate clause with a modal verbal predicate

B) by a verbal predicate referring to the future

c) by a finite verbal form

d) by an adjective

123. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an attribute of the original sentence: The shape of things to come is shown by the data obtained by the experts. – Характер майбутніх подій можна визначити на підставі даних, отриманих фахівцями (експертами).

a) by an attributive subordinate clause with a modal verbal predicate

b) by a verbal predicate referring to the future

c) by a finite verbal form

D) by an adjective

124. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an attribute of the original sentence: … there were instructions to be carried out. – … були дані інструкції до/для виконання (які треба було виконати).

A) by a prepositional noun

b) by a verbal noun

c) by an infinitive

d) by an adjective

125. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an attribute of the original sentence: One way to activate the intuitive heuristics is to provide enough data. – Одним із способів використання інтуїтивної евристики є забезпечення достатньої кількості даних.

a) by a prepositional noun

B) by a verbal noun

c) by an infinitive

d) by an adjective

126. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an attribute of the original sentence: But this is not an easy book to read, since it relies on many abbreviatory devices. – Але читати цю книгу нелегко, бо в ній багато різних абревіатур.

a) by a prepositional noun

b) by a verbal noun

C) by an infinitive

d) by an adjective

127. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an adverbial modifierof the original sentence: To achieve this goal, a new approach is adopted. – Для досягнення цієї мети обирається новий підхід.

a) by a homogenous predicate

b) by a finite verbal form

c) by an infinitive

D) by a prepositional noun

128. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an adverbial modifierof the original sentence: In 1928 he resigned his post never to return to public life. – У 1928 році він пішов у відставку і більше ніколи не повертався до громадської діяльності.

A) by a homogenous predicate

b) by a finite verbal form

c) by an infinitive

d) by a prepositional noun

129. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an adverbial modifierof the original sentence: Such examples are too numerous to be treated as exceptions. – Таких прикладів занадто багато, аби трактувати їх як виняток.

a) by a homogenous predicate

b) by a finite verbal form

C) by an infinitive

d) by a prepositional noun

130. Identify the way of translation of the infinitive functioning as an adverbial modifierof the original sentence: Counts for these subcategories were too low to allow generalization. – Числові дані для цих субкатегорій були недостатні, що не дозволило зробити певні висновки.

a) by a homogenous predicate

B) by a finite verbal form

c) by an infinitive

d) by a prepositional noun

131. Identify the way of translating the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction of the following sentence: I do not want this criticism to be misunderstood. – Я не хочу, щоб цю критику інтерпретували не так, як я її виклав.

A) by a subordinate clause

b) by an objective infinitival word-group

c) by a noun

d) by a verbal predicate

132. Identify the way of translating the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction of the following sentence: Slowly, economically, he got dressed and forced himself to walk. – Повільно, збираючись з силами, він одягнувся і змусив себе йти.

a) by a subordinate clause

Дата добавления: 2018-08-06; просмотров: 184; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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