Перепишите предложения, подчеркните подлежащее и сказуе-мое. Определите видо-временную форму сказуемого. Предложения письменно переведите.

1) This bridge was built in 1988.

2) Business letters are usually written on special forms.

3) The matter will be discussed at the next meeting.

4) He had been offered some interesting work.

5) The students are being examined in room 10.

Раскройте скобки, выбирая подходящую форму глагола. Пред-ложения письменно переведите.

1) Flowers (sell, are sold) in shops and in the streets.

2) We (didn’t see, were not seen) him yesterday.

3) I (gave, was given) a very interesting book at the library last Friday.

4) Our teacher (gave, was given) us his phone number.

5) His new book will (finish, be finished) next year.

Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, подче-ркните союзы придаточных предложений.

1) That he has made a mistake is strange.

2) I know that Marie Curie discovered radioactivity.

3) The head of the department said that it would be difficult to reduce production costs.

4) He went to the lecture early because he wanted to get a good seat.

5) He asked us what we thought of his last article in that journal.

Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Подчерк-ните модальные глаголы.

1) You must always think twice before you say anything.

2) He can speak English rather fluently.

3) Don’t touch that! You may get an electric shock.

4) You must never smoke near petrol.

5) He didn’t pass his driving test first time. He had to take it three times.


Перепишите и письменно переведите интернациональные слова.

Solar, transportation, to combine, automotive industry, traditional, passenger, to generate, practical.

Прочтите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и текст.



1 A solar vehicle is an electric vehicle powered by a type of renewable energy, by solar energy obtained from solar panels on the surface (generally, the roof) of the vehicle. Photovoltaic cells convert the Sun's energy directly into electrical energy. Solar vehicles are not practical day-to-day-transportation devices at present.

2 Solar cars combine technology typically used in the aerospace, bicycle, alternative energy and automotive industries. The design of a solar vehicle is severely limited by the energy input into the car. Virtually all solar cars ever built have been for the purpose of solar car races. Like many race cars, the driver's cockpit usually only contains room for one person, although a few cars contain room for a second passenger. They contain some of the features available to drivers of traditional vehicles such as brakes, accelerator, turn signals, rear view mirrors (or camera), ventilation and sometimes cruise control.

3 A solar bicycle or tricycle has the advantage of very low weight and can use the rider’s foot power to supplement the power generated by the solar panel roof. In this way, a comparatively simple and inexpensive vehicle can be driven without the use of any fossil fuels.

4 The first solar «cars» were actually tricycles or quadricycles built with bicycle technology. Today highly developed electric bicycles are available and these use little power. The same system can also work for electric motorcycles, solar ships and solar airplanes.

5 This type of vehicles no doubt is environmentally friendly and will find more and more spheres of practical application.An inventor from Michigan has recently built a street legal, licensed, insured, solar charged electric scooter. But now one practical application for solar-powered vehicles is possibly golf carts.

Выпишите из 4-го абзаца текста предложение, содержащее модальный глагол. Переведите его.

Письменно задайте один общий и один специальный вопрос к 4-му абзацу текста.

В а р и а н т 3

Перепишите прилагательные, запишите их сравнительную и превосходную степени. Переведите.

Thick, clean, near, bad, early, fresh, late, attentive.

Перепишите и письменно переведите только те предложения, которые содержат прилагательные или наречия в сравнительной либо превосходной степени.

1) Iron is the most useful of all metals.

2) Our house is lower than yours.

3) Computers have become the engine for the greatest changes since the industrial revolution.

4) The twenty-second of December is the shortest day of the year.

5) The modern computer age was really started by Alan Turing.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 214; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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