Раскройте скобки, выбирая подходящую форму глагола. Пред-ложения письменно переведите.

1) He (answered, was answered) my question yesterday.

2) Hockey (plays, is played) in winter.

3) At the station they will (meet, be met) their friend from Canada.

4) Nick will (send, be sent) to Moscow next week.

5) These trees (were planted, planted) last autumn.

Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, подчер-кните союзы придаточных предложений.

1) When we shall start our experiment is uncertain.

2) He said that the ship would arrive in Hamburg at 5 o’clock.

3) Do you know anyone who can speak Italian?

4) We came to the lecture just as the professor was speaking about new methods of data processing.

5) I’m late because I have been held up by the traffic.

Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Подчерк-ните модальные глаголы.

1) His German is very poor, he must study very hard.

2) She must be at home; she can't go away because there is no one to look after her sick mother.

3) Look out! There is some oil on the floor. You may slip and get hurt.

4) What are you doing this weekend? – I don’t know yet. I might go to the cinema.

5) You were rude to Kate yesterday. You should ring her up and apologize.

Перепишите и письменно переведите интернациональные слова.

Motor, record, kilometer, infrastructure, engineer, system, airport, regular.


Прочтите текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и текст.



1 Speaking about high speed trains we can't but mention Maglevs (Magnetically levitated trains). These trains are often referred to as Magnetically Levitated trains which is abbreviated to Maglev. A Мaglev train floats about 10 mm above the guiding track on a magnetic field and is propelled by a linear induction motor. A floating train offers certain benefits over conventional steel rail on steel wheel railways. First of all, there is no friction. Note that there will still be air resistance. The second advantage is less noise. The final advantage is speed because Мaglev trains can travel extremely fast, i.e. 500km/h. The highest recorded speed of a Maglev train is 580 kilometers per hour, achieved in Japan in 2003, 6 kilometers per hour faster than the conventional wheel-rail speed record.

2 We must mention several disadvantages with Мaglev trains. Maglev guidance tracks are more costly than conventional steel railways. The other main disadvantage is lack of existing infrastructure. In terms of energy consumption Мaglev trains are slightly better off than conventional trains but they are really more environmentally friendly.

3 Germany was the only country with solid plans for a Мaglev railway. German engineers developed the Transrapid, a high-speed monorail train using magnetic levitation. Based on a patent from 1934, planning of the Transrapid system started in 1969. The test facility for the system was completed in 1987. The Transrapid is an electrically driven, environmentally friendly, high-speed means of transport. German engineers claim also that a maglev guidance track takes up less room. It means that a new guidance track would be less disruptive to the countryside than a conventional high speed railway.

4 In 2000 the Chinese government ordered to build a Transrapid track connecting Shanghai to its International Airport. Now the Shanghai Maglev Train transports people 30 km to the airport in just 7 minutes 20 seconds. Its top speed is 430 km/h. The line was inaugurated in 2002 and regular daily trips started in March 2004.

Выпишите из 4-го абзаца текста предложение, содержащее гла-гол в страдательном залоге, переведите его.

Письменно задайте один общий и один специальный вопрос к 4-му абзацу текста.

В а р и а н т 2

Перепишите прилагательные, запишите их сравнительную и превосходную степени. Переведите.

Heavy, short, dirty, comfortable, quiet, far, low, dry.

Перепишите и письменно переведите только те предложения, которые содержат прилагательные или наречия в сравнительной либо превосходной степени.

1) Solar vehicles are not practical day-to-day-transportation devices at present.

2) This device is extremely small. 

3) This room is smaller than all the rooms in the house. 

4) This exercise is better than the last one.

5) This type of vehicles will find more and more spheres of practical application.


Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 277; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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