Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык, по-ставьте каждое предложение в отрицательную форму. Укажите в скобках видо-временную форму сказуемых.

1) Another scientist has made the simplest type of a solar boiler.

2) It was interesting to talk to that young engineer.

3) The temperature inside the box will go up much more quickly.

4) When we reached the field, the game had already started.

Переведите следующие предложения, подчеркните глаголы в повелительном наклонении.

1) Mind! There is a car coming.

2) Don`t lend him money.

3) Look here!

Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one.

1) He has given me one of his English books.

2) The book that you gave me is very interesting.

3) That she is a good driver is a well-known fact.

4) Is it raining now?

Переведите предложения, подчеркните союз и определите тип придаточного предложения.

1) He met a young man who put some money into the invention.

2) I wonder if you have ever seen him.

3) If I have spare time, I usually go for a walk or read an interesting book.

4) When he was a young boy his greatest interest was painting.


Перепишите и письменно переведите заглавие и текст.




Britain lives by manufacture and trade. For every person employed in agriculture eleven people are employed in mining, manufacturing and building. The United Kingdom is one of the world's largest exporters of manufactured goods per head of population.

Apart from coal and iron ore Britain has very few natural resources and mostly depends on imports. Its agriculture provides only half the hold it needs. The other half and most of the raw materials for its industries such as oil and various metals (copper, zinc, uranium ore and others) have to be imported. Britain also has to import timber, cotton, fruit and farm products.

Britain produces high quality expensive goods, which has always been characteristic of its industry. A shortage of raw materials, as well as the high cost of production makes it unprofitable for British industry to produce semi-finished goods or cheap articles. Britain mostly produces articles requiring skilled labour, such as precision instruments, electronic equipment, chemicals and high quality consumer goods. Britain produces and exports cotton and woolen goods, and articles made of various kinds of synthetic materials.

Britain's industry is now widely dispersed. Great progress was made in the development of new industries such as the aircraft, automobile, electronic industries and others. A number of atomic power reactors were made. Great emphasis was made on the development of the war industry.


Поставьте к тексту пять вопросов различных типов на англий-ском языке.


Чтобы правильно выполнить контрольное задание № 2, необходимо повторить грамматический и лексический материал предыдущего за-дания, прочесть и перевести тексты методических указаний, реко-мендуемых кафедрой, закрепить слова и выражения, усвоить следую-щие грамматические темы:

1 Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

2 Сравнительные конструкции.

3 Пассивный залог.

4 Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

5 Придаточные предложения (дополнительные, определительные, обсто-ятельственные).

6 Структура утвердительных и вопросительных предложений (пов-торение).


В а р и а н т 1

Перепишите прилагательные, запишите их сравнительную и превосходную степени. Переведите.

Big, small, beautiful, efficient, high, fast, well, expensive.


Перепишите и письменно переведите только те предложения, которые содержат прилагательные или наречия в сравнительной либо превосходной степени.

1) Maglev trains can travel extremely fast.

2) In terms of energy consumption Мaglev trains are slightly better off than conventional trains.

3) A Мaglev guidance track takes up less room than a conventional high speed railway.

4) The Transrapid is a high-speed monorail train using magnetic levitation.

5) The highest recorded speed of a Maglev train is 580 kilometers per hour.

Перепишите предложения, подчеркните подлежащее и сказуе-мое. Определите видо-временную форму сказуемого. Предложения письменно переведите.

1) The radio was invented by Popov in 1895.

2) The planets are attached by the sun.

3) The article will have been translated by 7 p.m.

4) Goods are usually examined at custom-houses.

5) He has been given a ticket to the concert.

Дата добавления: 2018-05-12; просмотров: 349; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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