Two passengers want to seat next to each other

In accordance with Aeroflot regulation you must take the seat noted in your boarding pass.

Collecting trays after meal service

Let me clean your table. Any time you need something, I am at your service!

Could you pass me your tray?

A passenger is afraid of flying

-the weather conditional is favourable

-the plain is modern and safe

-the pilots are proffecionals

-if you wish, I can get you some sedative drops.

Commands for emergency landing

In event of emergency landing all PAX on board the aircraft must know what to do. Their safety will depend on carrying out all instructions carefully and calmly. They must remain in the brace for impact position with the seatbelt fastened until the plane comes to a complete stop.

The CAs will order:

-Safety position! Head on your knees! Cross your arms under thighs! –seat belts off! Shoes off! Leave everything! Get out! Open the hatches! Throw them out! –come this way! Jump! Slide! Run away! –exit blocked! Use other exit! –leg, body, leg! Follow arrows! Jump! Slide! Run away!



1) do you have any newspapers and magazines in English?

У вас есть газеты и журналы на английском языке?

2) I wonder if you have my special meal on board.

Мне интересно, есть ли у вас моя специальная еда?

3) I am not sure whether these sun glasses become me

Я не уверен, станут ли эти солнечные очки моими (?)

4) I feel like vomiting


5)where can I find a life vest for my child?

Где я могу найти спасательный жилет для моего ребенка?


1) пожалуйста, оставьте коляску у входа. Ее разместят в грузовом отсеке.

Please leave the stroller at the entrance. It will be placed in the cargo hold

2) желаете что нибудь выпить? У нас есть большой выбор алкогольных и безалкогольных напитков.

Would you like something to drink? We have a big choice of alcoholic and soft beverages.

3) сожалею, но часы на жемчужном браслете проданы. Они пользовались большим спросом сегодня.

I am sorry, but pearl bracelet watch is sold. It has been very popular.

4) этолекарствопомогловам?

Have this medicines helped you? Did this medicines help you?

5)мы возвращаемся в аэропорт по техническим причинам (из-за больного пассажира на борту).

We are returning to the airport for technical reasons (because of the sick pass


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 613; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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