Instruct PAX how to protect from smoke suffocation in case of fire. 

There is some smoke in the (front/tale/middle) part of the cabin. We have initiated all necessary safety procedure. Remain calm. For protection from smoke put a napkin or the headrest cover of your seat over your nose and mouth and lean forward.


Translate the sentences.

1. The gentleman has taken a wrong seat. - Мужчиназанялнеправильноеместо.

2. My husband has spilled tea on his trousers, can you give me more napkins/tissue? - Моймужпролилчайнасвоибрюки, выможетедатьмнеещесалфеток?

3. Whatmajorcreditcarddoyouaccept? - Какие основные кредитные карты вы принимаете?

4. Theoldgentlemensittinginthe 28Chasfainted. - Пожилой мужчина на кресле 28С без сознания/потерял сознание.

5.The safety instruction card is missing in the seat pocket. WherecanIgetit? - Инструкция по безопасности отсутствует в кармашке кресла. Где я могу ее взять?

6. На каком языке вы желаете почитать журнал: на английском или французском? - InwhichlanguagedoyouwanttoreadThemagazine: inEnglishorinFrench?

7. Желаете что-нибудь выпить? У нас есть большой выбор алкогольных и безалкогольных напитков. - Wouldyoulikesomethingtodrink? We have a wide chose alc. And non-alc. drinks.

8. Ваша банкнота склеена. Извините, но она не принимается. - Yourbanknoteisgluedtogether. Sorry, but it isn’t acceptable.

9. Увастемпература? Унасестьжаропонижающее. - Have you got a temperature? We have some febrifuge.

10. Длязащитыотдыманакройтеносиротсалфеткойилиподголовником. - To protect from smoke, cover your nose and mouth with a napkin or a headrest cover.



2. Act out the following situations:

Meet and instruct PAX with pet.

CA: - Good evening, sir. Welcome aboard. May I see your boarding pass?

P: - Yes, please.

CA: - Your seat is in the last row/in the last but one row. Let me show your seat, sir. Follow me, please. This is your seat. Please make yourself comfortable.

P: - Thx a lot.

CA: - Can I ask you to follow some Aeroflot instruction concerning your pet?

P: - What are they?

CA: - Keep your pet in the closed basket/cage during the whole flight and do not feet it. (!!! + only water)

* Keep the guide dog muzzled and tie it to the leg/armrest-of the chair by the dog-line.

Serving starters.

CA: - Would you care for a fish or a meat starter, madam?

P: - Yes, please fish. What is it cooked of?

CA: - Sturgeon/black/red caviar, smoked salmon, salted white fish, crab sticks, with garnish (lettuce liner, tomato wedges, cucumber slices, a lemon wedge, one boiled egg, olives)

P: - Fine

CA: - Here you are. Enjoy your meal.


CA: - Would you like a fish or a meat starter, sir?

P: - No fish. I prefer meat. What is it prepared of?

CA: - Roast beef, ham, bacon, carbonate, chicken roulade, pate with garnish (lettuce liner, tomato wedges, cucumber slices, a lemon wedge, one boiled egg, olives, rolls bread)

P: - It is ham fat or lean?

CA: - It’s lean.

P: - Ok. I don’t mind having a meat starter.

CA: - Here you are. Enjoy your meal.

A PAX wants to by a present for her husband..

CA:- Have you chosen something, madam? We have wide range of high-quality goods.

- We have perfume, cosmetics, Swatches, jewelery, travel goods, toys, confectionery, souvenirs and accessories. Which would you prefer? - With pleasure. Let’s start with the list of perfume or accessories.

P: - Accessories not expensive.

CA: - Does your husband wear tie?

CA: - How do you like with tie with dots print?

CA: - I suppose it will be a very good for your husband’s exacting taste.

Here is receipt.

Give an instruction in the following emergency situation.

Cabin preparation for emergency landing.

In the event of emergency landing all PAX on board the aircraft must know what to do. Their safety will depend on carrying out all instructions carefully and calmly. They must remain in the brace for impact position with the seatbelt fastened until the plane comes to a complete stop.

We are beginning our preparation for emergency landing. Crew members of AFL or other airlines as well as fire fighters and members of Rescue Services are asked to identify themselves to the CA. Remain calm. Follow our instruction. Return the backrest to its upright position and fold up all tables. Open the window blinds. Remove ties and loosen collars. Put on your overcoats. Remove all objects which may cause injury. Put them in your luggage. Place your luggage under the front seat or in the locker. For your own safety leave your luggage on board.

Translate the sentences.

1. Ican’tputmybagundertheseat, itdoesn’tgotherebecauseofit’ssize. -Я не могу положить свою сумку под сиденье, из-за размера она туда не помещается/ она не помещается там.

2. Cutleryismissingonmytray. - Приборы отсутствуют на моем подносе/утеряны с моего подноса.

3. CanIbuysomealcohol? - Могу ли я купить алкоголь/алкогольный напиток?

4. Myneighborhasanosebleeding. - У моего соседа кровотечение из носа.

5. Whereisthelifevestformychild? - Где спасательный жилет для моего ребенка?

6. Япопрошукомандирасделатьпотеплеевсалонеипринесувамчашечкучая. - I’ll ask the captain to make it warmer and I’ll bring a cup of tea for you.

7. Желаетепопробоватьэтовинодотого, какянаполнювашбокал? - Would you care to taste the wine before I pour your glass?

8. НемоглибыВыоплатитьпокупкубезсдачи (точнойсуммой). - Would you pay for the purchase without change (exact amount/sum)?

9. Вы чувствуете себя лучше или хуже? (Вамлучшеилихуже?) - Do you feel better or worse? (Are you better or worse?)

10. Уберите все предметы, которые могут нанести вам повреждения. - Removeallobjectswhichmaycauseinjury.


2. Act out the following situations:

Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 931; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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