Theme 7. The structure and level of scientific knowledge. The methodology of science.

The purpose of the lecture: identifying the structure of scientific knowledge, the analysis of methodology of scientific knowledge.


1. Scientific knowledge as a complex developing system.

2. A variety of methods of scientific research.

3. The modern methodology of scientific knowledge.

Basic concepts: classification of the sciences, philosophical methods, scientific methods, particular methods, techniques of scientific research.


Scientific knowledge as a developing system has complicated structure. The most important characteristic of scientific knowledge is its dynamics. This idea was expressed in the ancient philosophy, and Hegel formulated it in the position that "truth is a process" and not "ready result." The development of knowledge is a complex dialectical process that has certain qualitatively different stages. So, this process can regarded as a movement: the myth - previous-science - classical science - non-classical - postnonclassical.

Science as a developing system includes a number of individual sciences, which in turn divide into many scientific disciplines. Identify structure of science in this aspect; it raises the problem of classification of sciences.

On the subject of knowledge and methods distinguish the science of nature - natural science (mechanic, physics, chemistry, geology, biology), the science of society - Social Studies (social and humanitarian science ) and science of cognition, thinking (logic, epistemology, cognitive science, and others.). A separate group is engineering science. A kind of science is modern mathematics. According to some scientists, it is not a science, but it is an essential element of their thinking. In turn, each group of science can be subjected to a more detailed articulation.

The structure of scientific knowledge can be represented as unity of two main levels - theoretical and empirical. These levels are closely linked. However, unacceptable absolute one of these levels to the detriment of the other, which is typical of empiricism and sсholastic theorizing.

In terms of the interaction of subject and object of scientific knowledge are the following components:

- The subject of science is a key element of it: some researchers, the scientific community, the research team, a society as a whole;

- The object (object, subject area) is what studies this science or scientific discipline. In other words, it's what the researchers focused thought, anything that can be described, perceived named, expressed in thinking;

- A system of methods and techniques specific to this science or scientific discipline, and due to the peculiarities of their subjects;

- A specific language - both natural and artificial (signs, symbols, mathematical equations, chemical formulas, etc.).   

The variety of scientific research methods. One of the important features of scientific knowledge lies in its organization and use a variety of methods. Under the method is understood the set of methods, techniques, rules of cognitive, theoretical and practical, transforming human activities. These techniques, rules, ultimately, are not set arbitrarily, and are developed based on the laws themselves the objects of study.

Therefore, methods of knowledge are as diverse as reality itself. Research methods of knowledge and action are the task of a special discipline - methodology. With all the differences and variety of methods they can be divided into several main groups:

1. Everyone, philosophical methods, the scope of which the most widely. Among them is the dialectical method.

2. Scientific methods, which find application in all or nearly all the sciences. And originality, and unlike the general methods in that they are used at all, but only at certain stages of the process of cognition. For example, induction plays a leading role on the empirical and deduction is at a theoretical level of knowledge, analysis prevails at the initial stage of the investigation, and the synthesis is in the final, etc. In the scientific methods themselves are usually manifested and refraction requirements of general methods.

3. Particular or special methods specific to the individual sciences or practice areas. These are the methods of chemistry or physics, biology or mathematics, or metalworking techniques of construction.

4. Finally, a special group of methods of forming techniques, which are techniques and methods produced solutions to some special, private issues. Choosing the correct methodology is an essential condition for the success of the study.

Modern methodology of scientific knowledge. As a paradigmatic theory of modern science advocates synergy that studies the processes of self-organization and behavior of open no equilibrium systems. Finally, classical concepts of equilibrium, homogeneity and stability as the characteristic features of the world order are fading. The world appears as devoid of guarantees of stability, a new vision of the world in which a special role is attached to the element of chance, instability and irreversibility. The objects of research are complex systems, characterized by openness (ability of the system to the exchange of matter and energy with the environment), linearity (the presence in the many ways its evolution), coherence (coordination of interaction of elements) and self-organization (the presence of processes, self-structuring, self-regulation and self-replication).

However, synergistic vision of the world in modern science includes concepts such as chaos, bifurcation, dissipative structures, attractors, fractals. The new scientific paradigm is based on the approval of non-linearity as a fundamental concept, which manifests itself in the ideas of multi-variant and alternative paths of evolution, understanding the role of constructive instability and randomness. The basic ideas that underpin synergy, is a representation of the formation of the order through chaos, bifurcation changes, the irreversibility of time and the instability of complex systems.

Synergetic is an interdisciplinary area of ​​knowledge, which is aimed at identifying common patterns of self-organization processes. It should be noted that the principle of self-organization is seen as a universal law for the inanimate nature, biological and social processes. The phenomenon of self-organization is recognized as the original property of matter in motion that presents us with another source of non-classical assumption of science.

Synergetic gave the basis for an entirely new understanding of the relationship between scientific and non-scientific (religious, philosophical, mythological, everyday) thinking. Those notions of time and space, the role of randomness, of chaos characteristic of archaic thinking that previously were considered the classic science as unscientific, not related to the knowledge of reality, a kind of synergy obtained in rehabilitation. Prigogine and Stengers attempt to combine Western tradition, attaches paramount importance to experimentation and quantitative formulation and eastern tradition with its notions of changing spontaneously self-organizing world.


Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 2891; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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