Theme 11. The history and philosophy of natural sciences and engineering

The purpose of the lecture: analysis of the history and philosophy of natural sciences and engineering, as well as defining the role of mathematical methods in the formation of scientific knowledge.


1. Natural history as a set of the natural sciences.

2. Mathematical methods and the formation of scientific knowledge.

3. Main problems of contemporary philosophy of technology.

Basic concepts: natural history, mathematical modeling, engineering sciences, philosophy of technology.

Natural history as a set of the natural sciences. Currently, under the natural sciences to understand the precise science, that is the nature of this knowledge, which is based on a scientific experiment, is characterized by the development of theoretical and mathematical form design.

For the development of the special sciences must a general knowledge of nature, comprehensive understanding of its objects and phenomena. For such common representation of each historical epoch produces the appropriate natural science picture of the world.

Modern science is a complex of the natural sciences. It includes such sciences as biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, geography, ecology, and others. The natural sciences are distinguished the object of his study. Each natural science itself is a complex science, encountered at different stages of development of natural science. The current trend of development of science is such that simultaneously with the differentiation of scientific knowledge are the opposite processes - the connection of the individual areas of knowledge, creation of synthetic scientific disciplines. It is important that the combination of scientific disciplines takes place both within the various fields of natural science, as well as between them.

In the natural sciences distinguish between basic and applied science. Basic sciences - physics, chemistry, astronomy - study the basic structure of the world, and applications involved in the use of the results of fundamental research to address both the cognitive and social and practical problems.

Mathematical methods and the formation of scientific knowledge. Classical science has grown on the use of experimental and mathematical methods. The successful use of mathematics to express the natural connections and relations of all natural objects contributed to the belief that scientific (truth, validity) knowledge determined by its mathematization.

"The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics" - claimed by Galileo.

"Every so much knowledge of the truth, as there is mathematics", - says Kant.

Logical harmony strictly deductive character builds universal validity of the conclusions of mathematics created her fame sample of scientific knowledge.

However, the main advantage of mathematics, so attractive to natural scientists, is that it can serve as a source of models, algorithmic schemes for links, relationships, and processes that are the subject of science.

From the middle of the XX century in various fields of human activity have been widely used mathematical methods and computers. Having such new subjects as "mathematical economics", "mathematical chemistry," "computational linguistics", etc., that studying mathematical models of corresponding objects and phenomena, as well as the research methods of these models.

Mathematical model is an approximate description of a class of phenomena or objects of the real world in the language of mathematics. The main objective of the simulation - to explore these objects and predict the results of future observations. However, modeling is also a method of learning about the world, enabling them to manage.

Mathematical modeling, and associated computer experiment, indispensable in cases where the natural experiment is impossible or difficult for one reason or another. For example, you can not put a full-scale experiment in history to see "what would happen if ..." Unable to verify the correctness of a particular cosmological theory. In principle it is possible, but it is hardly reasonable to put the experiment on the spread of a disease, such as plague or a nuclear explosion carried out to study its effects. However, it can be made on the computer, building a pre-mathematical models of the phenomena studied.           

The main problems of contemporary philosophy of technology. Philosophy of Technology - direction of modern philosophy, designed to study the most general laws of development of technology, engineering and technical activities, as well as their place in human culture and contemporary society. Philosophy of technology explores, firstly, the phenomenon of the technique in general, and secondly, not only its immanent development, but also in the development of society as a whole, and finally, thirdly, takes into account a broad historical perspective.

Philosophy of technology raises ethical issues by analyzing the relationship technology, society and nature. Splash of philosophy of technology is caused by the ambiguity of scientific knowledge and technological progress. On the one hand, the modern solution of social and economic problems can only be based on science and technology. On the other hand, it is becoming increasingly apparent limits of economic and technological growth. The belief in the endless technological progress comes up against the limited understanding of natural and social resources. Problems of ethics are perhaps most acute in the philosophy of technology. Several authors have used such an expression as "demonic technology." The technique not only concluded the limitless possibilities of useful but also dangerous - unpredictable disastrous consequences for human use of technology, society, nature. This is the danger of the man as a machine, the impoverishment of his thinking, "mechanization" of the soul; winning material over the spiritual; finally, the obvious and catastrophic destruction of nature.

Thus, the philosophy of technology is the scientific study of philosophy, in the center - a comprehensive philosophical and methodological analysis and social and cultural technology as a complex, holistic, dynamic and controversial phenomenon of modern civilization.

Make a clear distinction between the natural, social and technical sciences at the present level of development can not be because there is a whole range of disciplines that occupy an intermediate position or is complex.

Thus, modern science is developing an extensive range of sciences of nature, characterized by both the ongoing process of differentiation of scientific disciplines and the creation of synthetic and focused on the integration of scientific knowledge.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-13; просмотров: 536; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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