VIII . Знайдіть у тексті речення з дієсловом  to have та ви значіть його функцію в реченнях.

IV . Прочитайте вголос i дайте українські еквіваленти слів і словосполучень:

(a) desire, generation, condition, reminiscent, skill, openwork, to hand over, to distinguish, to inspire, to refine;

(b) decorative art, favourite form, colour combination, a network of workshops, pastel colours, festive design, colour scheme, precious mosaics, artistic form, unique pattern, source of admiration, outer garment, traditional dress.



X . Дайте y кpa їнськi еквіваленти:

-провідне місце, гармонія кольорів,-шліфувати, ремісник, вишивка, відомий, геометричний рисунок, калина, вимагати, широко роэповсюджений, контрастні кольори.

         ХІ Згрупуйте попарно слова, протилежні за значениям:

leading, olden, thick, western, pastel colour, predecessor, distinctive, constant, best, backward, joy, descendant, outer, wide, thin, bright colour, eastern, narrow, new, indistinctive, contrasting colours, sorrow, worst, inner, .accidental,-harmonious colours.

ХІІ. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст; поставте питания до підкреслених слів. Дайте відповіді на питания: Why does the decoration of rushniks occupy a special place in the art of embroidery? Why has each region acquire its own peculiar pattern on the rushniks?


The decoration of rushniks (towels) occupies a special Place in the art of embroidery. The custom of offering one's quests bread and salt on embroidered towels is an old tradition in the Ukraine, as in Russia, Byelorussia, Moldavia and Lithuania, and is a symbol of abundance and hospitality. The rushnik decorates the inside of houses and is an essential part of many rites and festivities.

Over centuries, each region has acquired its own peculiar pattern on the rushniks. Flower patterns are most common in the Central Ukraine.

The Kyiv rushniks are distinguished by the compactness of their pattern. The small rushniks of the Podol area have a great deal in common with Russian folk embroidery. Small ornamental roses, bouquets, fairy-tale birds and figures of horsemen are embroidered on them in bright colours - red, dark blue, green and yellow.

Today the rushniks are playing an increasingly greater role in new Ukrainian customs. The skilled craftsmen are introducing state symbols and emblems into the pattern, along with important dates in history, proverbs and sayings. Special rushniks are embroidered to mark. the anniversaries of Таras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko and other leading figures of the culture of the Ukrainian people. Embroidery is an old, yet eternally new form of folk art.            

             Слова та словосполучення для запам'ятовування:

to shape - надавати вигляду, форми; виливати, формувати;

Custom - звичка; звичай; to offer –пропонувати; abundance - достаток, багатство; велика кількість. Hospitality - гостиннiсть; rite – звичай, обряд, церемонія; festivity –свято,торжество, святкування; to be distinguished by – вiдзначатися, compactness – компактність, pattern - эразок; вiзерунок, узор; to have іn common –мати спільне, bouquet - букет (квітів).

XIII . Прочитаейте текст "Rushniks " ще раз i складiть план його переказу.

XIV . Розкрийте кожний пункт вашого плану 2-3 реченнями з тексту або реченнями, складеними самостійно.

XV . Визначiть, які з тверджень (statements ), наведених нижче, є правильними ( true ), a які неправильними (false ):

1. The decoration of rushniks occupies a special place in the art of carpet-making.

2. A rushnik is a symbol of abundance and hospitality.

3. All regions of the Ukraine have the same pattern on the rushniks.

4. Тhе pattern is compact in the Kyiv rushniks.

5. Craftsmen introduce state symbols and emblems into the pattern of rushniks.

6. Embroidery is a new form of folk art and has no olden traditions.                                

                 XVI . Дайте вiдповiдi на п итан н я:

1. What place does embroidery occupy in Ukrainian decorative art? What does embroidery reflect? 3. How do the artisans polish the art of their predecessors? 4. In what regions of the Ukraine is embroidery spread? 5. Why does Poltava embroidery occupy a special place among colourful Ukrainian embroidery. 6. Why are the works of the craftsmen and artists of the Kyiv Region extremely famous? 7. What is the classical technigue of embroidery of the Podol area? 8. What patterns do the skilled Gutsul embroideresses sew? 9. What embroidery typifies the work of the Kosiv craftsmen?

10. What dress have Lviv designers refined?

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 136; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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