Ukrainian folk decorative art possessed definite features during each historical epoch. Several periods can be defined in the development of folk art.

In the decorative art of the Old Rus period, epic, fairy-­tale themes are interwoven with Christian themes. This can also be observed in the ornaments of those times - floral, animal and other patterns. The decorative art of Kyiv Rus was the source for the development of Ukrainian, Russian and Byelorussian folk art of the 14th-l6th centuries, the period of the formation of the Ukrainian nationality, the Old Rus traditions were still alive. The most widespread patterns during this period were geometrical ornaments.

The 17th century was the period of the Ukrainian people’s struggle for liberation from Polish-Catholic aggression .A typical feature of the Ukrainian decorative art beginning with the 17th century was the diversification of forms and means of expression. Wood carving was employed in architecture, interior decoration and in household objects. Bright, richly ornamented carpets came into every-day use. Firearms, sabres and powder horns with original decoration, metal and wooden utensils with painted and engraved ornaments, and hot-shaped glass began to be manufactured.

 The most significant feature in the destiny of folk art is the fact that the endeavour to encourage it, to preserve its distinctive artistic language has been undertaken through the centuries.

Folk art is the result of a complex manifold process, which combines such features as the level of development of productive forces, the availability of material resources, the surrounding scenery and cultural relations between nations. The surrounding scenery produces different effects on the mode of life and customs of the people. The features of local flora and fauna and the colouration of the landscape influence the character of the decorative pattern and the colour combinations.

VII . Знайдіть присудки в реченнях, визначіть форму часу та стану;

перекладіть речення:

 In the decorative art of the Old Rus period, epic, fairy-tale themes are interwoven with Christian themes. 2. Wood-carving was employed in architecture, interior decoration and in household objects. 3. The most significant features in the destiny of folk art is the fact that the endeavour to encour­age it, to preserve its distinctive artistic language has been undertaken through the centuries. 4. New specialists are trained at the technical school of folk art industries in Kosiv and at the school of applied arts in Vyzhnytsia. 5. Gutsul folk art was never confined to the narrow bounds of utility.



Граматичний коментар:

Дієслово в пасивному стані вказує, що дія виконується не підметом. На рідну мову такий присудок перекладається а) поєднанням дієслова “бути” та дієприкметника; б) дієсловом з закінченням “ся” в) дієсловом в 3-й особі множини активного стану в неозначено – особовому реченні. Наприклад:

The art traditions of Ukrainian weaving were formed during the process of age – long

creative endeavours of the people.

 Were formed – дієслово – присудок у минулому неозначеному часі, пасивний стан.

 У процесі багатовікової творчості народу склалися художні традиції українського ткацтва.

VIII. Прочитайте вголос і дайте українські еквіваленти слів і словосполучень:

(a) to define, to employ, to manufacture, to preserve, fairy – tale, formation, liberation, carpet, custom, feature,colouration, widespread:

(b)  folk decorative art, historical epoch, floral pattern, animal pattern, people’s struggle, typical feature, wood carving, household object, metal utensils, painted ornament, distinctive artistic language, productive forces, material resources, cultural relations, local flora and fauna, colour combinations.

IX. Дайте англійські еквіваленти:

  Джерело, розвиток, доля, виливати, геометричний орнамент, поворотний момент, різноманітність форм і узорів, засоби вираження, оформлення інтер’єру, повсякденне використання, вигравіруваний орнамент, складний багатогранний процес, рівень розвитку, оточуючий пейзаж, спосіб життя.

Х. Перекладіть англійською мовою:

Гуцульщина подарувала світові оригінальне і неповторне народне мистецтво. Різьбярі, килимарі, гончарі, вишивальниці створюють казкові вироби, які високо цінуються не лише в нашій країні, але й в усьому світі .У музеї народного мистецтва Гуцульщини можна побачити вироби з дерева, прикрашені різьбою та інкрустацією, кераміку, різноколірні вишивки, тканини.

Гуцули завжди прагнули прикрасити свій побут. Столи, ліжка, скрині, лавки, посуд та інші предмети домашнього вжитку орнаментувалися різьбою. Металеві вироби народні умільці також прикрашали геометричним орнаментом. Миски, вази, глечики розписувалися рослинними та геометричними мотивами.

ХІ. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст; поставте питання до підкреслених слів. Дайте відповіді на питання:

 Why could the picturesque land of the Ukraine alone have stimulated the predilection for decorating houses and utensils with decorative painting? Why was the motif of the Cossack Mamai common in folk painting of the 17th-18th centuries?


Ukrainian folk art traditions are rooted in the art and cul­ture of ancient Kyivan Rus. For example, Ukrainian folk pictures originated to some extent from the old tradition of decorative painting by peasants. Their picturesque and fertile land alone could have stimulated the local predilection for decorating houses, furniture, dishes, and most wooden utensils. Even in pagan times ornamented windows and door frames were fairly common in the country. Until the eighteenth century plant motifs predominated in the local painted decorations, but later folk artists increasingly leaned toward battle scenes, genre sub­jects, and folklore characters, which had parallels in deco­rations on contemporary tiles, ceramic and glass vessels, and wooden and earthenware toys.                      

Here is one example of the roots of Ukrainian folk art.

In an etching entitled "Presentations in Chigirin" by Taras Shevchenko, a famous nineteenth-century Ukrainian poet and art­ist, one can see the interior of peasant house, on the wall of which hangs a picture of a Cossack seated under a tree strum-ming a pandora. This detail in the print can hardly be accident­al, for the artist was intimately familiar with the life of the Ukrainian peasantry. As a matter of fact, in the seventeenth and. eighteenth centuries this folk painting motif was so common that the depiction of a Cossack with his musical instrument could be seen in every peasant house painted on cardboard, ply­wood, or simply on a whitewashed wall. It became known by its folklore name as Cossack Mamai. The image originated in the sixteenth century and later became stereotyped as a stocky man seated with his legs tucked under him, next to his ever – present black horse. A devoted companion in battles and long marches. His kit and arms hang from tree branches, his spear and free army flag are stuck into the ground, and a decanter of horilra and a glass are at his feet. These pictures were elaborately painted with rustic ingenuity: the Cossack’s shirt collar and sleeves are decorated with the characteristic national embroidery, his sabre glitters, the horse’s mane is neatly brushed. The Cossack typifies the freedom – loving haydamak rebels.


Слова та словосполучення:

 to root – пускати коріння, вкорінюватися; picturesque – живописний, мальовничий; predilection –пристрасть, схильність; utensil – посуд,

приладдя ;pagan times – язичеські часи;  common - спільний;

to predominate – переважати, шанувати; to lean toward – мати нахил до;genre – жанр; манера tile – черепиця, кахля;

vessel - посудина; earthenware – гончарні вироби, кераміка; etching – гравірування, гравюра, офорт;

presentation - подарунок; to strum – бренькати, тринькати;

Pandora - бандура; print – гравюра,естамп;

accidental - випадковий; familiar - загальновідомий; intimately - близько; a matte of fact - насправді;

cardboard - картон; plywood – (клеєна) фанера; whitewashed wall – побілена стіна;

stocky - кремезний; to tuck - підгинати;  kit – ранець речовий мішок;. spear - спис;

elaborately - детально; rustic – простий; ingenuity – майстерність;

embroidery – вишивання, вишивка; sabre - шабля; to glitter - блищати; mane - грива; neatly - aкуратно; to typify - втілювати; rebеl – повстанець, бунтар.



XII . Прочитайте текст ще раз і складіть план до його переказу.

XII І. Розкрийте кожний пункт вашого плану 2-3 реченнями з тексту або реченнями, складеними самостійно.


XIV . Визначіть, які з тверджень ( statements ), наведених нижче, є правильн6ими ( true ), a які неправильними ( falsr ):

1.Ukrainian folk art traditions are not rooted in the art and culture of ancient Kyivan Rus.

2. Plant motifs did not predominate in the local painted decorations until the eighteenth century.

3. Even in pagan times ornamented windows and door framers were common in the village.

4. Taras Shevchenko is a famous seventeenth-century poet and artist.

5. A picture of a Cossack in the print by Taras Ghevchenko is accidental.

6. The depiction of a Cossack with his musical .instrument was common in every peasant house in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

7. The pictures of Cossack Mamai were elaborately painted.


XIV . Передайте зміст тексту "From the History of Ukrainian Folk Art" англійською мовою.

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