IX Поставте дієслова в дужках у відповідний час і стан:

1. We usually (to visit) exhibitions of folk art with pleas­ure, 2, Contacts (to establish) between folk craftsmen and the art lots of factories turning out souvenirs this year. 3. The art of decorative wall painting (to develop) now in an Inter­esting fashion. 4. The works of Ukrainian folk artists exhib­ited at the Festival of Ukrainian Literature and Art (to win) high acclaim. 5. Wood carving (to employ) widely in architect­ure, interior decoration and in household objects in the 17th century

X . Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на модальні дієслова

1. The decor of the objects may be compared with the di­versity of the people»s life. 2. All things, even of one type could be approximately of the same size and similar in shape;

but 'the details, especially the ornamentation and colour com­binations, were different. 3, Many interesting features can be observed in the folk art of different countries.

Граматичний коментар:

Модальне дієслово can (могти) вживається для вираження фізичної або розумової  здібності, вміння або можливості виконати дію; форма минулого часу could ; еквівалент to be able to. Модальне дієслово may (могти) вживається для вираження дозволу, прохання , заборони (у заперечній формі), можливості, припущення; форма минулого часу might; еквівалент to be allowed to (у значенні дозволу, прохання). Модальне дієслово must (повинен) вживається для вираження обов’язку, необхідності, наказу, поради, заборони (у заперечній формі); еквіваленти to have to, to be to .

XI . Зробіть речення стверджувальними:

1. There is no marked tendency to attain expressiveness by means of folk decorative elements. 2. There has been no con­siderable increase In the output of decorative ceramic wares. 3. There has been no rapid growth in the popularity of folk decorative art in our times. 4. There are no works created by the people in the course of many centuries in the Kiev Museum of Folk Decorative Art, the Lviv Museum of Ethnography and Handicrafts and other museums. 5. There were no several periods in the history of the development of folk art in the Ukraine.

XII Поставте питання до підкреслених слів:

1. The state took under its protection the most precious of past eras. 2. The productions of folk artists reflect the customs, tastes and inclinations of the people. Ceramics, wood-carving and decorative fabrics are especial­ly developed in the Gutsul country. 4. The art crafts of the Ukraine now unite twenty thousand craftsmen. 5. The works of Ukraine folk craftsmen embody the rich national culture.

XIII . Прочитайте вголос і дайте українські еквіваленти слів і словосполучень:

 (a) heritage, article, taste, furniture, straw, diversity,

 pattern, wood-curving, bedspread, solution, craftsman, to acquire, to embrace, to distinguish, to attain, to embody;

(b) the first in the world , to take under the protection, integral part, artistic expression, wall painting, floral ornament, geometrical ornament, to occupy an important place.

XIV. Дайте англійські еквіваленти:

Доля, розвиток, віддалений, народне мистецтво, досконалий, відбивати, традиція, схильність, одяг, льон, шкіра, кістка, кераміка, складний, декоративна тканина, колір, кахля, фон, килим, ріст популярності.

XV . Закінчіть речення, використовуючи слова та словосполучення:

wall painting, ornament, folk art, wood-carving, decorative fabrics, stemmed:

1. … has been perfected through the centuries. 2. In the past, Ukrainian folk decorative art … mainly from the peasantry .3. One of the most widespread modes of artistic ex­pression is the with its great diversity of pattern and form. 4. The leading forms of folk art in Podillya are ceramics and … . 5. … is widespread in the south-eastern part of Podillya.6. The … is mainly flat with a purely geomet­rical ornament.

               XVI . Перекладіть речення рідною мовою :

  1. In the decorative art of the Old Rue period, epic, fairy­tale themes, borrowed from folk legends, are interwoven with Christian themes.
  2.  The decorative art of Kyiv Rus was the initial source for the development of Russian, Ukrainian and Byelorussian folk art.
  3. The folk art of the 14th – 16th centuries, the period of the formation of the Ukrainian nationality bears witness to the fact that the Old Rus traditions were still alive, especially, in pottery, although there is a perceptible simplification in some aspects, including ornamentation.

4. Firearms, sabers and ponder horns y with original decoration, metal and wooden utensils with painted and engraved ornaments, and hot-shaped glass began to be manufactured in the 17th century.



XVII . Прочитайте та перекладіть текст; поставте питання до підкреслених слів . Дайте відповіді на питання : Why do handi­crafts constitute an essential element of nation’s culture? Why Is folk art always humanistic?

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