Handicrafts are an essential element of nation’s culture. They originate from customs, rituals, and practical needs, lending beauty to handmade objects while containing age – old tradition. Folk artists often use really available materials, such as clay, wood, bark, cotton, flax, straw, wool, fur and grasses . Polk artists strive to bring out their most expressive qua pleasant appearance and perfect finish. They draw the skills from their ancestors, their own techniques and improvisations. Like legends, ballads, or folk music handicrafts constitute a very important element of nation’s culture. Being originated from community’s customs and practical needs, they eventually develop into sophisticated arts with a rich spiritual content. Though they are concerned with objects for everyday use, these never look drab. Attractive handmade domestic utensils lend a touch of beauty and poetry to the  surroundings in which people live.

Nature, particularly native scenery, is folk art’s main inspiration since people are acutely aware of every feature of their land.

In peasant handicrafts, which originated as ancillary, seasonal occupations centuries ago, traditions have been maintained and developed, and certain conventions have emerged.

But they have not fettered the artist’s individuality or impeded his imagination and skill. The stability of folk art imagery stems from a culture's rigid pattern of customs, rituals, and festivals, which are closely connected with the people's occupations and are influ­enced by such factors as climate and geographical location. Even to this day, some of the earliest ornamental motifs have survived in the art of certain communities although they have gradually undergone transformations and acquired new meaning in keeping with the altered conditions of life,  

The folk artisan is a true guardian of traditional handi­craft forms and styles, for it is he who absorbs from his an­cestors and passes on to his descendants a wealth of carving, painting, weaving, and lace-making techniques. Polk art is al­ways humanistic. It links the work of those who belong to dif­ferent ethnic groups and races, possess different historical backgrounds and even live on different continents.

    Слова та словосполучення для запам’ятовування:

handicraft - ремесло, ручна робота; essential element -  головний елемемент; to originate from - брати початок, походити; custom -   звичка, звичай; practical need - практична потреба;

available - що є в наявності, придатний, корисний.

clay - глина;                                                                                                    bark - кора (дерева);

flax -  льон;                                                                                                                               straw - солома;

skill - майстерність, уміння;                                                                            

anсestor - предок;                                                                                     inspiration - натхнення;           

to constitute - утворювати, складати;                                         eventually - кінець кінцем, зрештою;

sophisticated - ускладнений, витончений; досвідчений у життєвих справах;        spiritual content -  духовний зміст

to be concerned with - цікавитися, займатися;                                     drab - нудний , одноманітний;

utensil - посуд, приладдя;                                                       to be aware of - знати, усвідомлювати;

to strive - старатися, намагатися, докладати зусиль;;

ancillary - підлеглий, службовий, допоміжний;                   to maintain - підтримувати, утримувати;

convention - умовність, звичай, договір;

to emerge - виявлятися, виходити;                                               to fetter - зв”язувати, отримувати;

to impede - затримувати, перешкоджати;

imagery -        образи, скульптура; різьблення; образність;              to stem from - походити від ;

rigid -       жорсткий , твердий, непохитний;

to survive-    витримати, пережити, уціліти;

to undergo -   зазнавати, зносити, переносити;

to acquire -       набувати, здобувати, досягати;                              guardian - охоронець, страж;

artisan -          земісник, майстровий;                                                  descendant - поломок, нащадок;

wealth -          багатство.

XVIII . Прочитайте текст “Folk Art and Nation ”s Culture ” ще раз і складіть план його переказу.

XIX . Розкрийте кожний пункт вашого плану 2 – 3 реченнями з тексту або реченнями, складеними самостійно.

XX . Дайте відповіді на питання:

1. In what Ukrainian art have its roots? 2. What has folk art acquire through the centuries of its development? 3. what the productions of folk artists reflect? 4. What did Ukrainian folk decorative art stem from in the past? 5. why were wares made of linen, wood, bone and other available materials? 6. What is on of the most widespread modes of artistic expression? 7.What patterns does the ornamental painting In Ukrainian folk art include? 8. What are the most important areas where kindred forms of folk art can be found? 9» What is the .folk art' of the Dieter area distinguished by and why? Give your reasons, 30, What is the leading form of folk art in Podillya and why? Prove your statements. 11. What can you say about the folk art of the Gutsul and Lviv regions?

XXI. Визначіть, які з тверджень (statements), наведених нижче, є правильними ( true), а які неправильними ( false):

1. Handicrafts constitute an essential element of nation’s culture,

2. Folk artists do not draw the skills from their ancestor".

3. Nature, particularly native scenery, is folk art’s main inspiration,

4. Handicrafts originate from customs, rituals, and practical needs of people.

5. Being originated from community’s customs and practical needs, handicrafts did not develop into sophisticated arts with a rich spiritual content.

6. Traditions have fettered the artist's individuality and impeded his imagination and skill

7. The folk artisan is a true guardian of traditional handi­craft forms and styles.

8. Folk art is not always humanistic.

Дата добавления: 2019-02-12; просмотров: 128; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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