XXII . Розкажіть, які види народного мистецтва існують у вашому регіоні. Використайте слова та словосполучення уроку.

XX .Завдання: You are a teacher of the History of Arts.

You have a lecture about different kinds of Ukrainian folk art. 

Answer the questions of your students. Use modal verbs.

 XXI. Визначіть, які з тверджень (statements), наведених нижче, є правильними ( true), а які неправильними ( false):

1. Handicrafts constitute an essential element of nation’s culture,

2. Folk artists do not draw the skills from their ancestor".

3. Nature, particularly native scenery, is folk art’s main inspiration,

4. Handicrafts originate from customs, rituals, and practical needs of people.

5. Being originated from community’s customs and practical needs, handicrafts did not develop into sophisticated arts with a rich spiritual content.

6. Traditions have fettered the artist's individuality and impeded his imagination and skill

7. The folk artisan is a true guardian of traditional handi­craft forms and styles.

8. Folk art is not always humanistic.


XIV . Визначіть, які з тверджень ( statements ), наведених нижче, є правильн6ими ( true ), a які неправильними ( false ):

1.Ukrainian folk art traditions are not rooted in the art and culture of ancient Kyivan Rus.

2. Plant motifs did not predominate in the local painted decorations until the eighteenth century.

3. Even in pagan times ornamented windows and door framers were common in the village.

4. Taras Shevchenko is a famous seventeenth-century poet and artist.

5. A picture of a Cossack in the print by Taras Ghevchenko is accidental.

6. The depiction of a Cossack with his musical .instrument was common in every peasant house in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

7. The pictures of Cossack Mamai were elaborately painted.


XV І. Визначіть, які з тверджень (statements ), наведених нижче, є правильними (true ), a які неправильними (false ):

1. The urban potters of Kosiv employed the same approach as the potters from other areas.

 2. The potters of Kosiv coloured the incised design on their


3. The traditional system of ornamentation was based on simple geometric patterns,

4. It was in M. Kowalsky’s work that the comic image of the Austrian soldier appeared for the first time in Gutsul ceramics.

5. Most of the tilework compositions of B. Baranyuk and. 0. Bakhmatyuk are in contrast with Gutsul folklore.

6. Animals are depicted on the works of the folk artist Pavlina Tsvilik from Kosiv.

7. The timeof the greatest prosperity of Gutsul ceramics was in the second half of the nineteenth century.


Lesson 2


І. Прочитайте слова та запам’ятайте їх вимову :

Feature -                         fairy-tale -

Interwoven -                   Christian –

Catholic -                        Byelorussian -

                              expression –                     alive –

                              Interior –                          diversification

                              bright –                             sabre –

                               utensil -                            endeavour –

                               availability -                     encourage –

                               language –                      resourse –

                               scenery –   

 ІІ . Запам’ятайте слова та словосполучення:

To possess - володіти; definite feature – певна риса; to define – визначити;

to interweave -переплітати ; to observe - cпостерігати;

diversification - різноманітність; means of expression – засоби вираження; wood carving – різьба по дереву; household object – предмет домашнього вживання; firearms – вогнепальна зброя; sabre - шабля; powder'horn – ріжок для пороху; utensil  - nocyд, destiny - доля; endeavour -

намагання, зусилля; to encourage- заохочувати; to preserve distinctive artisticlanguage - зберегти характерну художню мову;

to undertake (undertook. undertaken) - починати, братися; зобов’язуватися; manifold process – різнобічний процес; level of development – рівень розвиткy; availability - наявність; surrounding scenery – навколишній пейзаж.

ІІІ. Утворіть іменники від

 а) дієслів за допомогою суфіксів:

-ment, -ation, -ion; б) іменників за допомогою суфіксів: ity,

-ure, -ation; b)  прикметників за допомогою суфіксів -ation


(a) to develop, to form, to diversify, to express, to decоrate, to combine

(b) nation, architect, colour;

(c) liberal, available.

IV. Утворіть прикметники від а) іменників за допомогою суфіксів: -an, -al, -ish, -ic; б) дієслів за допомогою суфіксів - ive, -it, -ent.

(a) Ukraine, history, Russia, Byelorussia, geometry, Pole, type, origin, artist, culture;

(b) to decorate, to define, to produce, to differ.

V . Перекладіть слова без словника :

decorative, epoch, period, epic, theme, ornament, flora, formation, nation, geometrical, type, form, aggression, ex­pression, architecture, interior, object, original, metal, complex, factor, productive, resourse, effect, local, fauna, character, combination,

VI . Прочитайте та перекладіть текст :

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