XV І. Розкажіть про відвідування вами музею етнографії та народного промислу. Використайте слова та словосполучення уроку 2.


XV ІІ.Завдання:

You are writing an essay about the history of Ukrainian

Folk art. What important information would you like to include into your essay ? Use passive voice.




I . Прочитайте слова та запам’ятайте їх вимову:

embrace ; mountain; prominently; varied ; majestic; picturesque; Carpathian;ceramics;   embroidery; salon; leather; flourish ; either ; souvenir ; knowledge ;


ІІ. Запам’ятайте слова та словосполучення :

To embrace - охоплювати; to stand out – виділятися, вирізнятися; prominent – видатний, визначний, відомий; majestic -величний; picturesque – живописний, мальовничий, колоритний;

Embroidery -вишивка; metal-chasing – граверна робота по металу; leather tooling – обробка шкіри; carpet-making –килимарство;  to flourish - процвітати; potter - гончар; sample – зразок; to hand down – передавати нащадкам; to perfect one”s knowledge – удосконалювати знання.

ІІІ. Виділіть в словах відомі вам суфікси та префікси, поясніть, до яких частин мови відносяться слова:

Prominently, artistic, tooling, production, association, collective, generation, knowledge, secondary.

IV . Поясніть, за допомогою якого способу словотворення утворені такі слова. Перекладіть слова:

within, landscape, wood-carving, metal-chasing, carpet-making, workshop, countryside, craftsman, household.

 V .Назвіть інфінітиви таких дієслівних форм:

 Embrace, developed, is, has,are, made, displayed.        

V І. Прочитайте текст і перекладіть його усно або письмово :


The Gutsul ethnological group of the Ukrainians inhabits the highland district of three regions of the Ukraine: Ivano-Frankivsk (in the valleys of the Prut and the Black Cheremosh), Chernivtsy (along the White Cheremosh) and Transcarpathia (down the White and Black Tissa).

The art of the Gutsul land stands out prominently among the rich and varied art of the Ukrainian people. The Gutsul folk art developed within the majestic and picturesque landscapes of South-East part of the Carpathians.

The Gutsul land is famous for such arts as wood-carving, ceramics, embroidery, artistic metal-chasing and leather tool­ing work and carpet-making. The artistic-production associa­tion "Gutsulshchina" has been set up in Kosiv, a town in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region which is a sort of a capital of folk art. Wood-carvers, potters and carpet-makers work in it. The more talented masters work at the Kosiv artistic-production workshops of the Ukrainian Art Fund. Many of them are members of the Artistic Union. They make new samples of items for the country's art salons and do work for export. In the country- ­side the folk craftsmen work either at home or at the souvenir-making workshops of collective farms.

The love for art is handed from generation to generation. A child gets his first lessons in art at home and perfects his knowledge at specialized secondary school of folk arts. To day the items made by the Gutsul artists are displayed at Ukrainian and foreign museums and salons and artistic household articles decorate the Ukrainian homes.

VI . Поставте означений артикль, де треба:         

The works of this artist were exhibited in Kyiv,… St. Petersburg, ... Berlin and Hague. 2. Maria Primachenko is undoubtedly one of the most famous folk painters in …Ukraine. 3. There is a legend, saying that the evil spirit dwelling on the high summits of ... Carpathian Mountains will not prevail over the jolly, hard-working Gutsuls so long as the colours of Easter eggs remain unfaded and the weave of their intricate pattern unbroken. 4. In the nineteenth century, small boxes, flasks, and dishes from the village of ... Carpathian Mountains became articles of merchandise selling well in ... Austria, Hungary, … Poland, and other …Western European countries. 5. Their wares were sold in ... Poland,… Lithuania, Turkey, USA and Canada. 6. Lesya Ukrainka, K. Kvitka and others donated valuable rugs, costume pieces, rushniks (embroidered ritual cloths or towels), wooden and glass wares of… Dnieper area to the Lviv State Museum of Ethnography and Grafts. 7. The peasant garment from … Galicia is represented in the museum. 8… Poltava Region is famous for its white-on-white embroidery using different techniques satin stitch, outwork, backstitch, and so on. 9. Objects of decorative art from the European border to ... Pacific Ocean and from Arctic Ocean to the south deserts are presented in the book. 10. As far back as the third millenium B.C., …Caucasus had regular contacts with Asia Mi­nor, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, China and … India.

Граматичний коментар :

I. Означений артикль вживається перед назвами річок, морів, океанів, гірських хребтів: the Volga, the Thames, the Dnieper, the Black Sea, the Urals, the Atlantic Ocean.

2.Перед назвами країн, міст, географічних місцевостей артикль не вживається: England, France, Germany. Але є винятки, коли перед назвами країн вживається означений артикль:

the United States of America, the Netherlands, the Ukraine, the

Congo, the Transvaal.

Kyiv, Lviv, London. Aле; the Hague /heig/, Western Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Central Asia, Aле: the Crimea, the Caucasus.

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