Hyperemia and peritonial edema were detected on the laparotomy in 24 hours. Increased

Amount of lymphocytes and monocytes were in the smear-print from the peritonium. What

Pathological process is in the animal?

A Allergic inflammation

B Serous inflammation

C Suppurative inflammation

D Fibrinous inflammation

E Aseptic inflammation


Daltonism was diagnosed in a 7-year-old boy while prophylactic medical examination. Parents

Are healthy, color vision is normal. Grandfather from the mother's side has the same disorder.

What is the type of inheriting of this anomaly?

A Recessive, connected with sex

B Dominant, connected with sex

C Incomplete domination

D Autosomal-recessive

E Autosomal-dominant


A married couple came to the genetic counseling. The husband suffers from the

Insulin-dependant diabetes, the wife is healthy. What is the probability that this couple will have

An insulin-dependant child?

A Higher than throughout the population

B The same as throughout the population

C Lower than throughout the population

D 100\%

E 50\%


A patient who had been working hard under conditions of elevated temperature of the

Environment, has now a changed quantity of blood plasma proteins. What penomenon is the


A Relative hyperproteinemia

B Absolute hyperproteinemia

C Absolute hypoproteinemia

D Disproteinemia

E Paraproteinemia


An infant has pylorospasm, weakness, hypodynamia, convulsions as a result of frequent

Vomiting. What kind of acid-base disbalance is it?

A Excretory alkalosis

B Excretory acidosis

C Metabolic acidosis

D Exogenous nongaseous acidosis

E Gaseous alkalosis


An experimental rat with extremity paralysis has no tendon and cutaneous reflexes, muscle tone

Is decreased, but muscles of the affected extremity maintain their ability to react with excitation

To the direct action of continious current. What type of paralysis is it?

A Flaccid peripheral

B Flaccid central

C Spastic peripheral

D Spastic central

E Extrapyramidal


A 28 year old man had a gunshot wound of shin that resulted in an ulcer from the side of the

Injury. What is the main factor of neurodystrophy pathogenesis in this case?

A Traumatization of peripheral nerve

B Psychical stress

C Microcirculation disturbance

D Infection

E Tissue damage


Blood test of a patient suffering from atrophic gastritis gave the following results: RBCs -

2,0*1012/l, Hb- 87 g/l, colour index - 1,3, WBCs - 4,0*109/l, thrombocytes - 180*109/l. Anaemia migh have been caused by the following substance deficiency:

A Vitamin B12

B Vitamin A

C Vitamin K

D Iron

E Zinc


A 45 year old patient was admitted to the cardiological department. ECG data: negative P

Wave overlaps QRS complex, diastolic interval is prolonged after extrasystole. What type of

Extrasystole is it?

A Atrioventricular

B Sinus

C Atrial

D Ventricular

E Bundle-branch


A rabbit's nerve that innervates the right ear was cut and its right superior cervical ganglion was

Removed. Immediately after operation the temperature of ear skin was measured. It was

Revealed that the temperature of the rabbit's ear skin on the side of denervation was by

1,50C higher than on the opposite intact side. What of the following is the most probable

Explanation of the above-mentioned effects?

A Arterial neuroparalytic hyperemia

B Arterial neurotopical hyperemia

C Atrerial hyperemia induced by metabolic factors

D Reactive arterial hyperemia

E Physiological arterial hyperemia


Two hours after an exam a student had a blood count done and it was revealed that he had

Leukocytosis without significant leukogram modifications. What is the most probable mechanism

Of leukocytosis development?

A Redistribution of leukocytes in the organism

B Leukopoiesis intensification

C Deceleration of leukocyte lysis

D Deceleration of leukocyte migration to the tissues

E Leukopoiesis intensification and deceleration of leukocyte lysis


A patient presents with icteritiousness of skin, scleras and mucous membranes. Blood plasma

The total bilirubin is increased, stercobilin is increased in feces, urobilin is increased in urine.

What type of jaundice is it?

A Haemolytic

B Gilbert's disease

C Parenchymatous

D Obturational

E Cholestatic


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 447; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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