Weakness, hypertonicity, sometimes convulsions. What disorder form of acid-base balance is it?

A Nongaseous alkalosis

B Gaseous alkalosis

C Gaseous acidosis

D Metabolic acidosis

E Excretory acidosis


Hours after appendectomy blood of a patient presents neutrophilic leukocytosis with

Regenerative shift. What is the most probable mechanism of leukocytosis development?

A Amplification of leukopoiesis

B Redistribution of leukocytes in the organism

C Decelerated leukocyte destruction

D Deceleratied emigration of leukocytes to the tissues

E Amplification of leukopoiesis and decelerated emigration of leukocytes to the tissues


A 59 year old patient is a plant manager. After the tax inspection of his plant he felt intense pain

Behind his breastbone irradiating to his left arm. 15 minutes later his condition came to normal.

Which of the possible mechanisms of stenocardia development is the leading in this case?

A High catecholamine concentration in blood

B Coronary atherosclerosis

C Intravascular aggregation of blood corpuscles

D Coronary thrombosis

E Functional heart overload


Arterial pressure of a surgeon who performed a long operation rised up to 140/110 mm Hg.

What changes of humoral regulation could have caused the rise of arterial pressure in this case?

A Activation of sympathoadrenal system

B Activation of formation and excretion of aldosterone  

C Activation of renin angiotensive system

D Activation of kallikrein kinin system

E Inhibition of sympathoadrenal system


A 50-year-old patient complains of thirst, drinking of a lot of water, marked polyuria. Blood

Glucose is 4,8 mmol/L, urine glucose and acetone bodies are absent, urine is colorless, specific

Gravity is 1,002-1,004. What is the cause of polyuria?

A Vasopressin insufficiency

B Hypothyroidism

C Insulin insufficiency

D Aldosteronism

E Thyrotoxicosis


A patient was ill with burn disease that was complicated by DIC syndrome. What stage of DIC

Syndrome can be suspected if it is known that the patient's blood coagulates in less than 3 minutes?

A Hypercoagulation

B Transition phase

C Hypocoagulation

D Fibrinolysis

E Terminal


A 55 y.o. woman consulted a doctor about having continuous cyclic uterine hemorrhages for a

Year, weakness, dizziness. Examination revealed skin pallor. Hemogram: Hb- 70 g/l,

erythrocytes - 3,2*1012/l, color index - 0,6, leukocytes - 6,0*109/l,

reticulocytes - 1%; erythrocyte hypochromia. What anemia is it?

A Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia

B Hemolytic anemia

C Aplastic anemia

D B12-folate-deficiency anemia

E Iron-deficiency anemia


A 56 year old patient came to a hospital with complaints about general weakness, tongue pain

And burning, sensation of limb numbness. In the past he underwent resection of forestomach. In

blood: Hb- 80 g/l; erythrocytes - 2,0*1012/l; colour index - 1,2, leukocytes - 3,5*109/l. What anemia type is it?

A B12-folate deficient

B Hemolytic

C Posthemorrhagic

D Aplastic

E Iron-deficient


The patient with acute miocardial infarction was given intravenously different solutions during 8

Hours with medical dropper 1500 ml and oxygen intranasally. He died because of pulmonary

Edema. What caused the pulmonary edema?

A Volume overload of the left ventricular

B Decreased oncotic pressure due to hemodilution

C Allergic reaction

D Neurogenic reaction

E Inhalation of the oxygen


A 25 year old Palestinian woman complains of weakness, dizziness, dyspnea. In anamnesis:

periodically exacerbating anemia. In blood: Hb - 60 g/l, erythrocytes - 2,5*1012/l, reticulocytes - 35o/oo, anisocytosis and poikilocytosis of erythrocytes, a lot of target cells and polychromatophils. What type of anemia is it?

A Thalassemia

B Sickle-cell anemia

C Minkowsky-Shauffard disease

D Addison-Biermer disease

E Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase-deficient anemia


A 23 y.o. patient complains of weakness, temperature rise up to 38-400C. Objectively: liver

and spleen are enlarged. Hemogram: Hb- 100 g/l, erythrocytes - 2,9*1012/l, leukocytes - 4,4*109/l, thrombocytes – 48*109/l, segmentonuclear neutrophils - 17%, lymphocytes - 15%, blast cells - 68%. All cytochemical reactions are negative. Make a hematological conclusion:

A Undifferentiated leukosis

B Chronic myeloleukosis

C Acute myeloblastic leukosis

D Acute lymphoblastic leukosis

E Acute erythromyelosis


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 449; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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