Hepatitis has led to the development of hepatic failure. Mechanism of edemata formation is

Activated by the impairment of the following liver function:

A Protein-synthetic

B Barrier

C Chologenetic

D Antitoxic

E Glycogen-synthetic


As a result of a road accident a 26-year-old man is in the torpid phase of shock. Blood count:

leukocytes - 3,2*109/l. What is the leading mechanism of leukopenia development?

A Leukocyte redistribution in the bloodstream

B Leukopoiesis inhibition

C Faulty release of mature leukocytes from the bone marrow into the blood

D Leukocyte destruction in the hematopietic organs

E Increased excretion of the leukocytes from the organism


As a result of a trauma a patient has developed traumatic shock that led to the following

Disorders: AP is 140/90 mm Hg, Ps is 120 bpm. The patient is fussy, talkative, pale. Such state

Relates to the following shock phase:

A Erectile

B Latent period

C Terminal

D Torpid

E -


Examination of a patient admitted to the surgical department with symptoms of acute

Appendicitis revealed the following changes in the white blood cells: the total count of leukocytes

is 16*109/l. Leukocyte formula: basophils - 0, eosinophils - 2%, juvenile forms - 2%,

stabnuclear - 8%, segmentonuclear - 59%, lymphocytes - 25%, monocytes- 4%. The described changes can be classified as:

A Neutrophilia with regenerative left shift

B Neutrophilia with right shift

C Neutrophilia with degenerative left shift

D Neutrophilic leukemoid reaction

E Neutrophilia with hyperregenerative left shift


A patient being treated for viral hepatitis type B got symptoms of hepatic insufficiency. What

Blood changes indicative of protein metabolism disorder will be observed in this case?

A Absolute hypoalbuminemia

B Absolute hyperalbuminemia

C Absolute hyperfibrinogenemia

D Proteinic blood composition is unchanged

E Absolute hyperglobulinemia


A patient was stung by a bee. Examination revealed that his left hand was hot, pink, edematic,

There was a big red blister on the site of sting. What is the leading mechanism of edema


A Increased vessel permeability

B Reduced vessel filling

C Injury of vessels caused by the sting

D Drop of oncotic pressure in tissue

E Drop of osmotic pressure in tissue


A patient consulted a dentist about itching and burning in the oral cavity; high temperature. The

Patient was diagnosed with trichomonal gingivostomatitis. What drug should be chosen for his


A Metronidazole

B Ampicillin

C Doxycycline hydrochloride

D Gentamicin sulfate

E Nystatin


A patient suffering from pheochromocytoma complains of thirst, dry mouth, hunger. Blood test

For sugar revealed hyperglycemia. What type of hyperglycemia is it?

A Adrenal

B Hypercorticoid

C Alimentary

D Somatotropic

E Hypoinsulinemic


A patient suffering from stenocardia was taking nitroglycerine which caused restoration of blood

Supply of myocardium and relieved pain in the cardiac area. What intracellular mechanism

Provides restoration of energy supply of insulted cells?

A Intensification of ATP resynthesis

B Reduction of ATP resynthesis

C Increased permeability of membranes

D Intensification of oxygen transporting into the cell

E Intensification of RNA generation


A couple had a child with Down's disease. Mother is 42 years old. This disease is most probably

Caused by the following impairment of prenatal development:

A Gametopathy

B Blastopathy

C Embryopathy

D Non-specific fetopathy

E Specific fetopathy


There are several groups of molecular mechanisms playing important part in pathogenesis of

Insult to cells which contributes to the pathology development. What processes are stimulated by

Proteinic damage mechanisms?

A Enzyme inhibition

B Lipid peroxidation

C Phospholipase activation

D Osmotic membrane distension

E Acidosis


A child was born with cleft palate. Examination revealed aorta defects and reduced number of

T-lymphocytes in blood. What immunodeficient syndrome is it?

A DiGeorge

B Wiskott-Aldrich

C Chediak-Higashi

D Louis-Bar

E Swiss-type


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