A child is pale, pastose, muscular tissue is bad developed, lymph nodes are enlarged. He often

Suffers from angina and pharyngitis, blood has signs of lymphocytosis. The child is also

Predisposed to autoallergic diseases. What type of diathesis can be presumed in this case?

A Lymphohypoplastic

B Exudative

C Gouty

D Asthenic

E Hemorrhagic


A 26 year old pregnant woman is under treatment at an in-patient hospital. After a continuous

Attack of vomiting she was found to have reduced volume of circulating blood. What kind of

Change in general blood volume is the case?

A Polycythemic hypovolemia

B Simple hypovolemia

C Oligocythemic hypovolemia

D Polycythemic hypervolemia

E Oligocythemic hypervolemia


Parents of a 3 year old child have been giving him antibiotics with purpose of preventing enteric

Infections for a long time. A month later the child's condition changed for the worse. Blood

Examination revealed apparent leukopenia and granulocytopenia. What is the most probable

Mechanism of blood changes?

A Myelotoxic

B Autoimmune

C Redistributive

D Age-specific

E Hemolytic


A patient ill with enteritis accompanied by massive diarrhea has low water rate in the

Extracellular space, high water rate inside the cells and low blood osmolarity. What is such

Disturbance of water-electrolytic metabolism called?

A Hypo-osmolar hypohydration

B Hyperosmolar hypohydration

C Osmolar hypohydration

D Hypo-osmolar hyperhydration

E Hyperosmolar hyperhydration


A patient with obliterating atherosclerosis underwent sympathectomy of femoral artery in the

Region of femoral trigone. What type of arterial hyperemia was induced by the operation?

A Neuroparalytic

B Reactive

C Metabolic

D Neurotonic

E Functional


A 15 year old girl has pale skin, glossitis, gingivitis. Blood count: erythrocytes - 3,3*1012/l, hemoglobin - 70 g/l, colour index - 0,5. Examination of blood smear revealed hypochromia, microcytosis, poikilocytosis. What type of anemia is it?

A Iron-deficient

B B12-folic acid-deficient

C Sickle-cell

D Hemolytic

E Thalassemia


A 70 year old man is ill with vascular atherosclerosis of lower extremities and coronary heart

Disease. Examination revealed disturbance of lipidic blood composition. The main factor of

Atherosclerosis pathogenesis is the excess of the following lipoproteins:

A Low-density lipoproteins

B Cholesterol

C High-density lipoproteins

D Intermediate density lipoproteins

E Chylomicrons


A patient ill with essential arterial hypertension had a hypertensic crisis that resulted in an attack

Of cardiac asthma. What is the leading mechanism of cardiac insufficiency in this case?

A Heart overload caused by high pressure

B Heart overload caused by increased blood volume

C Absolute coronary insufficiency

D Myocardium damage

E Blood supply disturbance


A 5 year old child is ill with measles. Blood analysis revealed increase of total number of

leukocytes up to 13*109/l. Leukogram: basophils - 0, eosinophils - 1, myelocytes - 0,

Juvenile neutrophils - 0, band neutrophils - 2, segmented neutrophils - 41, lymphocytes - 28,

Monocytes - 28. Name this phenomenon:

A Monocytosis

B Agranulocytosis

C Lymphocytosis   

D Eosinopenia

E Neutropenia


Rats being under stress have muscular hypertonia and high arterial pressure, high glucose

Concentration in blood and intensified secretion of corticotropin and corticosteroids. In what

Stress phase are these animals?

A Antishock phase

B Exhaustion

C Shock phase

D Erectile

E Terminal


After taking poor-quality food a patient developed repeated episodes of diarrhea. On the next

Day he presented with decreased arterial pressure, tachycardia, extrasystole. Blood pH is

These abnormalities were caused by the development of:

A Nongaseous acidosis

B Gaseous acidosis

C Nongaseous alkalosis

D Gaseous alkalosis

E Metabolic alkalosis


A patient has been diagnosed with influenza. His condition became drastically worse after taking

Antipyretic drugs. His consciousness is confused, AP is 80/50 mm Hg, Ps is 140/m, body

temperature droped down to 35,8oC. What complication developed in this patient?

A Collapse

B Hyperthermia

C Hypovolemia

D Acidosis

E Alkalosis


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 463; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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