Power inputs of a boy increased from 500 to 2000 kJ pro hour. What can be the cause of it?

A Physical exercise

B Raise of outer temperatute

C Mental activity

D Food intake

E Transition from sleep to wakefulness


A student is thoroughly summarising a lecture. When his groupmates begin talking the quality of

The summarising worsens greatly. What type of inhibition in the cerebral cortex is the cause of


A External

B Protective

C Dying

D Differential

E Delayed


In the experiment on the animal the part of the cerebral cortex hemispheres was removed. It

Caused elimination of previously formed conditioned reflex to the light irritation. What part ot the

Cortex was removed?

A Occipital cortex

B Precentral convolution

C Postcentral convolution

D Limbic cortex

E Temporal lobe


Inhibition of alpha-motoneuron of the extensor muscles was noticed after stimulation of

Alpha-motoneuron of the flexor muscles during the experiment on the spinal column. What type

Of inhibition can this process cause?

A Reciprocal

B Presynaptic

C Depolarizational

D Recurrent

E Lateral


Respiratory coefficient was studied in the patient who strictly kept certain diet for 10 days. It

Was determined that it is 1. What diet does the patient follow?

A With domination of carbohydrates

B With domination of proteins and fat

C With domination of fat and carbohydrates

D Mixed

E With domination of proteins and carbohydrates


On blood grouping on the system ABO, standart serum of the I and II groups caused

Erythrocytes agglutination of the examined blood and serum group of the III didn't. What

Agglutinogens are in this erythrocytes?



C А and В


E D and C


Punctata hemorrhage was found out in the patient after application of a tourniquet. With

Disfunction of what blood cells is it connected?

A Platelets

B Eosinophiles

C Monocytes

D Lymphocytes

E Neutrophiles


Students who are taking examinations often have dry mouth. The mechanism that causes this

State is the realization of the following reflexes:

A Conditioned sympathetic

B Unconditioned parasympathetic

C Conditioned parasympathetic

D Unconditioned sympathetic

E Unconditioned peripheral


Middle part of cochlear of internal ear was destroyed in animal while experiment. It will cause

abnormalities of the sound perception of the following frequencies:

A Middle

B Low

C High

D High and low

E No abnormalities


The person has decreased diuresis, hypernatremia, hypokalemia. Hypersecretion of what

Hormon can cause such changes?

A Aldosterone

B Vasopressin

C Auricular sodiumuretic factor

D Adrenalin

E Parathormone


The temperature of the ambient environment is 38oC and relative air humidity is 50%. What

Ways of heat emission provide maintaining a constant temperature of the human body?

A Evaporation

B Radiation

C Heat conduction

D Convection

E Convection and conduction


The minute blood volume in a patient with transplanted heart has increased as a result of

Physical activity. What regulative mechanism is responsible for these changes?

A Catecholamines

B Sympathetic unconditioned reflexes

C Parasympathetic unconditioned reflexes

D Sympathetic conditioned reflexes

E Parasympathetic conditioned reflexes


Isolated muscle of a frog is rhythmically irritated with electric impulses. Every next impulse is in a

Period of relaxation from the previus contraction. What contraction of the muscle appears?

A Waved tetanus

B Single

C Asynchronous

D Continuous(smooth) tetanus

E Tonic


A 30 year old woman has subnormal concentration of enzymes in the pancreatic juice. This

Might be caused by the hyposecretion of the following gastrointestinal hormone:

A Cholecystokinin-pancreozymin

B Somatostatin

C Secretin

D Gastro-inhibiting peptide

E Vaso-intestinal peptide


A patient has a trauma of sternocleidomastoid muscle. This caused a decrease in value of the

Following indicator of external respiration:

A Inspiratory reserve volume

B Expiratory reserve volume

C Respiratory capacity

D Residual volume

E Functional residual lung capacity


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 534; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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