Intrapleural pressure is being measured in a person. In what phase has a person hold his breath

 if the pressure is - 25 cm H2O?

A Speed up inspiration

B Calm expiration

C Calm inspiration

D Speed up expiration

E -


On examination of the person it was revealed that minute volume of heart is 3500 mL, systolic

Volume is 50 mL. What is the frequency of cardiac contraction?

A 70 bpm

B 60 bpm

C 50 bpm

D 80 bpm

E 90 bpm


Due to activation of ion channels of external membrane of excitable cell it's rest potential has

Significantly increased. What channels were activated?

A Potassium channels

B Natrium channels

C Fast calcium channels

D Slow calcium channels

E Natrium and calcium channels


The ventral roots of 5 frontal segment of spinal cord were cut during experiment in the animal.

What changes will take place in the innervation region?

A Loss of movements

B Loss of touch sensitivity

C Loss of temperature sensitivity

D Loss of proprioceptive sensitivity

E Hypersensitivity


Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) increased for 20% due to prolonged starvation of the person.

The most likely cause of filtration changes under this conditions is:

A Decrease of oncotic pressure of blood plasma

B Increase of systemic blood pressure

C Increase of penetration of the renal filter

D Increase of filtration coefficient

E Increase of renal plasma stream


A patient has a transverse disruption of spinal cord below the IV thoracic segment. What

Changes of respiration will it cause?

A Respiration will stay unchanged

B Respiration will stop

C Respiration will become less frequent

D Respiration will become deeper

E Respiration will become more frequent


Due to cranial trauma the patient developed the symptoms: intention tremor, dysmetry,

Adiadochokinesis, dysarthria. What structure of the brain is injured?

A Cerebellum

B Striatum

C Motor cortex

D Pale sphere

E Black substance


A lightly dressed man is standing in a room, air temperature is +140C, windows and doors

Are closed. In what way does he emit heat the most actively?

A Heat radiation

B Heat conduction

C Convection

D Evaporation

E Perspiration


ECG of a patient with hyperfunction of thyroid gland showed heart hurry. It is indicated by

Depression of the following ECG element:

A R-R interval

B P-Q segment

C P-Q interval

D P-T interval

E QRS complex


A peripheral segment of vagus nerve on a dog's neck was being stimulated in course of an

Experiment. The following changes of cardiac activity could be meanwhile observed:

A Heart rate fall

B Heart hurry

C Enhancement of atrioventricular conduction

D Heart rate and heart force amplification

E Increased excitability of myocardium


ECG of a patient shows prolongation of T-wave. This is caused by deceleration in ventricles of:

A Repolarization

B Depolarization and repolarization

C Depolarization

D Contraction

E Relaxation


In a healthy adult speed of the excitement conduction through the atrioventricular node is

M/sec. Atrioventricular delay enables:

A Sequence of atrial and ventricular contractions

B Simultaneity of both atria contractions

C Simultaneity of both ventricles contractions

D Sufficient force of atrial contractions

E Sufficient force of ventricular contractions


A 2 y.o. child has convulsions as a result of lowered concentration of calcium ions in blood

Plasma. It is caused by reduced function of:

A Parathyroid glands

B Hypophysis

C Adrenal cortex

D Pineal gland

E Thymus


What heat transfer mechanism is the most effective while the man being at 80% of air moisture

and the temperature +350 С ?

A Evaporation

B Radiation

C Heat conduction

D Convection

E --


During preparation of a patient to a heart surgery it was necessary to measure pressure in

Heart chambers. In one of them pressure varied from 0 mm Hg up to 120 mm Hg within one

Cardiac cycle. What heart chamber is it?

A Left ventricle

B Right ventricle

C Right atrium

D Left atrium

E -


Heart rate of a man permanently equals 40 beats pro minute. What is the pacemaker?

A Atriventricular node

B Sinoatrial node

C His' bundle

D His' bundle branches

E Purkinje's fibers


Stimulation of an excitable cell by the electric current has led to the depolarization of its

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 449; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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