To prevent long-term effects of 4-day malaria a 42-year-old patient was prescribed primaquine.

On the 3-rd day from the begin of treatment there appeared stomach and heart pains,

Dyspepsia, general cyanosis, hemoglobinuria. What caused side effects of the preparation?

A Genetic insufficiency of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase

B Cumulation of the preparation

C Decreased activity of microsomal liver enzymes

D Delayed urinary excretion of the preparation

E Drug potentiation by other preparations


According to audiometry data a patient has a disturbed perception of medium-frequency

Sounds. It might have been caused by a damage of:

A Middle part of helix

B Cochlear nuclei

C Spiral ganglion

D Quadritubercular structure

E Lateral geniculate bodies


A 17-year-old boy fell seriously ill, body temperature rose up to 38,50 С , there is cough,

Rhinitis, lacrimation, nasal discharges. What kind of inflammation is it?

A Catarrhal inflammation

B Serous inflammation

C Fibrinous inflammation

D Suppurative inflammation

E Hemorrhagic inflammation


A patient with disturbed cerebral circulation has problems with deglutition. What part of brain was


A Brainstem

B Cervical part of spinal cord

C Forebrain

D Interbrain

E Midbrain


A patient who has been treated with diazepam on account of neurosis complains of toothache.

Doctor administered him an analgetic, but its dose was lower than average therapeutic dose.

What phenomenon did the doctor take into account while prescribing the patient an underdose?

A Potentiation  

B Summation

C Cumulation

D Drug dependence

E Tolerance


Long-term starvation cure of a patient resulted in diminished ratio of albumines and globulines in

Plasma. What of the following will be result of these changes?

A Increase of ESR

B Decrease of ESR

C Increase of hematocrit

D Decrease of hematocrit

E Hypercoagulation


A patient has a decreased vasopressin synthesis that causes polyuria and as a result of it

Evident organism dehydratation. What is the mechanism of polyuria development?

A Reduced tubular reabsorption of water

B Reduced tubular reabsorption of Na ions

C Reduced tubular reabsorption of protein

D Reduced glucose reabsorption

E Acceleration of glomerular filtration


To anaesthetize the manipulation related to burn surface treatment, a patient was intravenously

Injected a medication for short-acting narcosis. 1 minute later the patient being under

Anaesthesia had increased blood pressure, tachycardia, increased tone of sceletal muscles;

Reflexes remained. After awakening the patient had desorientation and visual hallucinations.

What medication was the patient injected?

A Ketamine

B Sombrevin

C Diethyl ether

D Thiopental sodium

E Nitrous oxide


A 35 year old man consulted a dentist about reduced density of dental tissue, high fragility of

Teeth during eating solid food. This patient suffers the most probably from the deficiency of the

Following mineral element:

A Calcium

B Potassium

C Sodium

D Magnesium

E Iron


A patient is 44 years old. Laboratory examination of his blood revealed that content of proteins

In plasma was 40 g/l. What influence will be exerted on the transcapillary water exchange?

A Filtration will be increased, reabsorption - decreased

B Both filtration and reabsorption will be increased

C Both filtration and reabsorption will be decreased

D Filtration will be decreased, reabsorption - increased

E Exchange will stay unchanged


After destruction of CNS structures an animal lost orientative reflexes. What structure was


A Quadrigeminal plate

B Red nucleus

C Lateral vestibular nuclei

D Black substance

E Medial reticular nuclei


An isolated cell of human heart automatically generates excitation impulses with frequency 60

Times pro minute. What structure does this cell belong to?

A Sinoatrial node

B Atrium

C Ventricle

D Atrioventricular node

E His' bundle


Examination of a patient revealed a strong, balanced, inert type of higher nervous activity

According to Pavlov. What temperament type does the patient have (according to Hippocrates


A Phlegmatic

B Sanguine

C Choleric

D Melancholic

E -


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 526; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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