Necrosis focus appeared in the area of hyperemia and skin edema in few hours after burn.

What mechanism strengthens destructive events in the inflammation area?

A Secondary alteration

B Primary alteration

C Emigration of lymphocytes

D Diapedesis of erythrocytes

E Proliferation of fibroblasts


Processes of repolarisation are disturbed in ventricular myocardium in examined person. It will

cause amplitude abnormalities of configuration and duration of the wave:







On simulation of inflammation of the lower extremity the animal exrerienced raise of the

Temperature, increase of amount of antibodies and leucocytes in the blood. What substances

Caused this general reaction of the organism on inflammation?

A Interleukin

B Glucocorticoid

C Mineralcorticoid

D Leucotriens

E Somatomedins


A 68-year-old woman can't move by the upper and lower right extremities due to insult. Muscle

Tone of these extremities and reflexes are increased. There are pathological reflexes. What

Form of the paralysis is it?

A Hemiplegia

B Paraplegia

C Tetraplegia

D Monoplegia

E Dissociation


After a serious psycho-emotional stress a 45-year-old patient suddenly felt constricting heart

Pain irradiating to the left arm, neck and left scapula. His face turned pale, the cold sweat stood

Out on it. The pain attack was stopped with nitroglycerine. What process has developed in this


A Stenocardia

B Myocardial infarction

C Stroke

D Psychogenic shock

E Stomach ulcer perforation


Periodic renal colics attackes are observed in the woman with primery hyperparathyroidizm.

Ultrasonic examination revealed small stones in the kidneys. What is the cause of the formation

Of the stones?

A Hypercalcemia

B Hyperphosphatemia

C Hypercholesterinemia

D Hyperuricemia

E Hyperkalemia


While having the dinner the child choked and aspirated the food. Meavy cough has started, skin

And mucose are cyanotic, rapid pulse, rear breathing, expiration is prolonged. What disorder of

The external breathing developed in the child?

A Stage of expiratory dyspnea on asphyxia

B Stage of inspiratory dyspnea on asphyxia

C Stenotic breathing

D Alternating breathing

E Biot's breathing


Chronic glomerulonephritis was diagnosed in a 34-year-old patient 3 years ago. Edema has

Developed in the last 6 monthes. What caused it?

A Proteinuria

B Hyperproduction of vasopressin

C Disorder of albuminous kidneys function

D Hyperosmolarity of plasma

E Hyperaldosteronism



While playing volleyball a sportsman made a jump and landed on the outside edge of his foot. He

Felt acute pain in the talocrural joint, active movements are limited, passive movements are

Unlimited but painful. A bit later there appeared a swelling in the area of external ankle, the skin

Became red and warm. What type of peripheral circulation disturbance is the case?

A Arterial hyperemia

B Stasis

C Embolism

D Venous hyperemia

E Thrombosis


Having helped to eliminate consequences of a failure at a nuclear power plant, a worker got an

Irradiation doze of 500 roentgen. He complains of headache, nausea, dizziness. What changes

In leukocytes quantity can be expected 10 hours after irradiation?

A Neutrophilic leukocytosis

B Lymphocytosis

C Leukopenia

D Agranulocytosis

E Leukemia


A 12 y.o. boy who suffers from bronchial asthma has an acute attack of asthma: evident

Expiratory dyspnea, skin pallor. What type of alveolar ventilation disturbance is it?

A Obstructive

B Restrictive

C Throracodiaphragmatic

D Central

E Neuromuscular


A 46-year-old patient suffering from the diffuse toxic goiter underwent resection of the thyroid

Gland. After the surgery the patient presents with appetite loss, dyspepsia, increased

Neuromuscular excitement. The body weight remained unchanged. Body temperature is normal.

Which of the following has caused such a condition in this patient?

A Reduced production of parathormone

B Increased production of thyroxin

C Increased production of calcitonin

D Increased production of thyroliberin

E Reduced production of thyroxin


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 679; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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