The substance that can’t carry out this function:



C Thiamine pyrophosphate


E Glucose


Moving of the daughter chromatids to the poles of the cell is observed in the mitotically dividing

Cell. On what stage of the mitotic cycle is this cell?

A Anaphase

B Metaphase

C Telophase

D Prophase

E Interfase


The patient with diabetes mellitus has been delivered in hospital in the state of

Unconsciousness. Arterial pressure is low. The patient has acidosis. Point substances, which

Accumulation in the blood results in these manifestations:

A Ketone bodies

B Amino acids

C Monosaccharides

D High fatty acids

E Cholesterol esters


A 58-year-old female has undergone surgery for necrotic bowel. Despite having been treated

With antibiotics, on postoperative day 5, she develops symptoms (fever, hypotension,

Tachycardia, declining urine output, and confusion) consistent with septic shock. What

Hemodynamic support would be helpful?

A Fluids and Dobutamine infusion

B Dobutamine infusion

C Antibiotic administration

D Fluid administration

E Atropine administration


It was proved that a molecule of immature mRNA (precursor mRNA) contained more triplets

Than amino acids found in the synthesized protein. The reason for that is that translation is

Normally preceded by:

A Processing

B Initiation

C Reparation

D Mutation

E Replication


Examination of a patient revealed reduced contents of magnesium ions that are necessary for

Attachment of ribosomes to the granular endoplasmatic reticulum. It is known that it causes

Disturbance of protein biosynthesis. What stage of protein biosynthesis will be disturbed?

A Translation

B Transcription

C Replication

D Aminoacid activation

E Termination


Patient 54 year-old, 5th day after surgical operation. Blood count: Erythrocytes 3,6*1012/l,

Hemoglobin 95 g/l, Erythrocyte’s hemoglobin content (color index) 0,78; Leukocytes

16*109l, Platelets 450*109l Blood picture: anizocytosis, poikilocytosis, reticulocytes-

3,8%. What anemia does this patient have?

A Acute posthemorragic anemia

B Acquired hemolytic anemia

C Anemia from iron deficiency

D Hypoplastic anemia

E Chronic posthemorragic anemia


The patient with pneumonia was treated with antibiotics for a long period. After treatment patient

Complains of frequent and watery stool, abdomenal pain. What is the reason of intestine

Function disorder?

A Intestinal disbacteriosis development

B Antibiotics toxic influence on the GIT

C Autoimmune reaction development

D Bacteria toxins influence

E Hereditary enzyme defect


A 16 year-old patient got numerous traumas in automobile accident. Now the patient is haning a

Shock. А P - 80/60 mm Hg. daily urine volume 60-80 ml. What pathogenic mechanism leads to

Kidneys function violation?

A Decreased hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries

B Increased osmotic pressure in glomerular capillaries

C Increased pressure in Bowman’s capsule

D Increased vasopressin blood concentration

E Trauma of the urinary bladder


A 46 year-old patient has complained of headache, fatigue, thirst, pains in the spine and joints

For the last 2 years. Clinically observed disproportional enlargement of hands, feet, nose,

Superciliary arches. He notes that he needed to buy bigger shoes three times. What is the main

Reason of such disproportional enlargement of different parts of the body?

A Cartilaginous tissue proliferation under growth hormone influence

B Increased sensitivity of the tissues to growth hormone

C Joints dystrophy development

D Increased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin

E Joints chronic inflammation development


A 55-year-old patient with continuing ventricular arrhythmias was admitted to the hospital. The

Patient is taking timolol drops for glaucoma, daily insulin injections for diabetes mellitus, and an

ACE inhibitor for hypertension. You have decided to use phenytoin instead of procainamide.

What is the reason?

A The anticholinergic effect of procainamide would aggravate glaucoma

B The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would potentiate diabetes

C The hypertensive effects of procainamide would aggravate the hypertension

D The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would aggravate the hypertension

E The cholinergic effects of procainamide would aggravate the diabetes


Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 425; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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