Mucus with some eosinophils, there is sclerosis of alveolar septums, dilatation of alveole lumen.

What mechanism of development of hypersensibility reaction took place?

A Reagin reaction

B Cytotoxic reaction

C Immunocomplex reaction

D Cytolysis determined by lymphocytes

E Granulomatosis


Desulfiram is widely used in medical practice to prevent alcocholism. It inhibits aldehyde

Dehydrogenase. Increased level of what metabolite causes aversion to alcochol?

A Acetaldehyde

B Ethanol

C Malonyl aldehyde

D Propionic aldehyde

E Methanol


A 1-year-old child with symptoms of muscle involvement was admitted to the hospital.

Examination revealed carnitine deficiency in his muscles. What process disturbance is the

Biochemical basis of this pathology?

A Transporting of fatty acids to mitochodrions

B Regulation of Ca2+ level in mitochondrions

C Substrate phosphorylation

D Lactic acid utilization

E Actin and myosin synthesis


The patient with complaints of permanent thirst applied to the doctor. Hyperglycemia, polyuria

And increased concentration of 17-ketosteroids in the urine were revealed. What disease is the

Most likely?

A Steroid diabetes

B Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

C Myxoedema

D Type I glycogenosis

E Addison's disease


Index of pH of the blood changed and became 7,3 in the patient with diabetus mellitus. Detecting

Of the components of what buffer system is used while diagnosing disorder of the acid-base


A Bicarbonate

B Phosphate

C Hemoglobin

D Oxyhemoglobin

E Protein


A man got poisoned with mushrooms. They contain muscarine that stimulates muscarinic

Cholinoreceptors. What symptom is typical for poisoning with inedible mushrooms?

A Miosis

B Mydriasis

C Bronchi dilation

D Heart rate rise

E Arterial pressure rise


As a result of posttranslative modifications some proteins taking part in blood coagulation,

Particularly prothrombin, become capable of calcium binding. The following vitamin takes part in

This process:




D B1

E B2


Objective examination of a patient revealed: slender figure, big skull, highly developed frontal

Region of face, short extremities. What constitutional type is it characteristic for?

A Respiratory

B Muscular

C Digestive

D Cerebral

E Mixed


A 38-year-old patient died during intractable attack of bronchial asthma. Histologic examination

Revealed mucus accumulation in bronchial lumen, a lot of fat cells (labrocytes) in the wall of

Bronches, many of them are in the state of degranulation, there are also a lot of eosinophils.

What pathogenesis of bronchial changes is it?

A Atopy

B Cytotoxic, cytolytic action of antibodies

C Immunocomplex mechanism

D Cellular cytolysis

E Granulomatosis


Diabetes mellitus causes ketosis as a result of activated oxidation of fatty acids. What

Disorders of acid-base equilibrium may be caused by excessive accumulation of ketone bodies

In blood?

A Metabolic acidosis

B Metabolic alcalosis

C Any changes woun't happen

D Respiratory acidosis

E Respiratory alcalosis


A woman with 0 (I) bllod group has born a child with AB blood group. This woman's husband has

A blood group. What genetic interaction explains this phenomenon?

A Recessive epistasis

B Codominance

C Polymery

D Incomplete dominance

E Complementation


Osteolaterism is charcterized by a decrease in collagen strength caused by much less intensive

Formation of cross-links in collagen fibrils. This phenomenon is caused by the low activity of the

Following enzyme:

A Lysyl oxidase

B Monoamino-oxidase

C Prolyl hydroxylase

D Lysyl hydroxylase

E Collagenase


Depressions and emotional insanities result from the deficit of noradrenalin, serotonin and other

Biogenic amines in the brain. Their concentration in the synapses can be increased by means

Of the antidepressants that inhibit the following enzyme:

A Monoamine oxidase

B Diamine oxidase

C L-amino-acid oxidase

D D-amino-acid oxidase

E Phenylalanine-4-monooxygenase


A 3 year old child with symptoms of stomatitis, gingivitis and dermatitis of open skin areas was

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 427; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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