Utilization of arachidonic acid via cyclooxigenase pathway results in formation of some

Bioactive substances. Name them:

A Prostaglandins

B Thyroxine

C Biogenic amins

D Somatomedins

E Insulin-like growth factors


After a sprint an untrained person develops muscle hypoxia. This leads to the accumulation of

The following metabolite in muscles:

A Lactate

B Ketone bodies

C Acetyl CoA

D Glucose 6-phosphate

E Oxaloacetate


Myocyte cytoplasm contains a big number of dissolved metabolites of glucose oxidation. Name

One of them that turns directly into a lactate:

A Pyruvate

B Oxaloacetate

C Glycerophosphate

D Glucose 6-phosphate

E Fructose 6-phosphate


Emotional stress causes activation of hormon-sensitive triglyceride lipase in the adipocytes.

What secondary mediator takes part in this process?

A Cyclic adenosine monophosphate

B Cyclic guanosine monophosphate

C Adenosine monophosphate

D Diacylglycerol

E Ions of Са 2+


A patient has been diagnosed with alkaptonuria. Choose an enzyme whose deficiency can be

The reason for this pathology:

A Homogentisic acid oxidase

B Phenylalanine hydroxylase

C Glutamate dehydrogenase

D Pyruvate dehydrogenase

E Dioxyphenylalanine decarboxylase


A patient diagnosed with carcinoid of bowels was admitted to the hospital. Analysis revealed

High production of serotonin. It is known that this substance is formed of tryptophane

Aminooacid. What biochemical mechanism underlies this process?

A Decarboxylation

B Desamination

C Microsomal oxydation

D Transamination

E Formation of paired compounds


A genetics specialist analyzed the genealogy of a family and found that both males and females

May have the illness, not across all the generations, and that healthy parents may have ill

Children. What is the type of illness inheritance?

A Autosomal recessive

B Autosomal dominant

C X-linked dominant

D X-linked recessive

E Y-linked


Analysis of amniotic fluid that was obtained as a result of amniocentesis (puncture of amniotic

Sac) revealed cells the nuclei of which contain sex chromatin (Barr's body). What can it be

Evidence of?

A Development of female fetus

B Development of male fetus

C Genetic disorders of fetus development

D Trisomy

E Polyploidy


Vitamin B1 deficiency results in disturbance of oxidative decarboxylation of

α -ketoglutaric acid. This will disturb synthesis of the following coenzyme:

A Thiamine pyrophosphate

B Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)

C Flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD)

D Lipoic acid

E Coenzyme A


A child's blood presents high content of galactose, glucose concentration is low. There are such

Presentations as cataract, mental deficiency, adipose degeneration of liver. What disease is it?  

A Galactosemia

B Diabetes mellitus

C Lactosemia

D Steroid diabetes

E Fructosemia


According to clinical indications a patient was administered pyridoxal phosphate. What

Processes is this medication intended to correct?

A Transamination and decarboxylation of aminoacids

B Oxidative decarboxylation of ketonic acids

C Desamination of purine nucleotide

D Synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases

E Protein synthesis


A 45 y.o. woman suffers from Cushing's syndrome - steroid diabetes. Biochemical examination

Revealed: hyperglycemia, hypochloremia. Which of the under-mentioned processes is the first to

Be activated?

A Gluconeogenesis

B Glycogenolysis

C Glucose reabsorption

D Glucose transport to the cell

E Glycolysis


Autopsy of a 46-year-old man revealed multiple brown-and-green layers and hemmorhages on

The mucous membrane of rectum and sigmoid colon; slime and some blood in colon lumen;

Histologically - fibrinous colitis. In course of bacteriological analysis of colon contents

S.Sonne were found. What is the most probable diagnosis?

A Dysentery

B Cholera

C Salmonellosis

D Yersiniosis

E Crohn's disease


A patient had been ill with bronchial asthma for many years and died from asthmatic fit.

Histologic lung examination revealed: lumen of bronchioles and small bronches contain a lot of

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