The greater amount of nitrogen is excreted from the organism in form of urea. Inhibition of urea

Synthesis and accumulation of ammonia in blood and tissues are induced by the decreased

Activity of the following liver enzyme:

A Carbamoyl phosphate synthetase

B Aspartate aminotransferase

C Urease

D Amylase

E Pepsin


A 35 y.o. patient who often consumes alcohol was treated with diuretics. There appeared

Serious muscle and heart weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, AP- 100/60 mm Hg, depression. This

Condition is caused by intensified excretion with urine of:

A Potassium

B Sodium

C Chlorine

D Calcium

E Phosphates


After intake of rich food a patient feels nausea and sluggishness; with time there appeared

Signs of steatorrhea. Blood cholesterine concentration is 9,2 micromole/l. This condition was

Caused by lack of:

A Bile acids

B Triglycerides

C Fatty acids

D Phospholipids

E Chylomicrons


Examination of a man who hadn't been consuming fats but had been getting enough

Carbohydrates and proteins for a long time revealed dermatitis, poor wound healing, vision

Impairment. What is the probable cause of metabolic disorder?

A Lack of linoleic acid, vitamins A, D, E, K

B Lack of palmitic acid

C Lack of vitamins PP, H

D Low caloric value of diet

E Lack of oleic acid


A 44-year-old woman complains of common weakness, heart pain, considerable increase of

Body weigt. Objectively: moon-like face, hirsutism, AP- 165/100 mm Hg, height - 164 cm, weight

Kg; fat is mostly accumulated in the region of neck, upper shoulder girdle, stomach. What

Is the main pathogenetic mechanism of obesity?

A Increased production of glucocorticoids

B Decreased production of thyroidal hormones

C Increased production of insulin

D Decreased production of glucagon

E Increased production of mineralocorticoids


An experimental animal has been given excessive amount of carbon-labeled glucose for a

Week. What compound can the label be found in?

A Palmitic acid

B Methionine

C Vitamin $A$

D Choline

E Arachidonic acid


After a serious viral infection a 3-year-old child has repeated vomiting, loss of consciousness,

Convulsions. Examination revealed hyperammoniemia. What may have caused changes of

Biochemical blood indices of this child?

A Disorder of ammonia neutralization in ornithinic cycle

B Activated processes of aminoacids decarboxylation

C Disorder of biogenic amines neutralization

D Increased purtefaction of proteins in intestines

E Inhibited activity of transamination enzymes


Examination of a patient with frequent hemorrhages from internals and mucous membranes

Revealed proline and lysine being a part of collagene fibers. What vitamin absence caused

Disturbance of their hydroxylation?

A Vitamin C

B Vitamin K

C Vitamin A

D Thiamine

E Vitamin E


A 36-year-old female patient has a history of collagen disease. Urine analysis is likely to reveal

An increased concentration of the following metabolite:

A Oxyproline

B Indican

C Creatinine

D Urea

E Urobilinogen


Albinos can't stand sun impact - they don't aquire sun-tan but get sunburns. Disturbed

Metabolism of what aminoacid underlies this phenomenon?

A Phenilalanine

B Methionine

C Tryptophan

D Glutamic acid

E Histidine


A nurse accidentally injected a nearly double dose of insulin to a patient with diabetes mellitus.

The patient lapsed into a hypoglycemic coma. What drug should be injected in order to help him

Out of coma?

A Glucose

B Lidase

C Insulin

D Somatotropin

E Noradrenaline


A patient with continious bronchopneumonia was admitted to the therapeutic department.

Antibiotic therapy didn't give much effect. What medication for improvement of immune state

Should be added to the complex treatment of this patient?

A Timaline

B Analgin

C Sulfocamphocaine

D Benadryl

E Paracetamol


A patient suffers from hepatic cirrhosis. Examination of which of the following substances

Excreted by urine can characterize the state of antitoxic function of liver?

A Hippuric acid

B Ammonium salts

C Kreatinine

D Uric acid

E Aminoacids


Vitamin A together with specific cytoreceptors penetrates through the nuclear membranes,

Дата добавления: 2018-09-22; просмотров: 539; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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