A 10-year-old girl often experiences acute respiratory infections with multiple spotty

Haemorrages in the places of clothes friction. Hypovitaminosis of what vitamin is present at the



B В6

C В1


E В 2  


Hydroxylation of endogenous substrates and xenobiotics requires a donor of protons. Which of

The following vitamins can play this role?

A Vitamin C

B Vitamin P

C Vitamin B6

D Vitamin E

E Vitamin A


The formation of a secondary mediator is obligatory in membrane-intracellular mechanism of

hormone action. Point out the substance that is unable to be a secondary mediator:

A Glycerol

B Diacylglycerol

C Inositol-3,4,5-triphosphate


E Ca2+


A 4 y.o. child with signs of durative proteinic starvation was admitted to the hospital. The signs

Were as follows: growth inhibition, anemia, edemata, mental deficiency. Choose a cause of

Edemata development:

A Reduced synthesis of albumins

B Reduced synthesis of globulins

C Reduced synthesis of hemoglobin

D Reduced synthesis of lipoproteins

E Reduced synthesis of glycoproteins


Researchers isolated 5 isoenzymic forms of lactate dehydrogenase from the human blood

Serum and studied their properties. What property indicates that the isoenzymic forms were

Isolated from the same enzyme?

A Catalyzation of the same reaction

B The same molecular weight

C The same physicochemical properties

D Tissue localization  

E The same electrophoretic mobility


On some diseases it is observed aldosteronism with hypertension and edema due to sodium

Retention in the organism. What organ of the internal secretion is affected on aldosteronism?

A Adrenal glands

B Testicle

C Ovaries

D Pancreas

E Hypophysis


An experiment proved that UV-radiated cells of patients with xeroderma pigmentosum restore

The native DNA structure slower than cells of healthy individuals as a result of reparation

Enzyme defection. What enzyme helps this process?

A Endonuclease

B RNA ligase

C Primase

D DNA polymerase III

E DNA gyirase


A patient with suspicion on epidemic typhus was admitted to the hospital. Some arachnids and

Insects have been found in his flat. Which of them may be a carrier of the pathogen of epidemic


A Lice

B Spiders

C Bed-bugs

D Cockroaches

E Houseflies


A businessman came to India from South America. On examination the physician found that the

Patient was suffering from sleeping-sickness. What was the way of invasion?

A As a result of bug's bites

B As a result of mosquito's bites

C With contaminated fruits and vegetables

D Through dirty hands

E After contact with a sick dogs


Tere is observed inhibited fibrillation in the patients with bile ducts obstruction, bleeding due to

Low level of absorbtion of some vitamin. What vitamin is in deficit?





E Carotene


A 52 year-old patient with bronchial asthma was treated with glucocorticoids. Fever reaction

Appeared as a result of postinjective abscess. The patient had subfebrile temperature, which

Didn’t correspond to latitude and severity of inflammatory process. Why did patient have low

Fever reaction?

A Inhibited endogen pyrogens production

B Violation of heat loss through lungs

C Inflammatory barrier formation in injection place

D Violation of heat-producing mechanisms

E Thermoregulation center inhibition


A 35-year-old man under the treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis has acute-onset of right big

Toe pain, swelling, and low-grade fever. The gouty arthritis was diagnosed and high serum uric

Acid level was found. Which of the following antituberculosis drugs are known for causing high

Uric acid levels?

A Pyrazinamide

B Cycloserine

C Thiacetazone

D Rifampicin

E Aminosalicylic acid


During metabolic process active forms of the oxygen including superoxide anion radical are

Formed in the human body. With help of what enzyme is this anion activated?

A Superoxide dismutase

B Catalase

C Peroxidase

D Glutathioneperoxidase

E Glutathionereductase


A patient presents high activity of LDH1,2, aspartate aminotransferase, creatine

Phosphokinase. In what organ (organs) is the development of a pathological process the most


A In the heart muscle (initial stage of myocardium infarction)

B In skeletal muscles (dystrophy, atrophy)

C In kidneys and adrenals

D In connective tissue

E In liver and kidneys


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