Современные зарубежные источники


I. Общие источники

Andrews Frank  М., Witney Stephen  В. Social indicators of wellbeing: American’s perception of life quality. N. Y.‑L., 1976. 455 p.

Boulding  K. The Image. L., 1961. 175 p.

Carley Michael. Social measurement and social indicators. L., 1981. 195 p.

Chamberlian  K. Cultural differences, values and perceived Quality of life. SS. 83/Conf/CS/14,2. Paris. October 1982. 66 p.

Cohen Wilbur. Social indicators: Statistics for public policy // The American Statistician. Vol. 22. October, 1968. P. 14–16.

Development of indicators for monitoring progress towards health for all by year 2000. Geneva, 1981. 91 p.

The Economics of information and uncertainty. Chicago, 1982. 324 p.

Edwards Edwyn. Information transmission. An information guide to the application of the theory of information to human sciences. L., 1964. 134 p.

Etziony Amitai. Indicators of capacities for societal guidance // The Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 388. March, 1970. P. 25–34.

Fox, Karl August. Social indicators and social theory. Elements of operational system., N. Y. 1974. 328 p.

Forrester  J. Collected papers. Cambridge (Mass.), 1975. 284 p.

McLuhan М. The Gutenberg Galaxy; the making of typographic man. Toronto, 1962. 294 р.

Meadows  D.H., … The Limits to Growth. N.Y. 1972. 205 p.

Mukherjee  R. The Second Study of Quality of Life in India. SS. 83/Conf./CS/, 13, 14. Paris, February, 1983. 146 p.

National Information Policy: Report to The President of the USA. Wash., 1976. 82 p.

The OECD Hst of Social indicators. P., 1982. 124 p.

Pratt, Gordon and Hatvey, Susan. Information Economics. Costs and prices of machine‑readable‑information in Europe. L., 1976. 155 p.

The Quality of Life in European cities. Pittsburgh, 1974. 116 p.

The Quality of Life of assessment and measurement. P., UNESKO, 1983. 177 p.

The Quality of the Environment in Japan. Environment agency, 1975. 201 p.

Robinson  L.A., Davis  J.R., Alderman  C.W. According Information systems, a cycle approach. N.Y. 1982. 584 p.

Rokeach  М. The Nature of Human Values. N.Y., 1973. 438 p.

Rummel  R.J. The Dimensions of Nations. L. 1972. 512 p.

Sayre, Kenneth  М. Cybernetics and Philosophy of mind. L., 1976. 265 p.

Sheldon  E.B. and Freeman  H.E. Notes on Social Indicators: Promise and Potential//PoUcy Science, 1970. Vol. 1, N 1. P. 97–111.

Social Goals and Indicators for American Society. Vol. 11–11,1967. The Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science. Vol. 373. Sept. 1957. 291 p.

Gastil Raimond  D. Social indicators and Quality of Life // Public Administration Review, 30/November‑December/, 1970. P. 596–601.

Cuttman Louis. Social Problem Indicators // The Annals of the American Academy of Political Science. VoI. 393/January/, 1971. P. 40–46.

Hankis  E., Manchin  R., Fustos  L., Szakolrai  L. Interactions between Socio‑Econo‑mics Factors, Ways of Life and Value orientations. SS. 83./Conf./13.3. Paris. December, 1982. 121 p.

Horn  R.V. Social Indicators: meaning, methods and applications. Bradford, 1980. 44 р.

Jantsch Erich. Technological Planning and Social Futures. L., 1972. 256 p.

Johnston  D. Social Indicators and Social Reporting in The United States. SS/C/44/82/. Paris. August, 1982. 54 p.

Information and Society. N.Y. 1982. 154 p.

International telecommunications and information policy: selected issurs for thel980’s. Wash., 1983. 60p.

Kamrany Nake  M. and Alexander  N.  Christakis. Social Indicators in Perspective // Socio‑Economic Planning Science. Vol. 4, /June/, 1970. P. 207–216.

Knight Kennel  E.  Mc Daniel Reuben  R. Organisations: An information systems perspective. N.Y., 1979. 191 p.

Land Kenneth  C. On the Definition of Social Indicators // The American Sociologist. N 6/November/, 1970. P. 322–325.

Markley  O.W. Changing images of man. N.Y. 1982. 255 p.

McLuhan M. Understanding media: The extensions of man. N.Y. 1964. 382 p.

Social Indicators: Preliminary guidelines and illustrative series. N.Y., 1978. 134 p.

Social Indicators. 1973. Wash., 1973. 258 p.

Social Indicator models. N.Y., 1975.123 p.

Social Trends. L., 1981. 254 p.

Social implications of the scientific and technological revolution. UNESCO 1981. 392 р.

State Govemement Information Services. N.Y., 1983. 95 p.

Semiotics and dialectics: Ideology and the Text. Amsterdam, 1981. P. 573.

Semiotics unfolding. Mouton, 1983. 678 p.

Sebeok Thomas  A. Perspectives in zoosemiotics. The Hague‑Paris, Mouton, 1972. 188 р.

Terleckyf Nestor. The state science and research: some new indicators. N.Y., 1975. 201 р.



II. Материалы социальной статистики по странам



Perspective Canada. A compendium of Social Statistics.  – Ottawa: Statistics Canada, Ministry of Industry of Trade and Commerce.


Donnes Sociales. Paris: Imprimerie National.


Bundesministerium fur Arbeit und Socialordnub. Gesselschaftliche Daten, Bonn: Pressenne Informationsamt der Bundesregierung.


Social Trend. London. Her Majesty’s Stationary Office.


Indicator Social. Djakarta: Biro Pusat Statistik.


Economic Planning Agency. White paper on National Quality of Life in Japan. Tokyo: Overseas Data Service  Co.


The Quality of Life in Malaysia. Economic Report. Kuala Lumpur.


Social Survey, Oslo: Centrale of Statistics.


Indicator of Social Development. Manila: The Bureau of Census and Statistics.


Social Utvecling. Stockholm: Statistika Centralbyrav, forthco ming.


Toward a Social Report. Washington: Superintendant of Documents.

Social Indicators. Washington: Superintendant of Documents.


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