V. Инструктаж по выполнению домашнего задания
- What is your favourite place in our city/town?
(Учитель объясняет, как выполнять задание в рабочей тетра ди, и комментирует план написания статьи на примере текста. На доске записаны слова.)
introduction - вступление main body - основная часть conclusion - заключение
Предполагаемая статья:
Red Square is in the centre of Moscow. Every year thousands of tourists соте to see it. Why is it called the Red Square? Well, in the Old Russian language the name "Krasnya" meant "beautiful" and it has nothing to do with red walls. In fact, the Кremlin walls were white and it was only in the seventeenth century that "Krasnaya" started to mean "red" as it is .known today.
The Red Square is like the city of Moscow, ancient and vast, surrounded Ьу styles of architecture of different periods. The Кremlin is оп its western side, the State History Museum on its north, the beautiful G UM department store
along its whole eastern side, and the world famous coloured domes of St Basil's Cathedral оп the south. These icons all represent Moscow as the political, historical, business and religious centre of Russia. Another landmark is Lobnoye mesto, а round platforrn where puЬlic ceremonies were held in the past. Next to it there is the Monument of Minin and Pozharsky who helped to free Moscow from Polish invaders in 1612. Nowadays the Red Square is the place where you сап see the annual Victory Parade оп Мау 9. You сап also enjoy skating оп the massive ice rink during the winter months.
Red Square is my favourite place because of its magical atmosphere that makes visitors соте back over and over again.
(Если не хватает времени, учащиеся заканчивают работу дома.)
- Complete your article at home.
(Учитель записывает домашнее задание на доске, а ученики - в дневниках:
SB: Ех. 3 (р. 12); WB: Ех. 3 (р. 8).)
VI. Подведение итогов урока
- Do you know how to buy an underground ticket?
- Do you know how to write an article about your favourite place in the city/town?
(Учитель оценивает деятельность учащихся на уроке.)
- That's all for today. Goodbye! (Goodbye.
Урок 8. Extensive Reading: Mexico City
Цель: способствовать развитию навыков прогнозирования, работы с текстом, аудирования и монологической речи с опорой на сделанные заметки, продуктивного письма.
ОборудоваНllе: иллюстрации по теме урока.
Ход урока
Организационный момент
- Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning, teacher.
- How are you?
- 1s everyЬody here?
Актуализация знаний
Проверка домашнего задания
- How did you get оп with your homework?
(Учитель предлагает одному или двум ученикам прочитать свои письменные работы вслух, затем собирает тетради на про верку. После этого несколько учащихся разыгрывают диалоги.)
34 Module 1. Ufestyles
111. Работа по теме урока
Вводная беседа
- What do you know about Mexico City?
(Ученики называют известные им факты об этом городе (ме- стоположение, климат, достопримечательности и т. д.).)
Работа по учебнику
Упр. 1 (с. 13).
- Think often adjectives to describe а Ьig city.
(Ученики называют прилагательные, которые учитель запи сывает на доске, например: noisy, quiet, crowded, busy, с/еап, dirty, beautiful, huge, old, modern.)
- Look at the pictures and listen to the sounds. What do you think it is like there?
(Ученики слушают аудиозапись и отвечают на вопрос, исполь зуя образеu.)
Упр. 2а (с. 13).
- What would you like to know about living in Mexico City? Write five questions in your copybook.
(Ученики записывают вопросы в тетради, затем читают их вслух. Некоторые вопросы учитель записывает на доске.)
- How тапу people do live in Mexico City?
- What language do they speak?
- What landmarks are there in the city?
(Ученики читают текст про себя, а затем находят ответы на во- просы.)
Упр. 2Ь (с. 13).
(Keys: 1С, 2D, ЗА, 4Е, 5В.
Ученики повторяют за учителем хором и индивидуально вы- деленные в тексте слова.)
- Which word sounds similar in Russian? (Continent.)
- Does it have the same meaning as the Russian word? (Yes, it does.)
(Учитель предлагает ученикам с помощью иллюстраций объ яснить значение слов Ыосk of flats, lines.)
population (n): the number ofpeople living in a-country
language (n): а system of communication Ьу written or spoken words used in а country
currency (n): the money of а country
- At home write these words in your vocabulary books together with their meaning.
Упр. 3 (с. 13).
(Учитель делит класс на пять групп и объясняет задание. Каж дая группа получает лист бумаги с заголовком для написания за меток. Время выполнения задания следует ограничить. По окон-
чании работы представитель каждой группы делает сообщение с опорой на заметки.)
Continent: Europe Population: 13 million Language: Russian Currency: ruЫes
Heading | Notes | Speech |
Tourism | • More than one hundred parks and gardens; • museums, art galleries and theatres (the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin М useum of Fine Arts, the Bolshoi Theatre); • beautiful old buildings and decorated streets | Moscow is а very green city. There are more than one hundred parks and gardens where people сап walk and enjoy fresh air. Тourists сап visit museums, art galleries and theatres. The most famous ones are the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin М useum of Fine Arts, the Bolshoi Theatre and many others. In the centre of the city there are beautiful old buildings and decorated streets |
Homes | • Beautiful old houses in the centre; • large Ьlocks of ftats | Some people live in beautiful old houses in the centre of Moscow. But most people live in large Ыocks offtats. Some ofthem new and modern, but тапу buildings are old and uncomfortaЫe |
Transport | • Heavy traffic; • the Moscow Metro; • lots of buses, trolley buses and trams | Moscow is а difficult city to drive in because ofthe heavy traffic. Millions of people use the Moscow Metro. The Metro is one of the deepest subway systems in the world and it's famous for its amazing decoration. There are lots of buses, trolley buses and trams in the city, too |
Leisure | • Stadiums and sport centres; • places for shopping; • children's attractions (the Moscow Zoo) | Moscow has а great number of stadiums and sport centres where people сап do sports and watch competitions. There are тапу shopping malls in the city. Tverskaya Street is also one ofthe busiest shopping streets in Moscow. In Moscow parks there are many attractions for children and their parents, for exaпiple the Moscow Zoo |
Food | • Expensive restaurants and cheap cafes; • fast food restaurants | The city is full of expensive restaurants and cheap cafes. They serve traditional Russian food and national tood of different countries..There are lots of fast food restaurants, too |
Дата добавления: 2018-09-20; просмотров: 335; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы! |
Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!