Реализация дидактических принципов в процессе формирования

Грамматических навыков и умений.

Принципы Грамматический аспект
Собственно методические  


5. Ознакомьтесь с обязательным минимумом содержания основных образовательных программ (см. Приложение 2).

Сравните содержание обучения грамматической стороне речи на разных этапах:

- по объему,

- по степени усложнения формируемых навыков.

Перечислите продуктивные и рецептивные грамматические навыки.

Как вы думаете, будут ли изменяться подходы к введению грамматических материала? Если «да», то, как и почему? Если «нет», объясните причины.

6. Прочитайте вариант урока, направленного на формирование грамматического навыка использования неправильной формы глаголов в Past Simple, и определите тип каждого упражнения урока: имитационные, подстановочные, трансформационные, подстановочно-трансформационные,  репродуктивные.


« Everything starts from childhood. Really?                                           

Childhood is the happiest and the most careless period of life. It is the time when we ask many why-questions. As for me I remember some facts from my childhood very well. My mum likes to tell me about it. Of course my family album reminds me about some curious events from my past life.

So, I've taken some photos from my album. Look at the photos: when I was1 month old my mother walked me in my pram. When I was7 months old my mother walked me in my buggy. When I was6 months old I crawled a lot.In summer when it washot I played in the sandpit. I liked to ride my tricycle when I was 3. And when it stopped raining I always measured puddles with my wellies boots. But now I don't do it.

Кстати, а вы обратили внимание на то, каким образом я рассказывала о том, что я делала в детстве. Итак, давайте вместе сформулируем правило - как рассказать о событиях в прошлом?

Когда мы вспоминаем о событиях, которые происходили в прошлом, мы ис­пользуем правильные глаголы с окончанием -ed. Неправильные глаголы имеют различныеформы, которые необходимо запомнить (в таблице второй столбик Past Simple). Например: when I was1 month old Mother walked me in my pram...

1. When we were small, we did many interesting things. Please, say if you did the same.

e.g. - When I wasone month old, Mother walked me in my pram. And what about you?

- When I wasone month old, Mother walked me in my pram too. When I was3 months old, Mother walked me in my pram. When I was7 months old, Mother walked me in my buggy. When I was 6 months old, I crawled a lot. In summer when it washot, I played in the sandpit. I liked to ride my tricycle, when I was3. In summer my father and I liked to fly my kite. When it stopped raining, I measured puddles in my wellies boots. When I wentto bed, Ioften hugged my teddy bear. All my childhood I hated to eat porridge or drink hot milk <…>

Read Mary's letter to her mother, writing about her small daughter. Draw a scheme of the regular verbs with a blue pencil  and the irregular verbs with a red pencil

I expect you are surprised I'm not writing to you. I'm really very busy. Your granddaughter takes all my time. Yesterday was a very hard day for me. She climbed the sofa and then fell down. She cried a lot. She also squeezed her finger twice trying to close the door. She bit her tongue three times when she was trying to show it. And she ate nothing at break­fast, dinner and supper. She watched the cartoons 10 times a day and cried each time I switched off the TV set. That's why I had no time to write to you yesterday. You can't imagine how tired I am.                                                             

  See you soon, Mary.

Look at this photo - it's Thomas (13 years old). Explain why his mother felt very upset in the evening yesterday. The reasons were different, but don't forget that the events took place yesterday.

e.g. His Mother was very upset yesterday because Thomas... played football and was very dirty because of it.

... he whistl.. at school and the teacher got angry.

... he miss.. his musical lesson without any excuse.

... he spoil.. the children's sandpit where they used to play.

... he kick.. the homeless dog in the street.

... he shout.. at an old woman in the bus and call... her names.

Please, look at these pictures and remember, what you did when you were children.

e.g. - The mother is walking her baby in the pram. And what about you?

- When I was one month old, Mother walked me in my pram too. This baby is playing rattles. When I... 3 months,... The mother is walking her baby in his buggy. When I.... 7 months old,... This baby is crawling. When I... 8 months old,... This child is pointing at people in the street. When I...1 year old,... This boy is riding his hobbyhorse in the street. When I ...2 years old, ... <…>

Дата добавления: 2018-06-27; просмотров: 517; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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