СІЗО – pre-trial detention centre (калька), SIZO (транслітерація).

Певну перевагу практичної транскрипції та транслітерації як способів відтворення галузевих термінів можна пояснити як відсутністю відповідних денотатів у мові перекладу, так і небажанням вживати довгі описові конструкції, тобто тенденцією мовленнєвої економії, що сприяє поглибленню професійного розгалуження мов.

Останнім часом усе більше поширюється тенденція не перекладати галузеві терміни, абревіатури та власні назви взагалі, а лишати їх мовою оригіналу, що для фахівців полегшує спілкування, але, знову-таки, сприяє професійному розгалуженню мов. Особливо це притаманно «культурам» інформаційних технологій та медицини, причому приклади можна знайти практично у кожній відповідній публікації.

In the practice of translation, all known ways of reproducing industry terms, abbreviations and acronyms are used, and there is a certain advantage of practical transcription (approximate phonetic reproduction) and transliteration (reproduction in accordance with the corresponding letters of a foreign language) in comparison with shredding, using analogies or descriptive translation, which are often used in parallel with other ways. Por:

clearing - clearing (practical transcription);

trust - trust (practical transcription);

insurance - insurer (practical transcription);

vouching - vouching (practical transcription);

broker-dealer - broker-dealer (transliteration and practical transcription);

underwriting - description (securities) (cashmere);

cash - cash, cash (analogy);

benchmark - indicator, lighthouse (analogy);

surgery - work of a deputy with voters (analogy);

sustainability - the ability to maintain something at a given level (descriptive translation);

Verkhovna Rada - Verkhovna Rada (transliteration);

oblast - oblast (transliteration);

passport - propiska (transliteration);

prosecutor's office - prokuratura (transliteration);

administrative command system - administrative-command system (cashmere):

non-cash settlement - noncash settlement;

tangible assets stocks; tangible assets (analogy);

SIZO - pre-trial detention center, SIZO (transliteration).

A certain advantage of practical transcription and transliteration as ways of reproducing branch terms can be explained by the lack of relevant denotats in the language of translation, and the reluctance to use long descriptive constructs, that is, the tendency of speech efficiency, which contributes to the deepening of the professional branching of languages.

Recently, the trend is not to translate industry terms, abbreviations and proper names altogether, but leave them in the language of the original, which facilitates communication for professionals, but again contributes to the professional branching of languages. This is especially true of the "cultures" of information technology and medicine, with examples in almost every relevant publication.



1. The subject matter tasks and methods of the course “Special aspects of translation”

Social predestination (призначення) of translation.

Determinants of translator’s actions.

Basic ways and types of translation.

  1. The knowledge of fundamentals of the theory of translation is an element of the personal general education and requirements to the translator’s outlook are still greater. So the subject “Special aspects of translation” is a necessary part of translator’s competence.

Its TASKS are:to highlight a wide range of issues concerning theoretical, methodological, linguistic, and communicative genre and style, and cultural aspects of translation. They also consist in teaching the students to translate special terminology and specific phraseology, to define the style of different texts, to draw their translations, to interpret literature of different genres and styles, and to consult special dictionaries and directory books.

The AIMof the subject is to teach students to comprehend the poly aspect and to employ various types of translation transformations during interpretation.

Special aspects of translation are a theoretical generalization of skills and habits to translate a special text; and the background for performing translations in different speech styles and genres.

SUBJECTS:practice of translation, introduction into transl., translation of scientific literature, translation of terms.

Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 317; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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