Comparison of translation and interpretion

The term “interpretation” is polysemantic. As a synonym to the word “translation” it is used to denote the way of representing the idea of an oral source text as a target text . It is used to denote aesthetic, religious, political and pragmatic basis of the text under translation. Unlike translation, interpretation gives the translator more freedom of actions with translation object. So, interpretation can denote the style of a certain translator and his or her way of representing a certain literary work, source text interpretation is a process of concretesation, addition and sometimes more or less rethinking of semantic meanings on the basis of linguistic and situational context, and on the basis of the information previously known for the interpretor = prein-formation (пре інформація).

Linguistic context is a surrounding of a unit with other linguistic units.

Situational context – tone and place of a speech act.

The content of the interpreter’s level takes place only in speech.

Conclusion: the source text is a hierarchically organized system of functional and content element that shows the translator the degree precision (точності) in their rendering and exeptible limits of transformations that may be carried out.

2 determinants of translator’s actions:

1) The source text

2) The linguistic and ethnic barrio

Linguistic and communicative aspects of translation

1. Equivalence of translation

2. Translation correspondencies

3. Translation of non-equivalent units

4. Normativity of translation

5. Principles of translation strategy

1.Translation can be approached as a process of target text formation and regarded from the point of view of the philosophical doctrine of identity, equality, equivalence.

The term “adequacy”:

Equivalence – generic notion of any relation of equality.

Equivalence of source and target text is their equality that is achieved when 3 conditions are followed:

1) A target text must influence potentiallyits readers;

2) a target text must be a textual analogy of a source that as much as possible;

3) a target text should not have deviations from a source text that are not within transformations accepted in translation.

The majority of transformations is a deliberate deviation from the objectively possible language parallelism that is carried out to achieve the communicative and func5ional equivalence of the source and target texts. If it takes place, there should be a reason to this, принцавмотивованостіперекладатитрансформацій.

An equivalence level is a degree is sense proximity of source and target text that is determined by the part of the original text retained in the translation.

The conception of equivalence levels and types - komissarov :

1) The 1st type translation equivalence – retaining the content part of the source text that is the purpose of communication – збереженняметикомунікації – « яктобінесоромно» - «that's a pretty thing to say»

2) The common content part of the source and target text does not only communicate/transfer the same purpose of communication, it reflects the some extralinguistic situation – a set of objects and relations between them that are described in the utterance: «he answered the call» - «вінзнявслухавку», «вінпідійшовдотелефону»

3) The 3rd type of equivalence reforms such peculiarities of the source text as the lack of parallelism of constructions the impossibility to … pertaining the purpose of communication and common concepts: «London saw a cold winter last year» - минулогорокузимавлондонібулахолодною»

4) The translation conveys the majority of meaning if the source syntactic structures alongside with the content components that are retained in the 3rd type: «He was never tired of old songs» - «йомуніколиненабридалистаріпісні»

5) The maximum degree of content proximity of source and target texts that can exist between the texts in different languages « I saw him in the theathe» - « ябачивйоговтеатрі»



Regular Correspondences

A translation correspondence – a target unit that is regularly used to translate a certain source unit. There are correspondences of source lexical,, pharmacological, and grammatical units. Sometimes they are of the same unit , but sometimes there can be interleaved correspondence.


1) According to by character of relations with a source unit:

-single =constant variant – the mist stable constant way of translating a certain sourc3 unit; it is used in all or nearly all the cases of its appearing in the original; they are incessant on the context: terms, proper names;

- multiple =variant correspondence – some regular ways to translate a certain source unit the choice of which is determined by

Extralinguistic factors – good and bad; they concern cultural and historical factors and this preinformation unites large groups of people.

Preinformation that does not have cultural and historic characteristics is called “variable”. It is necessary for adequate message interpretation.

Another classification of factors:

1) Linguistic factors:

-lang.factors (lang. system and lang. norm)

-cultural and historic factors (divergences in ?)

2) Extralinguistic factors :

- differences in cultural and historical preinformation.

- differences in ?

Differences in cultural and historical pre-information.

Difference in culturally determined evaluation

Difference in preinformation of relatively neutral evaluation

Stages to overcome

1)відмінність у мовній системі – підрядковий переклад

2) Мовна норма

3) Мовленнева норма


1. Reexpressing of the source text with the means and according to the rules of the target language –мовна система

Зимова перерва для мотоциклу – розумне рішення водія

2. Liquidation of derivations from target language norms

Припинити їздити на мотоциклі взимку – буде розумним рішенням водія.

3. Overcoming the differences in using – making the text usual

4. Introducing extrainformation into the target text, using translator’s commentaries (незавжди; колиє реалії)


Linguistic and ethnic barrier

A LANGUAGE SYSTEM. A language system – a combination of all the real and abstract possibilities of language functioning.


A language norm is a real language possibility, a filter that either passes through, or delays. It passes through everything that does not correspond.


Use is a speech norm – a set of semantic an ?????

rules, another filter of a language norm; it separates everything that is relevant in a certain communicative situation.

Use is connected with the notion of stereotype. Stereotyping of speech can situational and semantic:

1) situational («ледар» - «несумлінна людина» - приклад розписано нижче),

2)semantic(як ми зазвичай говоримо на цю тему: «Wiespätistes?» ми перекладаємо як «Котра година?», а не «Наскільки це пізно?»)

PREINFORMATIONAL BACKGROUND of target and source language speakers.

They are extralingual knowledge that is used in the perception and interpretation of the text.




Нефахіфця Фахівця Дорослого Дитини
Наприклад, в українській мові є багато суфіксів, за допомогою яких ми утворюємо назву діяча, виконавця дії: - ар (казкар), - ач (читач), - ник (двірник), - тель (учитель) - иня (кравчиня), - иця (учениця). Суфіксів багато, але якщо треба утворити назву діяча від дієслова «мріяти», то треба знати, який саме суфікс обрати. Так отримуємо саме слово мрій-ник (а не мріяр, мріяч, мрійтель і т.д.) У побутовому мовленні людину можна назвати «ледар», в офіційному – «недостатньо сумлінна людина».

- Ну як ти?

- Та все як і раніше.

Співрозмовник має знати, як було раніше, щоб правильно зрозуміти відповідь.



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