Social destination of translation

Social destination of translation exists objectively (irrespective of translators, users, trans.clients)

A translator is a mediator in communication, but he is not an immediate participant of communication. A translator`s role – his or her presence should not be evident at all. The social significance of such translators in “imperceptibility” is in social destination of translation

Social destination of translation – to approximate 2-language communication to the natural 1-language communication as much as possible. The target text should be perceived by acceptor as a source-one. The target language should not betray its foreign origin. The reason is that a mediator is a message coauthor, because he makes it available to a foreign recipient. He remakes the message, adds, shortens, rearranges the content, forms the text again, comments on it etc.

Translation is a type of language mediation in which the source text content is convey with another language by means of making the text in this language that is of the same communicative value.

Determinants of translation actions

Two determinants come into collusion in translation actions:

 1) The source text dictating a translator what should be translated and with what minimal exactness

2) Linguistic and ethnic barrier that determines what modifications of the rended material are necessary to achieve communicative-functional equivalence of source and target texts, languages, caused by the absence of the common language and divergences = differences of their national cultures. There are non- linguistic ways to overcome the polylinguism (багатомовність): signs, gestures, traffic sign, and mathematic formulas. These ways of communication demand no language mediator (мовних посередників), buttheirsphereofusageisverynarrow. Language mediation gives much opportunities for communication over the language and ethnic area. Language mediation is an activity of a person who has communication of people who speak different languages.


1) Correspondingly, the actions determined by the source text – translating actions (транслюючи дії)

2) The actions determined by the language and ethnic barrier – modifying actions (модифікуючи дії)

Translating actions are actions – are aimed for making a target text appropriate for a new recipient, for a situation.

Translation transformations

Transl. transformations – ways of translating or changes with the help of which one can make the translation from source units to target unit. Depending on the character of source language, units translation transformations are subdivided into: lexical, grammatical, lexico-grammatical.

-concretization - generalization - modification = sense-potent development (смисловий розвиток): the target unit is logically deduced (виведений) from the source one.
Lexical semantic changes
Loantranslation – калькування, відтворюється кожна частина слова або словосполучення (massculture- масова культура)
Transcription + transliteration

Grammatical translation (at the morphological and syntactical levels)

1: Syntactic word-for-word translation 2:Division/split/dividing of sentences  (зміна граматичної структури, зміна плів грам.основ(підмета і присудка),було просте – стало складне, складносурядне, складнопідрядне) 3:United sentences Two simple sentences are connected into one 4:Grammatical changes - transl. of the source unit with the target unit of another gram. meaning (зміна роду, числа, відмінку, частини мови, заміна членів речення, заміна простого речення складним)

Lexical and grammatical

1: Antonymous translation   2: Explication   3: Compensation  


Classification of types of translation

1: Genre and stylistic 1) Literary transl. 2) Informative transl. 2: Psycho-linguistic 1) Oral-Synchronous, Transl.-Consecutive 2) Written translation 3: From the point of view of translation quality 1) Adequate 2) Equivalent 3) Exact 4) Literal 5) Free



Source text as a determinant of translator`s actions

1.    Source and target text.

The notion of a communicative effect.

2.    Theory of language sign and its meaning.

Its role in translation.

3.    Kinds and functions of source and target text context.

4.    Interpretation and translation.


1.    The subject matter of translation activity is a target text. When a translator in the process of 2-language communication substitutes a source text for a target one, he or she neutralizes the linguistic barrier that separates the interlocutors speaking different lang. and gives them an opportunity of interaction within 1-lang. communication. The analogy of their functions should be expressed in the analogy of their regulative influence on the addresses.

In the analogy of the communicative effect they produce, the communicative equivalence of the source and target text is reflect in the fact that:

1) potentially there`s a high degree of community between them, since they consist of similar linguistic anits that mainly represent the same information for all the members of the certain lang. group.

 2) Actually there`s a sufficial degree of community to enable the necessary mutual understanding under certain communication circumstances.

 3) Both forms are united into entity and divergences between them appear irrelevant for communication participance, because they are unaware of these divergencies thinking that the received message is a sent one and vice versa.


2.    Any activity consist of a range of conseque and parallel actions directed at a certain intermediate aim. The specificity and set of translation action are essentially determined by the source text, because a created target text should be a communicative and function and textual analogy of source text as much as possible.

The communicative and functional equivalence of consists in the fact that they are able to produce analogous communicative effects. The main factors that produce the communicative effect are text properties (communicative and functional) and also communicative competence.

Communicative competence of an adresee – amount of knowledge skills and habits in the sphere of speech communication that determine text perception and aterpreta

As far as communication and function properties of the text are concerned, they comprise to constitnents.

The context and degree habitualness or non-habibtualness.

A habitual form of the content comtriubes to faster and more adequite content perception and planned communicative effect.


A non-habitual, unconventional form hampers (утруднює) comprehension, distracts attention, leads to misunderstanding, prevents from producing the planned communicative effect.

The text content includes those elements of its meaning and structure that are vividly fixed by the text receptionist…

The degree of the necessity or exactness of conveying separate fragments and content aspects in translation is determined by the degree of their functional loan in the source text.

1) Functional content dominant (функціональна домінанта змісту) should be necessarily conveyed in translation in order to produce the potential regulative influence of the given text fragment.

2) Functional content subdominant allows some restricted modifications in translation from a limited range of opportunities.

3) Optional (факультативні) content elements are relatively free to be modified in translation or to be omitted without any damage for functional properties of the created text…


In translation, the exchange of linguistic signs of a source language for target language signs takes place parallelly at several interconnected levels: words, wordgroups, sentences, texts.

A linguistic sign is a sound and graphic complex whose meaning is defined as a correlation of something that is outside it.

A linguistic sign

1) A sign correlates with the denotate – any object or phenomenon of reality which a sign denotes.

2) A sign correlates with a significate – a reflection of a denotate in our mind; the reflection may be individual and collective.

3) A sign correlates with interpreters – those people who send and receive signs, besides, they interpret (розуміють, розтлумачують) them, they put in their meaning from their own.

4) A linguistic sign correlates with other signs.

There are two types of relation: paradigmatic relations and syntagmatic relations.

According to the sign relations, such types of meaning or content are distinguished:

1) Denotative (a denotate) – a reflection of only objective qualities of objects and phenomena. Source text denotative content comprises merely denotative meanings of linguistic signs represented in the text.

2) Significative – includes a wide range of content aspects determined by cultural and historic traditions of the use of a linguistic sign in certain social situations.

3) Significative connotations are content that goes hand in hand with the denotative content and is connected with this sign by all the representatives by the given ethnic community. It is a fact of a language. Significative content then comprises such conotations as some associations of a certain ethnic community that are ascribed (приписуються) to a denotative word meaning.

Свиня – поганалюдина,

dasSchwein - удача, щастя, талан.


2) Informationthat a sign contains about a speaker outlook.

3) Correlation of the notions with a certain social surrounding:

Wages – зарплатня кваліфікованих робітників,

Salary – зарплатня кваліфікованих робітників.

4)Indication to the speakers attitude to what is a denotate.

Різне забарвлення:

Das Gesicht - обличчя

Das Fresse – пика

5)Indication to the correlation of a language unit with a certain communicative sphere. That includes normative stylistic and functional stylistic coloring.

Conclusion:all the significative connotations are a component of a linguistic sign meaning inherent in a language system. All of the signs have a peculiar registered cultural and historical dictionary meaning. This meaning is called semantic. It is a combination of denotative meaning and significative connotations. That semantic meaning is abstracted from the users of signs that interprets.





The sender ___ to a text with certain content to influence the receptor of the content. In other words, the content perform some functions of the influence on the receptor that are predetermined by the author of the text. These functions:

1) an intellectual – informative function that is characterised by its appealing to the mind, to an adressee’s thinking; to achieve some shifts about the results of rational thinking be means of introducing some new information unknown for the recipient (scientific and technical literature);

2) emotive function – it embodies the adresser’s intention to influence directly at the emotional sphere of the adressee’s psyche ( literary and publicistic texts);

3) aesthetic function the speech is adressed to the adressee’s aesthetic feeling;

4) incentive function – consists in making the addressee do smth (advertisement)

5) marking function is connected with certain objects in speech to nominate smth ( geographic places, enterprises, shops); these nominations are used locally and temporarily;

6) the contact function establishes the contact between the text recipient and the addresser and maintains it during the whole text relating; it is realized through the selection of speech units and speech constractions through the correct thematic and rhematic chain and speech formular of regular usage.

Conclusion: there are no definite correlations between separate types of content and functions of the text : the same function may be realized be means of different contents; and the same content type can perform several functions.

In translation of a certain text fragment, a translator often paces the failure to render all the content elements represented in it;

1) Functional content dominant should be translated;

2) Subdominantcan be changed

3) Optional elements can be omitted

                          Dominant density of a text fragment under translation - is a number of functional dominants in a certain fragment; the more functional dominants there are in the text fragment and the shorter this fragment is , the more difficult it is to translate the dominant.

Is is one of the problems of translatability .

Дата добавления: 2018-06-01; просмотров: 414; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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