Ex.11. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову, використовуючи різноманітні функції дієслова “to have”

1. Вони будуть змушені продати цей товар якнайшвидше, тому що він швидко псується. 2. Цей товар рекламують ось уже декілька місяців. 3. Вам слід було повернути цей товар , він був ушкоджений під час транспортування. 4. Вони провели дослідження ринку і мають задовільні результати. 5. Давайте пообідаємо разом і обговоримо питання, які нас цікавлять. 6. Більшість країн мають змішану економіку. 7. За останні декілька років ціни підвищувалися двічі. 8. Так як компанія розширилася, їй доведеться найняти нових службовців.





Головні речення


        Підрядні речення

 Час дії   в підрядному  реченні
 присудок у Past Indefinite   

Присудок у Past Indefinite, Past Contiuous,

Past Perfect, Future - in-the-Past

     they prepared a contract (готують)   they were preparing a contract    Співпадає з дієсловом
I knew  that  they had prepared a contract  (підготували)  передує дієслову
     they would prepare a contract      (підготують)  Відноситься до майбутнього



Ex 1. Перекладіть речення  на українську/російську мову, дотримуючись правил узгодження часів.                                   


1. We considered that he could act as leader of our consorthium. 2. He said that they had discussed the insurance problem. 3. We asked who would pay expenses. 4. He answered that the expenses were included in the cost of the projects. 5. I thought that we should sign the contract at 10 o'clock in the morning. 6. I knew that they considered the offer in detail. 7. He said that the credit could be granted for 10 years.


1. The chief executive said that the 1998 promotional budget would not necessarily be reduced to the same extent as income.2. Siam City Cement, Thailand's second largest cement producer, said yesterday that it lost $ 148 m in the third quarter of this year.3. Industry analysts said that the company was affected by foreign exchange losses on $ 590 m of foreign debt. 4. National Bank chief executive confirmed that investment management activities were no longer part of the company's core direction.5. The financial director stressed that the capital expenditure had been financed from cash flow.6. The company said that the CPE would contribute about $ 70m to turnover. 7. He knew that the bank had strongly increased revenues from its deposits. 8. The chairman said he was considering selling some small operations and would seek partners in other areas.



              Типи підрядних речень і сполучники, якими вони вводяться

Підрядні речення   підрядні присудки   Сполучиики: That, if , whether Сполучні займенники: Who, what, which Сполучні прислівники: When, where, how, why How the system will work depends on many factors.   The question is who has to pay for goods.   Our chief knows that he has a good staff.
підрядні Відносні займенники: Whom, which Відносні прислівники: When, where, how, why Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue.
Підрядні обставини   часу Сполучиики: When, as soon as, while, as,after, before, till, untill When the GNP increases there are more available things for the American people
 місця Where, wherever Prices help to determine where factories will be built
 причини Because, by reason, so, as, since Since everybody is here we can start our meeting
 мети In order to,( that), for, (so) that, lest I tell you all this in order you understand me perfectly
 умови If, unless, provided If wages get too low, workers can’t afford to buy what is produced
допусто вості Even , though, although, despite that   GNP may increase even though the production of goods is unchanged
Способу дії How, the way, as Scientists are interested in the way the system works
порівняння Than, as…as He did this work faster, than they had expected
наслідку So that Japanese firms pour money into production improvements so that they can offer more and better products than the competition 



       Ex.1.Проаналізуйте складні речення і визначите типи підрядних речень, що входять до їхнього складу. Перекладіть речення на українську/російську мову.


1.The secret behind Lincoln's success is that he pays his employee well for job.2.The question is who has to make decisions.3. Though you don't know all in detail you have to write a report. 4. When banks in London begin trading at 8 a.m. they can deal with banks in Tokyo, Hong Kong, whose trading day is just ending. 5. Mr. Martin has a much bigger emergency to cope with it as soon as he arrives. 6.The right to property means that people can buy, sell and use land, buildings, inventions. 7. Decisions are made by business executives and politicians who may not seek economic advice. 8. There was an economist who understood the American dream and helped to shape it, even though he was not an American. 9. Our economy looks as if it was weak. 10. A central policy for any company is how to invest its capital. 11. Even if there is no exchange, marketing activities have occurred. 12. An accountant who is employed by a business is said to be in management accounting.13. Management knows what it wants to accomplish, but more often than not successful accomplishment of those goals is outside the control of the firm. 14. When creativity is more important than brute force, cash is necessary but not sufficient.



1.Human beings finally figured out how wealth may be produced in a sustained systematic way. 2. Microeconomics can also be challenging to study because it teaches principles that can be used in everyday buying and selling. 3. One reason is that saving depends on income as well as interest rates. 4. Countries with large debts can run into big trouble if interest rates go up and economic growth slows. 5. Although there has been a steady increase in the use of credit and debit cards, the level of notes and coins in circulation continues to rise. 6. Despite his background in financial management and his training as an accountant the author has carefully focused on all functional areas, not just on finance and accounting. 7. Every financial statistic can be made to look bad, although the converse is not always true. 8. Even if we can forecast foreign exchange rates, we cannot control them.                


       1.Macroeconomics can be a fascinating subject to study because it looks at such important issues as whether or not taxes should be raised; the problem of inflation and depression and much more. 2.A documentary letter of credit is an agreement with banks, made by a buyer to pay a seller, provided certain conditions are fulfilled. 3.People are free to choose where they want to work, whether or not they will join union and what career they want to follow.4. With a stable general level individual price signal may be read more clearly and more rational decisions taken about whether to save or to borrow, whether to invest or to consume, and what and when to produce. 5. A person is economically free if he can do what he wishes with his property, time and effort. 6.Whatever decision is taken, RMP (Royal Mail Parcel) is considered as a potential carrier of small parcel traffic. 7. Some goods require special handling, perhaps, because they are delicate or because they have a potential danger. 8. Engineers should organize the loading into the lorry or aircraft and arrange to monitor the shipment   until it is delivered. 9. The range of goods classified as dangerous is extremely wide, although the largest single category consists of chemicals. 10. There are certain commodities which can be shipped in cargo-only aircraft but cannot be carried on passengers flights. 11. A short study of the conditions will show why independent insurance is required. 12. The insured company must continue to behave as if the goods were uninsured at all times.       




Ex.2. Виділіть підрядне речення-підмет і визначте його позицію в наступних реченнях. Дайте правильний переклад цих речень. Пам’ятайте, що підрядні речення-підмети виконують функцію підмета і вводяться сполучниками that (що), whether (чи), whose(чий),what ( що, який),which (коли),where (де, куди), why(чому), how( як). Підрядні речення-підмети передують присудку головного речення.

What I need is a piece of advice. - Що мені потрібноце порада.

Якщо речення вводиться сполучником that (що), тоді переклад слід розпочинати зі слів: те, що …:

That the study of every day life has led Marshall to the definition of economics is very essential. – Те, що вивчення повсякденного життя привело Маршалла до визначення економіки, дуже важливо.

1.Whether he works or not makes little difference for the firm's income. 2. How the system will work depends on many factors. 3. That a person must obey the law is so evident and essential for functioning of any economical system. 4. It is no matter how else the organization runs itself cost -effectively and sensibly, if the product is not selling well. 5. Whether we are satisfied with our experiences, however, depends greatly on the individuals who manage the organization. 6. Whether morale correlates all that closely with productivity is an open question. 7. Employees should be able to see that what they are doing as individuals is contributing to meeting the goals of the organization. 8. In the long run whether an item is capitalized as an asset or expensed, immediately makes no difference in cumulative income. 9. But because it is difficult does not stop us from trying. 10. We know that we hope will happen, and past experience can provide some overall parameters.

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