Write the “Past Simple” of the following verbs

1. open …….                          7. want ……….

2. love …….                            8. hurry ……...

3. plan …..                               9. enjoy ……..

4. empty ……                         10. change ……

5. regret …….                         11. push ……..

6. try …….                              12. study …….

Put the verbs in the Past Simple Tense.

Yesterday my family and I ……. (visit) my grandparents. My mother …. (help) my grandmother in the garden. My father …. (clean) the windows outside. My brother and I …. (watch) a sports programme on television with my grandfather. Later we …. (walk) in the garden. Then our mother called us because it was time to go home. Our grandparents ….. (kiss) us goodbye and we …… (return) home. We ….. (arrive) home at 8 o’clock. Father ….. (look) for the key, ….. (open) our front door and we all ….. (walk) inside.


Прошедшеепростое. Past Simple. (Irregular verbs)

Полная утвердительная форма Полная отрицательная форма Краткая отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I went I did not go I didn’t go Did I go?
You went You did not go You didn’t go Did you go?
He went He did not go He didn’t go Did he go?
She went She did not go She didn’t go Did she go?
It went It did not go It didn’t go Did it go?
We went We did not go We didn’t go Did we go?
They went They did not go They didn’t go Did they go?


Write what Jean did or didn’t do yesterday.

Jean went shopping yesterday.

Jean didn’t read her book.

go shopping ˅
read her book  
feed the cat ˅
speak to her mum  
call Mary ˅
meet friends  
visit her grandparents ˅
take them a cake ˅
drive back home  

Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense.

Bryan Adams comes from Canada. He ….. (leave) school at sixteen and …. (work) as a gardener. He ….. (start) his career as a singer at the age of eighteen. He ….. (work) hard then. He only …… (become) famous in 1987 when he (make) his first album which he ….. (call) “Reckless” no one …. (hear) about him for a while, until 1991 when he ….. (sing) “Everything I do, I do it for you” which ….. (be) a great success. After that he …. (go) on a world tour. Today, Bryan Adams is back in Canada enjoying his success.

Будущее простое.FutureSimple.

Мы используем будущее простое время, когда:

- мы не уверены / ещё не решили, совершать ли это действие, например, Iwillprobablybuyanewbike;

- предсказываем будущие действия на основе своего мнения или воображения, например, Ithinkyouwillpassthetest;

- говорим о действиях, которые точно произойдут и не зависят от нас, например, Hewillbetwelvenextyear.;

- хотим выразить надежду, предложение, спонтанно принятое решение, предсказание, например, I’mhungry. I’ll make a sandwich.


Полная утвердительная форма Краткая утвердительная форма Полная отрицательная форма Краткая отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I will pay I’ll pay I will not pay I won’t pay Shall I pay?
You will pay You’ll pay You will not pay You won’t pay Will you pay?
He will pay He’ll pay He will not pay He won’t pay Will he pay?
She will pay She’ll pay She will not pay She won’t pay Will she pay?
It will pay It’ll pay It will not pay It won’t pay Will it pay?
We will pay We’ll pay We will not pay We won’t pay Shall we pay?
They will pay They’ll pay They will not pay They won’t pay Will they pay?

Time expressions used with the Future Simple Tense

Tomorrow (завтра), tonight (сегоднявечером), soon (скоро), next week (наследующейнеделе) / month (месяце) / year (году), in a week (черезнеделю) / month (месяц)

Fill in “will”, “won’t”, or “shall”.

Jim: …….. we go to “Snacks” restaurant for lunch?

Mary:No, you ….. like the food there. I think you …… like the new café in York Street.

Jim: O.K. We ….. take the bus there. …….. I phone John and ask him if he wants to come?

Mary: I’m sure he ….. want to come, but we …… have time to wait for him here.

Jim: ……. I tell him to meet us there?

Mary: That’s a good idea. Tell him we ……. meet him outside the café. There ….. be a lot of people so he ….. find us inside.

Jim: …… I tell him to be there in half an hour? ……… that be enough time?

Mary: Yes, I think so.


Настоящее совершённое время. PresentPerfect.

Настоящее совершённое используется, когда:

- действие произошло в неустановленное время в прошлом, например, Hehassoldhiscar;

- действие завершилось так недавно, что видны его результаты в настоящем, например, Hehasjustpaintedtheroom;

- говорим о личном опыте, например, Hehastriedskiing;

- действие началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор, например,Shehaslivedinthishousefortwoyears.


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 749; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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