Предлоги места, направления движения

Prepositionsofplace, movement.

on на
in в
in front of перед
behind позади
above над
opposite напротив
over над
                    among среди
                   through через, сквозь
between между
inside внутри
outside снаружи
along вдоль; по
across через
to к, в, по направлению


Оборот “thereis”, “thereare” используется в английской речи для того, чтобы сказать о наличии или отсутствии одушевлённых или неодушевлённых предметов в каком-нибудь месте, например: Thereisahouseinthegarden. There are many people in the square. There is not much tea in the cup.

Write “There is” or “There are” as in the example:

1. There are swings in the garden.

2. …….. two children.

3. ……… a woman.

4. ……….. a table.

5. ……….. two chairs.

6. ………. lots of flowers.

7. ………... a dog.

8. ……….. a flowerbed.

9. ……….. green bushes.


Вопросительныеслова. Questionwords.

Обычно мы используем следующие вопросительные слова, когда спрашиваем о:

Людях Профессиях / предметах Животных/ действиях Месте Времени Количестве Образе действия Причине
Who (Кто) Whose (Чей) Which (one of) (Который) What (Что) Which (one of) (Который) Where (Где) (Куда) When (Когда) Howlong (Как долго, сколько) Whattime (Сколько времени) Howoften (Как часто) How much (Сколько) How many (Сколько) How (Как) Why (Почему)

Match the question words with the phrases as in the example

1. At the library. A. Who? 1. G
2. 8.30 pm. B. When? 2. …….
3. A car. C. How much money? 3. …….
4. Twelve. D. How many? 4. …….
5. Tony. E. Why? 5. …….
6. Because she is clever. F. Whose? 6. …….
7. On Monday. G. Where? 7. ……...
8. Ben’s. H. What time? 8. ………
9. $ 27. I. What? 9. ……….


Fill in “Who”, “Whose”, “What”, “When”, “Where”, “Why”, “How much”, “How many”, “What time”.

1. ………? At 2.30.

2. ………? At the cinema.

3. ………? The teacher.

4. ………? In the morning.

5. ………? In the kitchen.

6. ………? My brother’s.

7. ……….? Because it’s cold.

8. ……….? On Saturday.

9. ……….? In the classroom.

10.  ……….? At the station.

11.  ………..? A mixer.

12.  ……….? Sophia’s.

13.  ……….? Mary.

14.  ……….? 10 o’clock.

15.  ………..? Next Thursday.

16.  ……….? Four.

17.  ………..? John’s.

18. ………..? In the park.

19.  ………..? $ 45.

20.  ………..? Tomorrow.


Read the text and answer the questions.

There is a boy betweenthe two girls. There is a cat under the tree and a bird is flying overthe cat’s head. There are some birds amongthe leaves of the trees. A cyclist is going along the street and an old man is walking across the street.

1. Where is the boy? Between the two girls.

2. Where is the cat?

3. Where is the bird?

4. Where are the birds?

5. Where is the cyclist going?

6. Where is the oldman walking?


Предлогивремени. Prepositions of time

in at on
in the morning (утром) at 8 o’clock on Sunday (в воскресенье)
in the afternoon (днём) at noon (в полдень) on Tuesday(вовторник) (days)
in the evening (вечером) at night (ночью) on October 4th (dates)
in November (months) (вноябре) at midnight (в полночь) on Sunday afternoon (ввоскресеньеднём)
in summer (seasons) (летом) at Easter (на Пасху) on a winter’s day (взимнийдень)
in 2015 (years) at Christmas (на Рождество  
in twentieth century (вдвадцатомвеке) at the weekend (ввыходные)  
  at the moment (в данный момент)  

Fill in “at”, “in”, “on” as in the example:

1. on Sunday.

2. ……. July.

3. ……. 1996.

4. ……. March 25th.

5. …….. Friday.

6. …….. summer.

7. …….. the morning.

8. ……. 9 o’clock.

9. ,,,,,,,,, Christmas.

10.  …… September 28th.

11.  …… Wednesday afternoon.

12.  ……. the evening.

13.  …….. autumn.

14.  ……. Monday morning.

15.  …….. winter.

16.  ……. noon.


Fill in: at, in, on.

1. What time is the seminar? It’s …… 11:00 am …. the morning.

2. Is your birthday ……. March? Yes, it’s …… March 15th.

3. How old were you ……. 2003?

4. It’s cold ……. winter.

5. Sue’s party is …… 4 o’clock ……. Friday.

6. ….. Christmas our family has a good time.

7. I often have a nap …… the afternoon.

8. My friend’s birthday is …… June.

9. The supermarket is closed ……. Sunday.

10.  Where were you …… 7 o’clock yesterday?

Fill in: “in”, “on”, “at”.

1) …… the weekend Peter is very busy. 2) ……. Saturdays he gets up 3) …… 7 o’clock and he goes for a walk with his dog. They come home 4) …….. 8 o’clock and he has breakfast. 5) ……… the morning Peter does his homework, then he has lunch 6) ……... 1 o’clock. 7) ……… 4 o’clock he goes swimming with his friends. 8) …… the winter they go to the swimming pool, but 9) …… the summer they can swim in the sea. 10) ……. about 5.30 they say “goodbye” and go home. 11) …….. the evening Peter watches TV. His favouriteprogramme is the sports programme 12) ……. 8.30 …….. 13) …….. Saturday evenings. 14) ………Sundays he tidies his room, digs the garden and he sometimes goes to the cinema.


Простое настоящее время. PresentSimple.

Настоящее простое время употребляется:

- для постоянных ситуаций, например, Sheworksinanoffice;

- для повторяющихся и привычных действий в настоящем, особенно с наречиями частотности, например, Heoftenbuysherflowers;

- для общеизвестных истин и законов природы, например, TheSunsetsinthewest;

- в расписаниях и программах, например, Thelessonstartsat 10 o’clock.

Полная утвердительная форма Полнаяотрицательнаяформа Краткаяотрицательнаяформа Вопросительная форма
I work I do not work I don’t work Do I work?
You work You do not work You don’t work Do you work?
He works He does not work He doesn’t work Does he work?
She works She does not work She doesn’t work Does she work?
It works It does not work It doesn’t work Does it work?
We work We do not work We don’t work Do we work?
They work They do not work They don’t work Do they work?


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 751; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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