Time expressions with Present Simple Tense

Onceaweek (один раз в неделю) Every morning (каждое утро) Always (всегда) Never (никогда)
Twiceaweek(два раза в неделю) Every year (каждый год) Sometimes (иногда) At noon (в полдень)
Every day (каждый день) Usually (обычно) Seldom (редко) In the evening (вечером)

Write the third person singular.

1. I cook – He cooks.                       5. They fly – It ……

2. We study – He …….                   6. I read – She …….

3. You teach – She ……                 7. I buy – He …….

4. I do – He ……                                  8. I like – She ……

Complete the sentences as in the example:

She does not speak Italian.

They ………. go to work.

We ………. swim very well.

He ………. watch TV every day.

You …….. live in England.


Complete the questions, then answer them as in the example:

1. Do the girls like football? No, they don’t.

2. ……… Jim eatbeefburgers? Yes,  ……..

3. …… you go to university? Yes, ……..

4. …… she tidy her room? Yes, ……...

5. ……. they like bananas? No, ……..

6. ……. Ann and Mary visit their grandparents? Yes,  ……

7. …….. your brother get up early? No,  ………

8. …….. their friends watch TV? Yes,  ………


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Tense.

Michael Johnson (live) in America.He (be) a famous pop star. He (travel) all around the world and (sing) at pop concerts. He (compose) his songs too.He also (make) pop videos.He (like) staying at home and listening to his records. He sometimes (go) to expensive restaurants with friends. He also (read) a lot of books about strange things. Many people (say) he (be) a strange man but I (like) him very much.

Настоящее длительное время.PresentContinuous.

Настоящее длительное время употребляется:

- для действий, происходящих в момент речи или близко к моменту речи, например, Chrisispaintingthegarageatthemoment;

- длявременныхситуаций, например, He is looking for a job these days;

- для чётко спланированных действий на ближайшее будущее, например, IamflyingtoLondontomorrow.

Утвердительная форма Краткая утвердительная форма Полная отрицательная форма Краткая отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I am talking I’m talking I am not talking I’m not talking Am I talking?
You are talking You’re talking You are not talking You aren’t not talking Are you talking?
He is talking He’s talking He is not talking He isn’t talking Is he talking?
She is talking She’s talking She is not talking She isn’t talking Is she talking?
It is talking It’s talking It is not talking It isn’t talking Is it talking?
We are talking We’re talking We are not talking We aren’t talking Are we talking?
They are talking They’re talking They are not talking They aren’t talking Are they talking?


When verbs end in one stressed vowel between two consonants, we double the final consonant. swim– swimming       walk - walking sit – sitting       But wait - waiting stir– stirring               open - opening
Look at the spelling of these verbs: → lie – lying                  write - writing die – dying                 drive - driving

Add “ing” to the following verbs and put them in the correct column.

Make, begin, hit, sit, shave, drink, play, tie, fly, die, cut, sleep, stroke, meet, take, listen, watch, come, type, drop, visit, fry

+ ing -ie → y + ing -e → ing double consonant + ing
drinking lying writing hitting

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. Use the Present Continuous Tense.

It is Sunday morning and the family is on the beach.

Mrs. Brown ……. (sleep) under a sun-umbrella. Mr. Brown ……(read) a book. Their two daughters …….. (swim) in the sea. Their son …….. (play) with a ball.

It is noon and the family is on the beach.

Look! The two girls ……. (run) towards the boy. Mrs. Brown …… (call) them. Mr. Brown …… (drink) some Coke and he ……. (read) a book.

It is Sunday afternoon and their picnic is ready.

They ……… (enjoy) their picnic. They …… (eat) their sandwiches. John ….. (not eat) his sandwich. He …….. (feed) the birds. They …… (have) a wonderful day.

Прошедшеепростое.PastSimple. (Regularverbs)

Прошедшее простое время используется, когда:

- действие произошло в указанное время в прошлом, например, Heboughtanewcarlastweek;

- говорим о состояниях / привычках в прошлом, например, Whenhewasyoung, helivedinasmallflat;

- действия в прошлом следовали одно за другим, например, Sheputonhercoat, tookherbagandleftthehouse.

Утвердительная форма Полная отрицательная форма Краткая отрицательная форма Вопросительная форма
I watched I did not watch I didn’t watch Did I watch?
You watched You did not watch You didn’t watch Did you watch?
He watched He did not watch He didn’t watch Did he watch?
She watched She did not watch She didn’t watch Did she watch?
It watched It did not watch It didn’t watch Did it watch?
We watched We did not watch We didn’t watch Did we watch?
They watched They did not watch They didn’t watch Did they watch?


Дата добавления: 2018-02-28; просмотров: 1005; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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