Ex. XV. Open the brackets using the proper form of the subjunctive mood

1. He failed to appreciate our difficulty. He (behave) differently if he (realize) the situation. 2. He often asks me about you. If you (come) to see him tonight, he (be) delighted. 3. Why did you leave so hurriedly? If you (stay there for another week, he (finish) your portrait. 4. Why do you always talk in such a scornful manner? If I (be) in your shoes, I (not be) so rude. 5. If you (smoke) less, you (feel) much better. 6. I think that if you (tell) them that our invitation still stands, they (give) it another thought. 7. She (do) her best to save the situation if she (be) there but she was on business then. 8. Where you (go) if you (be) on leave now? 9. How about going to Spain? The weather is perfect. If we (go) now, we (be) able to go water-skiing. 10. If Jack (come) home earlier last night, he (call) you back. 11. If you (not complain) so much then, everyone (be) satisfied and she (not) be fired. 12. What you (reply) if somebody (apologize) to you?


Ex. XVI. Change the following sentences according to the example.

Model:        If he came to see us, we would have a good time. — Should he come to see us, we would have a good time.

If he had come to see us yesterday, we would have had a good time. — Had he come to see us yesterday, we would have had a good time.

1. If I had known who was invited, I would have never come. 2. You would hardly recognize her if you met her. 3. If a passer-by hadn't helped us, we would not have found the way. 4. Mother would have had a short rest if the sick boy had gone to sleep. 5. We wouldn't have made friends with them if we hadn't stayed at the same hotel. 6. It wouldn't have been so cold in the morning if the wind had stopped blowing. 7. Peter would accept your invitation if he were in London. 8. They wouldn't have quarreled if they both had not been so nervous. 9. If they didn't like each other, they wouldn't spend so much time together. 10. If it snowed, the weather would get warmer.


Ex. XVII. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form. Pay attention to the adverbial modifiers of time.

1. If he (book) tickets yesterday, he (be) on the beach now. 2. She (not forgive) him if she (not be) his mother. 3. If you (drink) less last night, you (not feel) so bad today. 4. If he (be) cleverer, he (not behaved) so foolishly yesterday. 5. If I (know) English well, I (translate) the article long ago. 6. I (take) part in the last competition if I (be) younger. 7. If he (do) work yesterday, he (be) free today. 8. If you (take) into account his behavior then, you (not have) so much trouble now. 9. You (may be) a star now if you (be offered) the part in the film then. 10. If she (not decide) to change a job last year, she (go) to China next month. 11. He (not go) to sleep over that book if it (not be) so dull. 12. If he (be) a good musician, he (take part) in yesterday's concert.


Ex. XVIII. Translate into English.

1. Ты бы расстроился (beupset), если бы я не пришел? 2. Будь он осторожнее, он бы не упал. 3. Если бы он не приехал на машине встретить нас, нам бы самим пришлось нести свои вещи. 4. Ты бы пошла куда-нибудь вечером, если бы он тебя пригласил? 5. Мы бы поехали сегодня в бассейн, если бы вы позвонили вчера вечером. 6. Если бы он мог дать положительный (positive) ответ, он бы давно это сделал. 7. Я бы на твоем месте не стал бы поднимать такой шум (raiseaclamor). 8. Если бы ты принял его предложение, ты бы давно работал в хорошей фирме. 9. Будь я на вашем месте, я бы пошел пораньше, чтобы застать его. 10. Если бы он вел машину осторожнее, никакой бы аварии не произошло. 11. Не сломай он ногу, он бы выиграл турнир (tournament). 12. Никто бы не обвинил (blame) тебя, если бы ты вел себя по-другому.


Ex. XIX. Open the brackets and use the correct form of the subjunctive mood.

1. She was breathing heavily as if she (run) a long distance. 2. It seemed as though he (know) it long ago. 3. She looked at him as if she (see) a ghost. 4. He looked as if he (want) to say something but (be) afraid to begin his speech. 5. She behaved as though nothing (happen). 6. It seemed as if he never (hear) of it before. 7. They met as though they (see) each other for the first time. 8. They talked as if they never (meet) before. 9. They talked as if they (know) each other for ever so many years and it (not be) the first time they met. 10. He nodded slowly as if he (agree) to her suggestion but she knew he would never do it. 11. Her eyes were swollen and had shadows as if she (not sleep). 12. They stared at each other in silence, and it was as if they (listen) for distant footsteps. 13. He speaks French as if he (be) a Frenchman. 14. Nothing had changed in the room but it seemed as though somebody (be) there. 15. She looked very tired as if she (work) from early morning till late at night.


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