I.6. Прослушайте небольшой текст и назовите тему сообщения.


I.7. Прослушайте текст еще раз и дайте ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What is a prescription?

2. What drugs are legally controlled?

3. How are prescription items payable?

4. Who is exempt from payment?

5. How can a refund be obtained in case you should not have been charged a fee?


I.8. Прочтите следующие вопросы и отметьте номера тех, на которые вы можете ответить и тех вопросов, на которые вы затрудняетесь ответить.

1. What is necessary to do if you need a prescription drug?

2. Who can write out a prescription?

3. What information is contained in the prescription?

4. How many times can a prescription be used?

5. Who can dispense prescription drugs?

6. How are drugs dispensed in hospital settings?

7. Where can the patient find the necessary information on drug use?

8. How is the dispensing of prescription drugs regulated?

9. What groups of prescription drugs do you know?

10. What is the difference in dispensing of different groups of controlled drugs?


II. Работа с текстом

II.1. Ознакомьтесь со словами к тексту А.

an order[΄O:d@] письменная инструкция, заказ
to issue[΄Isju:], [΄ISju] выдавать (документ)
to be authorized[΄O:T@raIzd] быть уполномоченным
a single sheet of paper[΄sIÎgl] одинарный лист бумаги
a medication order [medI΄keIS@n ΄ O:d@] предписание пациенту
the patient chart[΄tSa:t] больничная карта
a controlled substance [k@nt΄rould ΄söbst@ns] лекарства, включенные в специальный список
strength[΄streÎT] сила действия (лекарства)
directions[dI΄rekS@nz] руководство (к действию)
to sign, signature [΄saIn], [΄sIgnItS@] расписаться, подпись
to refill, a refill, refillable[rI΄fIl] повторно выдавать по рецепту, повтор, для многократного использования
an indication[IndI΄keISn] указание
in writing / orally [in΄raItIÎ]/[΄Or@lI] в письменной форме / устно
(5) times (5) раз: слово “time“ во мн.ч. означает кратность
a prescription label[΄leIbl] лекарственный ярлык
to identify[aI΄dentIfaI] идентифицировать
a serial number (No.)[΄si:rI@l] номер серии
to assign[@΄saIn] предписывать
initial[I΄nIS@l] начальный, первый
caution, cautionary[΄kO:S@n] осторожный, предупреждающий
precautions[prI΄kO:S@nz] меры предосторожности
auxiliary[O: ΄gzIlI@rI] вспомогательный
topical[΄tOpIk@l] для местного назначения
patient profile[΄proufaIl] профиль заболевания пациента
regimen[΄redZIm@n] режим лечения
to bring to the attention of доводить до сведения
to confuse smb.[k@n΄fjuz] запутать, сбить с толку

II.2. Прочтите и переведите текст А. Дайте письменные ответы на вопросы, которые следуют за ним.

Text A


A prescription is an order for medication that is issued by a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or other licensed practitioner who is authorized to prescribe medication for patient use. A prescription is usually written on a single sheet of paper that is commonly imprinted with the prescriber's name, address, and telephone number. A medication order is similar to a prescription, but it is written on the patient chart and intended for use by a patient in an institutional setting.

All prescriptions should contain accurate and appropriate information about the patient and the medication that is being prescribed. In addition, a prescription order for a controlled substancemust contain the following information:

1. Date of issue.

2. Full name and address of the patient.

3. Drug name, strength, dosage form, and quantity prescribed.

4. Directions for use.

5. Name, address, and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number of the prescriber.

6. Signature of the prescriber.

A written prescription order is required for substances listed in Schedule II. Prescriptions for controlled substances listed in Schedule II are never refillable. Any other prescription that has no indication of refills is not refillable.

Prescriptions for medications that are listed in Schedules III, IV, and V may be issued either in writing or orally to the pharmacist. If authorized by the prescriber, these prescriptions may be refilled up to five times within 6 months of the date of issue. If the prescriber wishes the patient to continue to take the medication after 6 months or five refills, a new prescription order is required.

In addition to the name of the patient, the pharmacy, and the prescriber, the prescription label should accurately identify the medication and provide directions for its use.

The label for a prescription order for a controlled substance must contain the following information:

1. Name and address of the pharmacy.

2. Serial number assigned to the prescription by the pharmacy.

3. Date of the initial filling.

4. Name of the patient.

5. Name of the prescriber.

6. Directions for use.

7. Cautionary statements as required by law.

Auxiliary, or cautionary, labels provide additional important information about the proper use of the medication. Examples include "Shake Well" for suspensions or emulsions; "For External Use Only" for topical lotions, solutions, or creams; and "May Cause Drowsiness" for medications that depress the central nervous system. The information contained on auxiliary labels should be brought to the attention of the patient when the medication is dispensed. The pharmacist should place only appropriate auxiliary labels on the prescription container because too many labels may confuse the patient.

Questions to text A:

1. Who can the prescription be issued by?

2. What information should be imprinted on the prescription?

3. What is the difference between a prescription and a medication order?

4. What kind of information should all prescriptions contain?

5. For which drugs is ONLY a written prescription required?

6. When are prescriptions NOT refillable?

7. What is the term of validity (срок действия) of prescriptions for medications listed in Schedules III to IV?

8. What is the purpose of the prescription label?

9. Where can the patient find additional information about the proper use of the prescription medicament?

10. Why should only appropriate auxiliary labels be placed on the prescription container?


Дата добавления: 2018-02-15; просмотров: 272; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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